Mobile Sketch Guide

Mobile Sketch User Guide - Total for Mobile Sketch

Just getting my big toe in the mobile ocean…


For those of you interested to learn how to ‘sketch’ using a la mode’s Total for Mobile Sketch (T4M) on a tablet or phone, the attached PDF might be of interest to you.

I’m a greenhorn, just getting my big toe in the mobile ocean and could not find a user guide for T4M Sketch, except as ‘single pages’ on the a la mode web site.

I turned in a Support Request asking if such a guide was available. Turns out they don’t have a self-contained guide. So the support tech got permission to combine all the web site pages into this ONE document PDF (link below). I was given permission to distribute this to other appraisers, and if you like, you may distribute to people you know. Sorry, it is a big file and 89 total pages!

T4M Sketch has some different key strokes and operating functions than the desktop alamode Sketch program, which is why this user’s guide is helpful. T4M Sketch has been designed to take advantage of ‘swiping’ methods on a hand-held device screen.

Click here for the user guide.

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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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6 Responses

  1. Avatar Dana Murray says:

    Thanks Dave, I may share this link in our next newsletter if that is ok?

  2. Avatar Carl says:

    The mobile sketching takes way too long. I use mobile for everything else except the sketch. It’s so much faster drawing it on a piece of paper, in my opinion.

    • Gregory Beck on Facebook Gregory Beck on Facebook says:

      No Way tool long it’s actually faster than the way you do it. Come out of the stone age

      • Truth be told, I do need to give them another fair trial – but not on a commercial job til Im convinced they work. First commercial job I used a laser on I had to go back out and remeasure entire building with 20 offices when I saw how screwed up my sketch was. Results ALL my fault – but learning curve and limitations of equipment also factors.

  3. OK, so to save a few minutes in the field I have to learn 89 pages worth of new operating procedures? I remember way back to the winter of ’91 when a big powerful computer had a 40mb floppy 5 1/4 inch drive instead of the amateurs 20mb (no hard drives then) and I think dos was version 2.0. dosshell was not automatic. Computers actually made report writing FASTER… but in fairness all we asked of them was to fill out a form and have spell check. Report took about a day start to finish.


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Mobile Sketch Guide

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min