Homeowners Providing Interior Home Data
Clear Capital is launching a new homeowner-enabled appraisal inspection tool the week of March 30…
Over the past few weeks, I have seen in forums many appraisers talking about having homeowners provide home interior details (photos, videos, etc.), which can be used in appraisal reports.
Well, guess what? American Ingenuity at work, which will be available soon.
From the HousingWire article titled “Clear Capital launches new remote inspection tool“:
“Real estate technology company Clear Capital has launched a new homeowner-enabled appraisal inspection tool, which adheres with encouraged social distancing protocols in light of the coronavirus.
OwnerInsight is a tool that offers homeowners the ability to transmit high-quality information and images of the interior and exterior of their homes to lenders, appraisers, and appraisal management companies through a secure interface.
OwnerInsight was built to work on camera-enabled mobile devices with no need for app downloads, with photo metadata captured to ensure protection against fraud.
The tool, which will be launched the week of March 30, has long term benefits for lenders, according to Chen.”
Read the article for more info.
This new ‘tool’ will work when the homeowner is the occupant of the home, and the loan is for a sale or refi. However, if the home is vacant at the time the appraiser gets the assignment, it won’t be useful unless the ‘powers that be’ allow listing photos (or additional photos) taken by agents/brokers.
Note that the new MODIFIED reports allowed during the COVID-19 pandemic effective period all encourage this kind of additional data. Once we get out of this current situation, will the ‘powers that be’ allow homeowners to use this new tool for our normal appraisals going forward? That remains to be seen.
Keep your seatbelts fastened! And don’t breathe out when people are close to you! Avoid breathing in also!

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This will not end well! I am shocked that appraisers still work for clear capital. They are on my top 10 most unethical and deceitful companies not to do business with. I am sure your E&O provider will NOT support any claims made using their new system so watch out. A few hundred dollars for an appraisal today may cost you thousands in legal fees down the road.
Nah, they’ll pass that cost off down the line. Nothing new has happened in this regard. They’ve gotten away with it for the past decade. There is no realistic indication of any liability shift. It’s on the taxpayer via the GSE’s and FDIC. Don’t worry about it.
Clear capital can stick it up you know where, trusting them right now is like trusting China to tell the truth about the coronavirus origins
Yeah, that is interesting. Why are 22 million cell phones from that part of the world now mysteriously offline, and what was the mysterious gas cloud on doppler really all about?
It’s probably better if you just focus on the panic, the here and now. Don’t worry, government is here to save you, protect you, and keep all your interests both social, religious, economic, liberty based, and otherwise, safe and sound.
Teddy Roosevelt once said that if you could kick the person in the ass responsible for most of your problems, you wouldn’t be able to sit for months. That’s the Chinese government they are the worlds enemy ! And of course the AMC’s…… honorable mention to FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Which brand of made in china product did you choose for your communication needs? My 1984 made in USA Bell phone never broke, and I’m still using it to this day. It is just plainly awesome to be out and about, see everyone tethered to their phone, and not have that issue myself.
On a good note baggins, Bill Kelly, a 95-year-old World War II vet, living in McMinnville Oregon, has beaten the Chinese Virus. He finished his recovery on Monday, after being diagnosed on March 17. Kelly says “I survived Guam, I can get through this bullshit” bravo !
That’s what I’m talking about.
Where is the ‘people feeling better now’ statistic?
Shouldn’t that belong right under other alarmist based stats?
It’s just another day at the home office. Wake me when it’s over.
Isn’t Joan Trice part of CC ? They are Too Big To Fail with the attitude of “we are the God’s of the Appraisal Biz”
Heard the last any one saw Joan trice she was in China conspiring with the communists
I would NEVER trust ANYTHING Clear Capital does. Clear Capital has proven to be the enemy of the appraiser year after year with the low fee’s offered and unrealistic and unnecessary FREE revision requests they demand. Their alignment with companies and design of products that want to put appraisers out of business has been nothing short of sickening. In my humble opinion any appraiser that does any work for Clear Capital should have their license revoked.
It’s a good thing Clear Capital does not have such worries, no individual licensing and all, yet still in charge of managing, and passing all liability, to those whom do.
This is grand, I get to reach into the bag of oldies and always pick a winner. Awesome.
Lender to the applicant: we need to collect money from you for the appraisal, most of it will go to the AMC and some of it will go to the appraiser. We will also need you to take photos of your property but only show the positive features don’t show us anything negative, like the porno book shop across the street and send them to us. If your loan goes into default, don’t worry we will just go after the appraiser because he is licensed and has E&O insurance, we do it all the time. The tax payers will bail us out and we will be good to start the cycle all over again.
Bingo! Winner winner, chicken dinner. Consumer fees will not change, and cost savings from reduced cost appraisal services will not be returned to the consumer.
Alex that was too easy. I’ll take sophisticated mortgage fraud for 2,000. Come on daily double!
What could possibly go wrong with a person benefitting also taking photos. I can’t tell you how many times I moved the throw rug next to the tub. You know, the one hiding the water damage.
Just last week I observed toilet paper and debris back up from the basement drain when I scooted the apparently permanent carpet sideways a little. That went nicely with the 5 massive overgrown pine trees right out front, with the apparent statistical improbability that at least one of them had not effected the main line to tap. Chalk up another win, because that’s another loan to go through the pipeline without all the hindrances of reasonable observational inspection.
I’m tempted to post the empty bag, actual image of a mortgage back security, but it’s still too soon, this is just getting started. If you love high insurance deductibles, you’re going to go stir fry crazy over how much this increases your production efficiency.
Quicken created something like this a while back and their was resistance from appraisers due to the liability. The homeowner could easily skip showing you mold, damaged areas of the home or other deficiencies. It might be helpful in an emergency situation, but I would not sign my name to something if I did not see it myself without an awful lot of disclaimers and the liability being put back on the lender who ordered it.
Sorry but this is not good because asa this pandemic passes they’ll have another tool to force us out. AMC’s are always thinking about saving themselves money!
On Appraisal Forum I brought up the use of FaceTime as a method of both seeing and photographing the interior of a home as the homeowner or occupant takes you on a tour of the home at your direction. It works great as long as you and the owner/occupant have an Iphone or Ipad. My granddaughter taught me so it’s not rocket science.
Yeah that’s awesome. Let me do some quick research on photo touch ups, delayed broadcasting, photoshopping and mess with image settings to keep the apparent defects down. In fact, just let me send you a video packet, that will be easier.
Now on top of being armchair infectious disease managers, I can chalk up another win and proclaim I’m into pro remote real property viewing. This keeps getting better. How else can we expand this scope of work to pick up even more skills and specialties, I’m sure there can be more. Are you sure you’re equipped to recognize photoshop touch ups if you’ve just now learned how to use facetime?
The use of FaceTime allows the appraiser to direct and discuss with the Ipad holder in addition to taking the photos that the appraiser wants. You can be a detailed as you want and if the Ipad holder doesn’t do as asked in terms of showing you something, so note in the report. Lots of EA still are applicable. By the way, I was kidding about my granddaughter.
What if I don’t have a cell phone or advanced mobile spy device? Perhaps forgot to pay my bill or used up my free government minutes.
Am I going to be denied access to lending because of this?
Asking for a friend.
Use Crayolas and draw the appraiser a pretty picture and hang it next to your phonograph. Not only denied but your presence on the earth will be disavowed, your body and all of your friends (both) will be cremated and a rocket ship will transport the dust to the outer edge of an unknown galaxy where it will further disintegrate. Stupid is as stupid was.
I don’t know. Anything in the ‘trust me’ category is suspect. I’m not going for allowances.
The other day at a specialty rare items thrift store I found that old cd player combo radio with awesome high powered speakers with magnets I had always wanted as a teen. Man, so happy to have found that, it plays great and has superior sound to the new gimmicky tiny bluetooth ipod compatible wifi stuff. Complete with wired cord, metal antenna, actual physical buttons, real large speaker magnets, the works. It was only 5 dollars, awesome.
I was however, sort of sad to have found it in the historical throwback section of this store.
Very true Sir cjk !!!!!
Clear Capital? Check another box off the wish list for special interests favors they otherwise could not get through within the framework of a normal stable market. Another win!
Just spoke to a listing agent today and they’re talking about delay in showing time via the scheduling services, spacing them out, and now they’re looking at how to list a property without even going inside.
Full service or bust. I’m not scared. This will become the new norm, if you go with it even for a short period. It’s the same as hybrids, you either go with it or you don’t.
All this winning! The federal reserve saved the day again. I always told you, we can count on those guys to do what they do, and never stop.
If you like these industry specific allowances, you’re going to really be in complete amazement at the upcoming universal price hikes for utility and goods. They’re going to mop it up. Another win is just around the corner!
FYI – The CC website is down, and the URL up for grabs now per IE. No better luck on Chrome.
I had to add this to this conversation. I completed an FHA appraisal 1 week ago. I performed the exterior street view inspection. I received all the interior photos from the borrower which was not required however I insisted on receiving some type of documentation of the interior. Based on the borrowers photos the property was in C3 condition. This past Friday I get an order to complete a foreclosure appraisal on a vacant home directly behind the house I performed an exterior inspection for FHA. I get to the foreclosure appraisal and when I look out the back door I see the house I recently appraised had a large section of siding missing, the rear sliding glass door was removed and boarded up, no rear gutter and the deck was damaged. The borrower never disclosed this to me. I assume they had some type of damage as the missing siding extended from the fist floor to the 2nd floor.Today I sent an email to the AMC which I did the FHA appraisal for and included the photos I took. The person at the AMC said they would forward this info to the lender. I am awaiting some type of response. If I do not hear anything I will be submitting this information directly to FHA. Now I have to figure out how I will handle the prior appraisal as this information was not readily available as of the effective date. This is my first example of the type of fraud a homeowner can pull when we are relying on them for the data collection. I can only assume this is going to happen all over the country.