Appraisal News and Appraisal Tips For Real Estate Appraisers - Your source for appraisal industry news, appraisers' opinions, and discussions of appraisal issues

Future Changes in USPAP 2022-23 - Time to Quit the Constant Changes 11

Pending Future Changes in USPAP 2022-23

The Appraisal Foundation / Appraisal Standards Board have released the 4th Exposure Draft to the FUTURE version (2022-23) of USPAP. I, like so many other ‘stakeholders’ and appraisers, have grown weary of the incessant Exposure Drafts and updates to our mandated PROTOCOL MANUAL, which for many years has been massaged and modified in various ways every 2 years. Largely because new members cycle onto the ASB every year or two. The constant updates has resulted into a continuing cash cow for the Appraisal Foundation / Appraisal Standards Board. But in actual use, that should not happen because USPAP is codified...

Appraisal Fee Price Fixing Claim Case to Reach the US Supreme Court 6

Price-Fixing Case May Reach Supreme Court

The first case about real estate appraisers to reach the U.S. Supreme Court in almost 60 years may concern the Federal Trade Commission’s price-fixing claims against the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board. Would that be a good thing for appraisers? Well, maybe it’s not the best timing. Filed in 2017, the FTC’s administrative complaint asserts that the Louisiana appraiser board, “a state agency controlled by licensed real estate appraisers, has unreasonably restrained price competition for real estate appraisal services.” The FTC contends that the board carried out this price-fixing through its regulation of fees paid to appraisers by appraisal management...

ASC, End the Foolishness. Federalize Appraisal Regulation & Enforcement 12

ASC, End the Foolishness Now

End the constant ‘busy work’ USPAP updates. End the catering to lenders or ‘advisory’ councils. Appraisers are NOT supposed to be any of the things being demanded of us today EXCEPT good appraisers!… Return to a USPAP version (any version) that actually protected the Public Trust. That would be any version PRIOR to the revision of the terms appraisers and appraisals to “valuation & evaluators” (a term used only or at least primarily by the accounting profession historically). Dissolve The Appraisal Foundation (TAF). They effectively achieved the congressional objective mandated in ’89 long ago. Everything since has been the administrative...

Can an AMC Tell Appraisers How to Dress? 25

Can an AMC Tell Appraisers How to Dress?

I recently saw a Facebook post where an appraiser was quite upset and offended that an AMC asked him to dress professionally for an appraisal walkthrough. Now, this was a request that was made up front as one of the conditions for accepting the order. Reading the post, it sounded like this appraiser was upset for two reasons. One, he was offended that the AMC was implying that he does not take his job seriously enough or dress professionally enough. Two, he felt like the AMC did not have a right to tell him how to do his job (i.e....

Building Codes: Need for Railings or Handrails? Is this a Legal Bedroom?... 6

Building Codes

Appraisers should have a basic understanding of residential electrical, plumbing and building codes. Or at least have a way to research them… While reading the National Appraisers Forum on Friday December 4, 2020, I found a post contributed by California appraiser Craig Gilbert, who provided this link to building codes in each state. Over the years, I’ve seen numerous appraiser comments in various places stating that I don’t need to know anything about building, electrical or plumbing codes. Well, I hate to be the Grinch who stole Christmas, but I disagree with that perspective. Appraisers should have a basic understanding...

Jan Bellas Needs Our Help - Please Support Her - Appraisers Blogs 3

Jan Bellas Needs Our Help

As most are well aware Jan Bellas is a very important executive member of the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA). She works tirelessly for our members to help get them the results they need without a great deal of compensation for her efforts. Recently Jan suffered the loss of her husband due to COVID and cancer. With that loss, comes the financial burden associated with it as well as having to take time off from performing her duties at the AGA for all members. I am starting this fundraiser in the hopes that we all can give back and help...

TAF Turns Down Free Grant Money, Counts on Appraisers to Foot the Bill 4

TAF Counting on Appraisers to Foot the Bill

From October 30, 2020 TAFAC meeting, TAF president Dave Bunton said: “Earlier this week the Foundation notified the ASC that it would not be seeking any grant funds for 2021” Turning down “free” grant money means that TAF is counting heavily on appraisers to foot the bill when ethically, TAF should be making USPAP free. They are not taking the money because they are trying to avoid the “strings attached” from ASC (translation: avoiding oversight from ASC). The Cosmic Cobra Guy Jeremy Bagott Asks Us To See TAF As A Disney-like Rights Management Operation From Buzzcast: Junkets, Petitions, and the...

Classless Class Valuation AMC Lives Up to Its Nickname Again! 22

Classless Class Valuation

Class Valuation has done some pretty horrific things in the past, but this one has earned them the true title of Classless… It finally happened… I was sent an email from Class Valuation. The subject line “New Benefits from Class Valuation – Just in time for Thanksgiving!” Well fellow appraisers, I can honestly state with 100% certainty, Class Valuation has lived up to its nick name given to them by so many… Classless! Class Valuation has done some pretty horrific things in the past, but this one has earned them the true title of Classless. You see, the benefits Class...

Appraisal Racism... Fact or Fiction? Where is the Actual Evidence? 10

Appraisal Racism… Fact or Fiction?

Not one single point provides any evidence to the appraiser engaging in a racist act… No appraisal reports or actual evidence of racism has been produced by the accuser… Not one single case has been presented to the appraisal state boards… The real estate community is aware of the recent onslaught of articles going around accusing real estate appraisers of racism and appraising homes for less than what the actual homeowner thinks the home is worth. It started with Abena Horton in Jacksonville, FL Additional accusations were made in Chicago, Denver, and Newark, NJ. Each article written accuses the appraiser...

Appraiser Judy Dowdy Needs Our Help! - Appraisers Blogs 4

Appraiser Judy Dowdy Needs Our Help!

Our friend & retired appraiser Judy Dowdy was nearly killed by a distracted driver in mid-October while riding her bike in Oregon. Sustained very serious injuries and spent time in a trauma hospital in Oregon. Now she and partner Ben are temporarily living in his late mother’s home in CA while she recovers. Joe Lynch posted the message below from Judy Dowdy: “After the follow up doctors appointment in two more days of driving we made it to the central valley of California in the town of Hanford. I was able to very carefully get in and out of our...

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