Stephen Forrester Memorial Fund

Stephen Forrester Memorial FundAppraisers, I just received notice about the untimely death due to COVID-19 of a Tennessee appraiser, Stephen Forrester, while he and his wife and two young kids were on vacation in the Bahamas. Details are posted below.

Please click here, and donate if you can. I just donated to this GoFundMe.

If you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser via email to appraisers you know, and on social media, to help spread the word.

By the way, Stephen has been Certified licensed since 2003.

The National Association of Appraisers (NAA) would like to celebrate the life of one of its members, Stephen Forrester, and raise funds to assist his family in their time of need.

Stephen is husband to Rebecca and two daughters age 12 and 14 all from Somerville, Tennessee.

The family was enjoying a vacation in the Bahamas. 72-hours prior to their flight home, Stephen tested positive for COVID-19 and was immediately quarantined. He insisted that Rebecca and his daughters return home as scheduled to avoid infection themselves.

Ironically, Rebecca and their youngest daughter tested positive for COVID-19 after their return home and while quarantined themselves, thankfully, did not suffer any complications. Their oldest daughter was also quarantined due to the exposure.

Rebecca and Stephen spoke daily and he insisted his health was improving each and every day. On, Wednesday, October 20th he did not respond to calls and/or text messages. Rebecca asked the hotel to check on him in his room; they reported that Stephen had sadly passed!

The family is still waiting for Stephen to return home which is expected to be in mid-November.

The isolation from each other is heartbreaking and the loss is tragic for Stephen’s entire family!

Stephen’s infectious smile will be remembered; it is one that draws those around him near to him. His dedication to his profession exemplifies a path to pay forward. Please help the NAA in paying Stephen back by helping Rebecca Forrester and her two daughters by donating to this fund to ensure his safe passage home, a memorial service to remember, and for the family to meet other necessary expenses associated with Stephen’s passing.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you, Stephen!

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Dave Towne
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Image credit flickr - Elvert Barnes
Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar Xpert says:

    RIP. My heart goes out to his family

  2. John O'Dwyer on Twitter John O'Dwyer on Twitter says:

    Was he vaccinated?


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Stephen Forrester Memorial Fund

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min