Tagged: appraisal business


Adjustments – Your Opinion Doesn’t Count

Regulations state that appraisal adjustments cannot be based upon an appraiser’s opinion. According to federal and state law, adjustments must be based on support and evidence- proof if you will, and an appraiser’s opinion is not considered to be “support.” Many appraisers have failed to support their adjustments and as a result have had their licenses revoked, penalties assessed and lawsuits lost, all because the they failed to understand a single but important requirement. Think about your appraisals. Are the adjustments based on your opinion or do you have proof of the adjustment in your workfile? Then one day I...

Bullying of appraisers still going strong 6

Appraisal Bullying, Still Going Strong!

It’s time to stop appraisal bullying for good and put some teeth in any new law. Even today there is undue pressure being put on appraisers to make loans work. All the new regulations in the appraisal industry did nothing for the bullies who work for AMC’s now. It’s sad to hear veteran appraisers talk about the way they were disrespected and treated unprofessionally, and how they are making plans to leave the industry. It happens every day in appraisal forms and blogs all across the country. The bullying and intimidation is as bad now as it ever was before....

Where Did All the Good Appraisers Go - Imagecredit Flickr - gerlos 5

Where Did All the Good Appraisers Go?

The good appraisers are leaving mortgage appraising as fast as they can. Thus far the housing industry has been applying “Band-Aid” solutions to the bigger real estate crisis. There are several problems going on at the same time, all contributing to the big picture, which is bleak to say the least. One true crisis in the real estate industry is an “information crisis.” This information problem, trickles down to appraisals, lenders, and ultimately, mortgage investors. Standardization, national guidelines, and disclosures are the only way back from this nightmare (i.e. the RESPA disclosure. One fee on the good faith estimate for...

Appraisal Quality Determined by AVMs 7

Appraisal Quality Determined by AVMs?

…So, now we can check to see if appraisals are accurate by checking them against Automated Valuation Services? Wow! That’s frightening on so many levels. Remember the “garbage in, garbage out” articles about using AVM’s? Many AVM’s are close to useless. “Relevant data,” really, like an AVM? Gimme a break! Hard to get passed this on and it’s flat out crazy. If computers could price real estate accurately, the appraisal industry would have died out years ago…


Blacklisted? How to Get Reinstated

There is a high cost of being blacklisted. When a lending institution loses confidence in an appraiser’s work, the bank or AMC will put them on a “do not use” list, also known as a blacklist. In some cases, this means an appraiser has made a costly mistake. However, some banks are taking blacklisting to an extreme by treating appraisers as guilty until proven innocent without cause or reason why. If unchallenged, this practice can be devastating because being blacklisted even once can have permanent detrimental effects on an appraiser’s career, income, and reputation. By engaging in blacklisting lenders are...

Why do appraisers need a college degree? 10

College Degree for Appraisers?

Why Do Appraisers Need a College Degree? Let me begin by stating that I hold both a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree. I do not state that to get the adulations of the reader, but to qualify myself as one who can speak with at least a small degree of authority on this subject. Let me also be fair in stating that I loathed school. Do not misunderstand, I love and cherish education, I just hate school. I am a lifelong learner. I enjoy reading, researching, and experiencing new things. I love furthering my education. However, I am not one that fits very...

Hiring of Trainees to Remain Slow - Disservice to the profession 6

“Hiring of Trainees to Remain Slow” Shocking News?

“Hiring of Trainees to Remain Slow” This is ‘Shocking News?’ According to a recent survey conducted by the Appraisal Institute, “trainee hiring will remain relatively weak for the next one- to two-years.” Um, I hate to disagree with the results of what I am sure is a credible survey, but this is just a gross underestimation. One-to two-years? How about FOREVER unless something drastically changes in our industry? Most know me as a fairly optimistic voice in the appraisal world. I am not usually one of those on the sidelines calling “foul” at every supposed indiscretion and ‘unfair’ practice that...

Independent contractors pros cons 2

Independent Contractors vs. Employees Pros and Cons

Business owners must determine whether to hire appraisers as employees of the company or as independent contractors. Because many appraisers are self-employed or run small businesses with few staff, recruiting and staffing employees can present a unique set of challenges. Business owners must determine whether to hire appraisers as employees of the company or as independent contractors. According to a recent article in Valuation magazine, businesses are increasingly taking the independent contractor option whenever possible due to the significant savings and flexibility for the employer. However, there are pros and cons to both angles. Benefits for appraisal firm owners and...

3 Ways Hiring a Trainee Can Help Your Business 3

Business Decision to Hire a Trainee

3 Ways Hiring a Trainee Can Help Your Business It would likely come as no surprise to most appraisers at this point that with the changing demographics and aging of the valuation profession, attracting the next generation remains crucial to the future. With the many opportunities for employment and continued growth, the benefits for those considering pursuing an appraisal career are clear. The advantages to an experienced real estate appraiser of hiring a trainee may be less apparent, but they are no less significant. While there is undoubtedly significant work and time commitment upfront, hiring a trainee can reap long-term...

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