Category: VaCAP

Fannie Mae Lender Letter 0

A New Year, a New Fannie Mae Letter

New Fannie Mae Lender Letter I get it, appraising, especially residential-mortgage-use appraising, can be a thankless job. If you understand all that goes into properly developed reporting, it is hard to compete with the appraisers that perform poor due diligence and in turn, charge much less than the rest of us. They are great at checking boxes and making minimal commentary. They are rewarded for cutting corners, and appraisers that do the quality work are left at the margins. The new Fannie Mae Lender Letter may be a step in changing this. Our costs to keep our licenses with the continuing education, the...

Upcomming AMC Licensure 0

Upcomming AMC Licensure

AMC Licensure in Virginia On July 1, 2014, every AMC wishing to continue operating in Virginia will be required to apply to the Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board for a license to conform with recently passed AMC laws. Hopefully, the VREAB will prudently and completely vet these business PRIOR to the issuance of a license. It is my understanding the VREAB staff is leaning towards granting licensure upon application without any substantive vetting of the applying AMC’s. It is also my understanding that appraiser members of the VREAB are opposed to this administrative position and understand the importance of pre-licensing...

Volunteer to help VaCAP 1

Letter From Pat Turner

Volunteer to Help As we move forward into a new year and the time for renewing our memberships, I wanted to share some points with you. Yesterday I had a long time respected friend and colleague take me aside to offer me some good advice and counsel. She had been at a gathering of appraisers and she was concerned with the few of us who have joined and/or renewed our VaCap memberships. She asked people why and the overwhelming answer was “Well, VaCap has not done anything for me lately”. This was a wake-up call. Reflecting on that, I can...

ES Appraisal Settlement with Chase 0

ES Appraisal Settlement with Chase

It has come to my attention that the attached settlement is being proposed to the BR Trustee in the ES Appraisal case and thought that it was important that the information be passed along to whomever might need it since many of our members have been affected. Please forward to whomever you believe might be owed fees in this case. I would recommend that anyone do their own research on this as I am only passing along information that was given to me third hand. It is the belief of others that this agreement will forgo millions of dollars in...

Urge your Representative to Vote for Regulation of AMCs 0

Urge your Representative to Vote for Regulation of AMCs

Urge your Representative to Vote for HB 210 Regulation of AMCs Hello VaCAP! As you know, VaCAP leadership has been working hard with VAR and the VAR Appraisal Alliance to help draft and support an AMC regulation bill. This bill is currently in the Virginia House of Delegates, and will cross over to the Senate on February 15th. Since many local realtor associations now require appraisers to be full members in order to obtain access to their MLS systems, VaCAP has many members who are also members of VAR. If you are a member of VAR, your dues have helped...

VaCap Letter to VA Regarding UAD 1

VaCap Letter to VA Regarding UAD

Concerns regarding the decision of the VA to adopt UAD William Stewart Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) October 21, 2011 Dear Sandy, As president of the Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals I wish to express to you our members’ deep concern regarding the decision of the VA to adopt the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). Our association has been active in our state regarding this issue and we feel this idea will only harm the quality of appraisals that our Veterans will receive in the future. It is for certain that the homeowner or new purchaser will not understand the appraisal...

VaCap Second Letter to Attorney General Cuccinelli Regarding UAD 0

VaCap 2nd Letter to Attorney General Cuccinelli RE UAD

VaCap Second Letter to Attorney General Cuccinelli Regarding UAD 08/29/2011 Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II Office of the Attorney General 900 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 Re: September 1st Implementation by GSEs Dear Sir: In a letter dated July 19th, 2011, the Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals (VaCAP) brought to your attention the serious concerns that we have about the impending implementation of new appraisal reporting requirements by the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), which are The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC). Since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac control a very large percentage...

VREAB Letter to FHFA Calling for Delay of UAD Implementation 0

VREAB Seeking Delay of UAD Implementation

VREAB Letter to FHFA Calling for Postponement of UAD Implementation August 29, 2011 Mr. Alfred M. Pollard, General Counsel Federal Housing Finance Agency Dear Mr. Pollard: At its August 16, 2011, meeting, the Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board (Board) received public comment from a number of Virginia appraisers expressing their unease with the September 1, 2011, implementation of the Uniform Appraiser Database (UAD) by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). These and other Virginia appraisers have concerns that conforming to the UAD might lead to misleading appraisal reports as the UAD’s...

An Appraiser's Response to LandSafe Appraisal Services Agreement 9

Appraiser’s Response to LandSafe Appraisal

Appraiser’s Response to LandSafe Appraisal Services Agreement In April of 2011, LandSafe Appraisal Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America, released its “Appraisal Services Agreement” which included, among others, indemnifications of LandSafe Appraisal Services against any liability, and loss of intellectual rights. Many appraisers stood firm and refused to sign the agreement. Heather Fox, a Certified Residential Appraiser in Virginia, CEO of Cross Country Appraisal Inc. and President Elect of VaCAP, responded to LandSafe Appraisal Services with this letter: To: Landsafe Vendor Panel Management Team I will not be signing the appraiser agreement. I have known I would...

AppraisersLoft fined 1

VaCAP letter to AG Cuccinelli RE Violation of Virginia Code

The mandates override the Virginia Code Re: Impending Violation of Virginia Statute 18 VAC 130-20-160. Dear Attorney General Cuccinelli, There is an extremely urgent and important matter that the Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals (VaCAP) wishes to bring to your attention. The Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), which are The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), have mandated Real Estate Appraisal reporting requirements that will severely compromise the integrity of information provided in appraisal reports and potentially eliminate the private appraisal profession. This new, comprehensive format will cause unnecessary risk and expense to the...

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