Category: Tutorials

GLA Adjustment & Pizza Slices – They Do correlate! 22

GLA Adjustments & Pizza Slices – They Do Correlate!

Determining the GLA Adjustment in Appraisal Reports I promised in a previous post I’d send out my method for determining the GLA adjustment in appraisal reports. Goodness! Appraisers actually found that statement buried in the prior post, and have ‘rung my chimes’ requesting this info! OK, but first, the pizza analogy. I often tell clients and other appraisers that appraising (residential) real estate is far more complex than grabbing a store-bought pre-boxed pizza (that has exactly the same ingredients from box to box no matter which store you shop in) at a grocery and then applying 425 degrees of love...

Tutorial webinar video 6

New Fannie Mae CU Training Video

Training admits that CU use of CENSUS BLOCK GROUPS Appraisers, FNMA has released a new training video that helps lenders understand how to PROPERLY use Collateral Underwriter, which in some cases has not been happening since Jan. 26, 2015. By reviewing this info, you can learn how to write reports that pass the CU evaluations, and make your reports more complete and accurate. But keep reading. One thing I find interesting is CU assigns a unique ‘appraiser number’ for every appraiser who has reports submitted by Lenders to the CU. They don’t just use the appraiser’s license number by itself. Secondly, this...


Adjustments – Your Opinion Doesn’t Count

Regulations state that appraisal adjustments cannot be based upon an appraiser’s opinion. According to federal and state law, adjustments must be based on support and evidence- proof if you will, and an appraiser’s opinion is not considered to be “support.” Many appraisers have failed to support their adjustments and as a result have had their licenses revoked, penalties assessed and lawsuits lost, all because the they failed to understand a single but important requirement. Think about your appraisals. Are the adjustments based on your opinion or do you have proof of the adjustment in your workfile? Then one day I...


Free FHA Webinar on Most Common Appraisal Deficiencies

On September 18, 2014, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 120-minute webinar on Most Common Appraisal Deficiencies. This session will provide an update and overview of FHA Single Family mortgage insurance appraisal requirements. It will address the most common appraisal questions and appraisal deficiencies. Property inspection requirements, appraisal validity period, case numbers, REO, manufactured homes, well and septic, attic and crawl spaces, lead-based paint, termite


Freddie to Host Multifamily Appraisal Webinar

Freddie Mac will host a webinar June 26 that will highlight upcoming changes to its multifamily appraisal requirements. Freddie’s new requirements, which take effect July 1, will address tying together an appraiser’s multifamily data with their conclusions. Examples include: Tighter guidelines around the use of property condition assessments and environmental report drafts; Discussions around local market data in the capitalization rate analysis; Elimination of net income multipliers or adjustments to net operating income in the Sales Comparison Approach; Supplemental discussion of the risk of reassessment of property taxes including a quantifiable chance of a reassessment; and Documentation of the number...


Free Webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal

On September 11, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal using the FNMA 1004, and how to review appraisals on more difficult property types; e.g., manufactured homes, 2 to 4 Units, Condominiums, and New Construction. How to spot potential fraud, the condominium approval process, and the common appraisal deficiencies will be covered. This webinar is designed for appraisers, underwriters, loan officers, processors, brokers, agents, any interested parties, and any individuals new to FHA. Registration is required. No Fee. Please hold on to the e-mail you receive after you register,...


Free Webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements – Property Type

On August 28, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements. Webinar will cover: The lenders and appraisers responsibilities as it relates to FHA guidelines The marketability and value of the property and information about “For Your Protection Get a Home Inspection” Minimum Property Requirements Minimum Property Standards Appraisal Protocol This webinar is designed for appraisers, underwriters, loan officers, processors, brokers, agents, any interested parties, and any individuals new to FHA. Registration is required. Please hold on to the e-mail you receive after you register, you will need it to access the webinar....


Free Webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal

On May 29, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on How to Review an FHA Appraisal using the FNMA 1004, and how to review appraisals on more difficult property types; e.g., manufactured homes, 2 to 4 Units, Condominiums, and New Construction. How to spot potential fraud, the condominium approval process, and the common appraisal deficiencies


Free Webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements

On May 22, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements. Webinar will cover: Lenders and appraisers responsibilities as it relates to FHA guideline Marketability and value of the property and information about “For your Protection Get a Home Inspection” Minimum Property Requirements


Free FHA Webinar on FHA Appraisal Frequently Asked Questions

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a webinar on March 20, 2013 on FHA Appraisal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): March 20, 2013: – Webinar: This FREE Webinar training will provide clarification to current Underwriting Hot Topics, Insuring/Eligibility Issues and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in today’s FHA lending environment. Topics covered will include: FHA Updates including most recent

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