Category: The Appraisal Foundation

USPAP 2020-2021 Extension Effective Through 2022 - Appraisers Blogs 4

USPAP 2020-2021 Extension

2020-21 USPAP Extension – Does this mean USPAP will be on a three-year cycle going forward? USPAP has been extended for one year, effective through December, 31, 2022. This is the Appraisal Foundation news release, issued on Feb. 19, 2021: Media Contact: Amy Timmerman (202) 624-3048 BREAKING: 2020-21 USPAP Extended for One Year (Washington, DC) February 19, 2021 – The Appraisal Foundation’s Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) announced today that the current edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) will be extended by one year. The 2020-2021 USPAP will now be effective until December 31, 2022. “USPAP...

Future Changes in USPAP 2022-23 - Time to Quit the Constant Changes 11

Pending Future Changes in USPAP 2022-23

The Appraisal Foundation / Appraisal Standards Board have released the 4th Exposure Draft to the FUTURE version (2022-23) of USPAP. I, like so many other ‘stakeholders’ and appraisers, have grown weary of the incessant Exposure Drafts and updates to our mandated PROTOCOL MANUAL, which for many years has been massaged and modified in various ways every 2 years. Largely because new members cycle onto the ASB every year or two. The constant updates has resulted into a continuing cash cow for the Appraisal Foundation / Appraisal Standards Board. But in actual use, that should not happen because USPAP is codified...

ASC, End the Foolishness. Federalize Appraisal Regulation & Enforcement 12

ASC, End the Foolishness Now

End the constant ‘busy work’ USPAP updates. End the catering to lenders or ‘advisory’ councils. Appraisers are NOT supposed to be any of the things being demanded of us today EXCEPT good appraisers!… Return to a USPAP version (any version) that actually protected the Public Trust. That would be any version PRIOR to the revision of the terms appraisers and appraisals to “valuation & evaluators” (a term used only or at least primarily by the accounting profession historically). Dissolve The Appraisal Foundation (TAF). They effectively achieved the congressional objective mandated in ’89 long ago. Everything since has been the administrative...

Biden Calls Out Racial Bias Among Appraisers 56

Biden Calls Out Racial Bias Among Appraisers

To counteract low appraisals in minority neighborhoods, Biden says he’ll push for training to address racial bias among appraisers… Appraisers, you might want to “take a gander” at this article in the link below, because it indicates possible/probable changes coming. I especially like the ‘extra training for appraisers’ to avoid discrimination/racial bias. Not. In other words, appraisers are at fault for lower values in certain neighborhoods which are not as highly valued as others, and so we must be indoctrinated to be more sensitive. Buckle up folks, as it’s going to be an interesting ride. Excerpt from Biden Admin and...

Reconciling the Erosion Within My Profession... Preserving the Public Trust 12

Reconciling the Erosion Within My Profession

The continued reliance of unregulated aggregators and bifurcated products continues to erode the public trust at the expense of discarding the profession specifically intended to promote the public trust. How does this protect the public?… On June 14, 2005 Steve Jobs told a class of graduates, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward” Around the same time, I was appointed as the sole residential member of the appraisal licensing board of my state. Little did I realize that this 2005 governor-appointed position would eventually lead me to sharing a stage in 2018 with...

Professional Opinions Can Never Be Replaced By Automation 10

Professional Opinions Can Never Be Replaced

Professional OPINIONS have value that can never, repeat NEVER be replaced by automation… Earlier this week, George Dell‘s article titled “Why is Residential Appraisal in Trouble?” was published on AppraisersBlogs. Respectfully, George misses or misinterprets a few items. There has been zero evidence that an AVM produces credible approximations of MARKET VALUE consistently or with even an acceptable degree of variance. None. Like George indicates, an AVM is NOT an appraisal. By definition, it is not an appraisal. FIRREA required appraisal standards; NOT banking industry and TAF proposed alternatives. TAF is very far out of line giving AVMs any imprimatur...

Be Part of the Solution & Stop Being Part of the Problem! 27

Be Part of the Solution & Not the Problem!

Why would a professional licensed appraiser not want to be part of the solution? The Appraisal Foundation has posted the National Real Estate Appraiser Job Analysis Study. The survey is to determine the areas that are relevant to our daily functions as appraisers. This is our profession and appraisers are the best source of information on what we do and how we do it. The results will be used to determine the criteria necessary going forward for license examinations. We all have experienced revision requests from a reviewer who does not understand the appraisal process. What about those revision requests...

Arizona Goes After CoesterVMS - GAO to Investigate Appraisal Loopholes 1

GAO to Investigate Appraisal Loopholes

…Arizona is seeking damages and penalties against CoesterVMS… GAO has agreed to complete the study… Maxine Waters and Congressman William Lacy Clay requested a formal study/investigation into Title XI (FIRREA) and the recent dilution of its intent by the Federal Agencies. VaCAP has learned GAO has agreed to complete the study. The Network of State Coalitions has sent the following to their state members: This is the result of so many voices – the Foundation, ASA, coalitions, NAR, etc. Our Network efforts have given us an inside connection that hopefully we can continue to build on. Our meeting in DC...

Request Changes by AMC Reviewers & Withholding Appraisers Payment 21

AMC Reviews of Appraisals

Only the lender’s Underwriter should be able to request changes to the report and the lender should be the one that pays the appraiser… An appraiser associate was having a discussion with one of the head review appraisers at HUD and the reviewer noticed that the Plat Map in the report did not correspond with the site size reported in the URAR form 1004. The appraiser stated that the public record and the Plat map did not agree with each other and that he chose the figure shown in public records. The reviewer questioned why he would choose the public...

Evaluations Concept Paper, Bringing Evaluations Under USPAP Umbrella 5

Bringing Evaluations Under USPAP’s Umbrella

Evaluations: Concept Paper, Webinar, Public Meeting In early August, The Appraisal Foundation announced that the The Appraisal Standards Board would be considering adopting standards for evaluations in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). On September 3, 2019, they announced three opportunities to learn more and share your insights. Concept Paper The Appraisal Standards Board is seeking your feedback on the concept of developing standards for performing evaluations in USPAP. Submit your comments to The comment period closes on October 11, 2019. Read the evaluations concept paper here Webinar Wayne Miller, chair of the Appraisal Standards Board, and...

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