344 Search results

For the term "clear val".
Extinction of the Appraisal Industry - Image courtesy of Nujalee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net 23

The Imminent Extinction of the Appraisal Industry?

Late yesterday afternoon a bill was introduced in the House of Representatives that would alter the mortgage process and ultimately the way millions of Americans receive a mortgage. HR 1108 would eliminate the need for an appraiser to appraise a home prior to the funds being disbursed to the

In response to appraisers under attack 2

In Response to “Appraisers Under Attack”

In response to Frank Garay and Brian Steven’s commentary (see video below), on the lawsuit against TriMavin AMC over alleged appraisal independence violations, an anonymous commentator posted the following: There are a number of posters here who need to re-take their CE classes including the moderators. Here are the reasons the entire industry is severely broken. I mean from the Realtor to the Appraiser to the Mortgage Lender. First of all HVCC sunset folks – back in 2010. It was replaced with AIR (Appraiser Independence Regulations) and the Dodd Frank Act. Cannot tell you how irritating it is to me...

BPO bill consumer confusion 0

NJ Governor Vetoes BPO Cites Consumer Confusion

NJ Governor Vetoes BPO Legislation, Cites Consumer Confusion On Aug. 19, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed bill S. 2551, legislation that would have significantly expanded the ability of the state’s real estate professionals to provide broker price opinion and comparative market analysis services. In his veto message to the Legislature, Christie said, “While I appreciate the desire to facilitate additional business for real estate licensees in the state of New Jersey, I am concerned about potential consumer confusion.” The Appraisal Institute chapters in New Jersey testified in strong opposition to this bill when it was going through the legislative...

Former Chief appraiser sues AMC 8

Former Chief Appraiser Sues AMC

Former Chief Appraiser Sues Appraisal Management Company Over Alleged Appraisal Independence Violations With respect to appraisal management companies (AMCs), based on the large volume of appraisal regulatory and legal matters that we track, I feel comfortable stating that there is no material governmental enforcement of the appraisal independence rules adopted in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (or in the earlier rules adopted by the Federal Reserve Board in 2008 as part of Regulation Z). Neither the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau nor any state attorneys general have undertaken any significant investigations or taken any significant legal actions...

Appraiser Trainees Hiring to Remain Weak: AI Survey 3

Trainees Hiring to Remain Weak

Appraiser Trainees Hiring to Remain Weak: AI Survey Hiring of real estate appraiser trainees will remain weak for the next one to two years, according to an Appraisal Institute survey released July 17. About one-fifth (21 percent) of commercial appraisers said they would add full-time trainees; fewer than one-tenth (9 percent) of residential appraisers said they would do so, according to the survey of U.S. real estate valuation professionals conducted in May and June. Commercial appraisers account for less than one-third of practicing U.S. appraisers. According to the survey, 93 percent of the residential appraisers who employ trainees employ one...


Appraiser Confidentiality: USPAP Absurdity

Appraiser Confidentiality: Loose Lips, Big Claims, USPAP Absurdity, and Subpoenas Allegedly “Loose Lips” Cause a Big Claim. A recent and relatively big appraiser liability claim involved a commercial appraiser’s alleged breach of confidentiality.  The damages paid to the plaintiff were significant.  According to the plaintiff’s complaint (my recounting of the facts here is simplified), a lender had engaged the appraiser to perform an appraisal for a construction loan to the developer of a shopping center.  Some of the information received by the appraiser included lease commitments from prospective tenants. The anchor tenant was a well-known retailer.  The appraiser completed the assignment, but...

Real Estate Appraisers Warned us About the Crisis but We didn't Listen 2

Appraisers Warned Us but We Didn’t Listen

Federal actors could have responded to the appraisers’ warning and prevented the crisis On July 9, 2013 I participated in a radio interview with a lobbyist for the 100 largest financial firms. The San Francisco radio program host asked me what question I would ask the lobbyist and I said that any discussion should begin with allowing him to state his view of what caused the crisis. In the course of his explanation, he bemoaned the fact that there was no warning about the crisis. I found this ironic because I had just published that morning an article about how the...

CoreLogic acquires Marshall & Swift & DataQuick 1

CoreLogic to Acquire Marshall & Swift/Boeckh & DataQuick

The combination of CoreLogic, MSB and DataQuick should yield significant future growth opportunities… CoreLogic® (NYSE: CLGX), a leading residential property information, analytics and services provider, today announced the Company has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Marshall & Swift/Boeckh, a leading provider of residential and commercial property valuation solutions to the property and casualty insurance industry, DataQuick Information Systems, a property data and analytics information company, and the credit and flood services operations of DataQuick Lender Solutions from the Decision Insight Information Group (DIIG). Founded in 1930, Marshall & Swift/Boeckh (MSB) is the leading provider of building cost information,...

3 Ways Hiring a Trainee Can Help Your Business 3

Business Decision to Hire a Trainee

3 Ways Hiring a Trainee Can Help Your Business It would likely come as no surprise to most appraisers at this point that with the changing demographics and aging of the valuation profession, attracting the next generation remains crucial to the future. With the many opportunities for employment and continued growth, the benefits for those considering pursuing an appraisal career are clear. The advantages to an experienced real estate appraiser of hiring a trainee may be less apparent, but they are no less significant. While there is undoubtedly significant work and time commitment upfront, hiring a trainee can reap long-term...


REALTOR® & Appraiser Interaction Under Dodd-Frank

A common complaint among REALTORS® in virtually all of Michigan is that many residential deals are failing because the home will not appraise at a value that permits the buyers to finance the purchase and close on the home. Many REALTORS® take the position that many of these properties do not appraise because the appraiser is not “geographically competent.” In other words, the appraiser is from out-of-town, unacquainted with the area in which the appraised property is located; thus, fails to learn or uncover various factors that would substantially change the valuation of the property. The question is then posed...

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