Multi-Display on One Large Curved Monitor

Multi-Display Efficiency on One Curved Monitor During Report ProductionHi folks and Happy Thanksgiving! If you’ve been considering replacing multiple individual computer monitors with ONE large screen monitor, you may want to have software which allows individual ‘monitors’ showing different screens to be displayed on the one monitor.

As most of us know, multiple monitors allows us to be more efficient during report production, reducing or eliminating the need to switch back and forth between various web sites we need to use.

I first learned about this technology from Brandon, at SPARK, i.e.,, who moved from 4 individual monitors to one large screen high def TV used as a monitor. He has a video explaining what type TV to buy.

The software Brandon recommended is Display Fusion and for a short time, they are having a half-price sale on their software.

I decided to buy their ‘multiple computer’ software (Pro Personal), which allows it to be installed on more than one computer, with a lifetime license with one payment. Read their site for more details. You don’t need their ‘Steam’ version, unless you are a gamer.

I’ve also decided to replace my two individual monitors (one vertical, one horizontal) with a 32″ curved monitor currently on sale at the ‘big C’ store. Hope to get the install done this weekend. That will have a total height and width size about the same as my current set up, but will allow me to have the form on one side, vertical, and two other screens horizontal, three monitors total. Power consumption should also drop, since I’ll eliminate one monitor.

Display Fusion allows multiple configurations of the ‘monitor screens’ on one monitor, and in use, you can switch between those configurations. That means the larger TV or monitor you have, the more screens you can display without those being too small to see and read. Brandon says his 55″ TV displays 4 – 24″ monitors!

I’m sending this info as a courtesy only, based on another peer’s recommendation. I have no direct connection to the company, and purchased the software.

opinion piece disclaimer
Dave Towne
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Image credit flickr - Kazuho Okui
Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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9 Responses

  1. Avatar Mark Skap says:

    I will never go back after adding a TV. I have a 43” Sony Bravia 4K tv in the middle with display fusion creating 4 additional screens. I also have my 3 27” monitors on each side. So I have a total of 7 screens to work with. I can add more or reduce the amount of screens as well. It has made me more efficient and productive. Highly suggest getting a large screen 43” or bigger.


  2. Avatar Bill Johnson says:

    If this is a technology question, I won’t be satisfied until the coach chimes in to tell us how to run our empires off a 2″ display Blackberry.

    Seek the truth.

  3. Avatar Donna says:

    I just purchased this 49″ Dell curved monitor. I really like it and I was able to get rid of some of the clutter of wires.

  4. Avatar Bill Johnson says:

    To address this question seriously, I considered a curved display setup a couple of years back, but ultimately went with 4 separate monitors that have nearly a zero side edge. With the 3 lower monitors (outside 2 at slight angles) the end viewable result is curve like, but at half the price. Key in my decision, was that my monitors all have displayport connections that enables daisy-chaining, meaning a single display cable from the computer is all that’s needed where as each monitor with then connect to each other. This same daisy-chaining works with USB cables, again a single cable from the computer and with USB cables connected from computer to computer, I have 12 active USB inputs (all from my monitors) via a single to the computer cable. Besides being a very clean install, with such connectivity, I still have 4 open HDMI inputs (cable box, game console, DVD, etc.), and 4 open DVI inputs (hooked to 2 older computers). As such, I have a live football game on one monitor, two monitors dedicated toward my current work, and the 4th monitor is being used to access an old computer to find a comment.

    The curved display is cool, but the flexibility with multiple monitors is what drove my decision.

    Seek the truth.

  5. Avatar Dave Towne says:

    Keep in mind that driving this monitor issue is the space to mount multiple monitors or a single large screen monitor/TV. Some offices have limited space, as mine does. Secondly, the larger the monitor chosen, typically the farther in front of it a person should sit, i.e., the more distance between eyes and monitor. Also investing in multiple monitors and mounting systems costs more than one large monitor.

    • Avatar Bill Johnson says:

      I get it Dave. At the time of my purchase two years ago I caught a buy one get one free monitor offer with four 24″ monitors (with displayport inputs) costing me around $600. All four monitors are attached via a 1 over 3 monitor stand ($100, to $300) and as such my desk top footprint is the same as having a single monitor stand. With the ability to daisy-chain each monitor, and USB connections combined with wireless mouse, keyboard, speakers, printer, etc., and while having all minimal wires hiding behind the single post monitor stand, I have absolutely no wires to clutter my work space. With such a setup, the outside two monitors are floating above the desk (no visible wires), thus one has work space area under each outside monitor.

      The setup took a lot of initial outside time to work through, however it was easy to replicate when I set up a 2nd work station (via a network).

      Seek the truth.


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Multi-Display on One Large Curved Monitor

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min