Tagged: appraisal fees


Questions & Comments RE Customary and Reasonable Fees

Where To Direct Questions and Comments Regarding Customary and Reasonable Fees The appropriate agency to receive your concern about a creditor’s compliance with the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), including the requirement for the creditor or the creditor’s agent (including an AMC) to pay an appraiser a customary and reasonable fee, is the agency that enforces TILA with respect to the creditor. With respect to insured depository institutions of more than $10 billion and their affiliates, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is the appropriate agency. For other non-depository institutions, the appropriate agency to receive the complaint is the CFPB...

AVMs No Substitute for Real Estate Appraisals 0

AVMs No Substitute for Real Estate Appraisals

With lenders facing myriad challenges and consumers seeking cost reductions, it might be tempting to take a shortcut with real estate valuation — but the negative impact could be significant and long lasting. Some lenders utilize automated valuation models in certain cases. However, AVMs are not real estate appraisals; the two are not comparable. An actual appraisal typically requires the appraiser to visit the property and to perform a visual inspection. This enables the appraiser to accurately report property information, which they then verify. Appraisers use their experience, expertise and education to determine which comparable sales to use and what...

Urge your Representative to Vote for Regulation of AMCs 0

Urge your Representative to Vote for Regulation of AMCs

Urge your Representative to Vote for HB 210 Regulation of AMCs Hello VaCAP! As you know, VaCAP leadership has been working hard with VAR and the VAR Appraisal Alliance to help draft and support an AMC regulation bill. This bill is currently in the Virginia House of Delegates, and will cross over to the Senate on February 15th. Since many local realtor associations now require appraisers to be full members in order to obtain access to their MLS systems, VaCAP has many members who are also members of VAR. If you are a member of VAR, your dues have helped...

Appraisal and AMC Fees Separated on Revised Settlement Forms 4

Appraisal and AMC Fees Separated on Revised Settlement Forms

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released the second proposed version of a new Consumer Disclosure Form Feb. 1 that includes clear disclosure of any fee paid to a “Local Appraisal Company” and to an “Appraisal Management Company.” The Appraisal Institute reported last month that the CFPB is in the midst of developing a new form that would replace the existing HUD-1 settlement statement. In December 2011, Appraisal Institute representatives met with CFPB officials about the new form. The CFPB has indicated that several versions of the proposed form will be developed and tested with consumers by focus groups, with a...

On Appraisals, Should You Follow the Money? 6

On Appraisals, Should You Follow The Money? Asks Kenneth Harney

Follow the Money Some appraisers are being paid less than half the fee, while the balance flows to an appraisal management company. Washington – The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on a real estate issue that gets to the core of the agency’s purpose: Bringing clarity and better disclosures about the often opaque and costly fees that homebuyers, sellers and refinancers are hit with at closings. One of the disclosures now under review might surprise you: appraisal charges. Why do they need clarifying? Doesn’t just about everybody who applies for a mortgage, whether it’s to buy a house...

Congress help regulators 1

Help Regulators Take Proper Aim

Help Regulators Take Proper Aim, Appraisal Institute Tells Congress CHICAGO (July 14, 2011) Testifying before a Congressional subcommittee, the Appraisal Institute’s president-elect on Wednesday told lawmakers their intent was “right on target” and asked them to “guide the regulators’ aim” in implementing consumer-friendly real estate appraisal guidelines. Sara W. Stephens, MAI, told members of the House Financial Services’ Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity that the Dodd-Frank Act passed by Congress last year is not being properly implemented by federal regulators. Among other highlights, the Act calls on appraisal management companies (AMCs) to pay “customary and reasonable” fees to residential...

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