Category: ASC

Appraiser Engaged in Mortgage Fraud Remains Licensed with California BREA 15

Appraiser Engaged in Mortgage Fraud Remains Licensed with BREA

…BREA thinks it is acceptable to let an appraiser who engaged in mortgage fraud remain licensed… The Inmates Must Be In Charge of This Asylum The California Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers is sadly yet another example of a state agency that does not really understand what the taxpayers expect of it. The taxpayers probably assume the agency in charge of licensing appraisers in California would certainly not renew the license of an appraiser who not only is indicted in a multiparty, multi-million dollar mortgage fraud case, but actually pled guilty to at least one count of the crime. Unfortunately,...

Another Win for Appraisers - California 6

Another Win for Appraisers – California

Cooperation between appraisers and multiple appraiser organizations wins the day in California! When is the last time you heard of a State bill that was already passed by both State Houses (Assembly & Senate) in any state, being quashed short of a Governor’s veto? Especially a “consent calendar” item that legislators automatically vote to approve for each other as a legislative courtesy. In less than two months? Let me share a quote from Rey Cano’s regular appraiser newsletter ( Rey, along with George St Johns, was an original co-founder of the California Coalition of Appraisal Professionals (CaCAP), where with full...


Arizona Board of Appraisal Eliminated

Arizona will join a handful of states that don’t have an appraiser board or commission. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey on March 12 signed into law SB 1480, legislation that eliminates the Arizona Board of Appraisal effective July 1. The ABOA’s administrative functions will be reassigned to the Department of Financial Institutions. This provision was included in the state’s FY 2016 budget that passed the legislature March 7. Arizona will join a handful of states that don’t have an appraiser board or commission. According to the Executive Summary accompanying the Governor’s budget proposal, the action was necessary because the shrinking population...

Real estate appraisers stats 3

Drop in US Real Estate Appraisers Slows: AI Research

80,500 Total number of active real estate appraisers CHICAGO (July 31, 2014) – The number of active real estate appraisers in the United States fell less than 1 percent in the first half of 2014, the Appraisal Institute announced today, lower than the average annual decrease of 2.6 percent over the past six years. Research conducted by the nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers found that as of June 30, the total number of active real estate appraisers in the U.S. stood at 80,500, down from 81,050 on Dec. 31, 2013. A broader analysis suggests the rate of...

The Appraisal Profession & Appraiser's Business Decimated by the Increasing Dominance of Appraisal Management Services - AMCs 15

Appraisal Profession Decimated by AMCs

The Appraisal Profession & Appraiser’s Business Decimated by the Increasing Dominance of Appraisal Management Company Services (AMCs) For the past two months, VaCAP has participated in a networked council consisting of 13 professional state appraisal organizations in responding to the Agencies request for comments of the Proposed Rules on Minimum Requirements for Appraisal Management Companies: Dear Agencies; This letter is in response to the Agencies’ request for comments on the Proposed Rules on Minimum Requirements for Appraisal Management Companies. The undersigned represent a networked council of professional state appraisal organizations. We appreciate this opportunity to comment and thank the Agencies for...

PADS - Appraisers Running for Exits 8

PADS – Appraisers Running for Exits

We urge appraisers to review the PADS Model Current economic trends suggest your appraisal practice will not survive beyond 2015. Appraisers are running for the exits, with many moving into Ad Valorem, and some into cost estimating.  Client accounts you thought were safe have been converted to ether and dispersed among a dark refinancing void. You’ve gone from completing six appraisals per week to camping by your email, in hopes of an AMC broadcast assignment appearing. Where you once had time to think about accepting the assignment, you now have less than 2 seconds to accept, because like you, ninety...


Fannie Mae’s Appraiser “Blacklist”

Fannie Mae’s new “Appraiser Quality Monitoring” initiative that creates an appraiser “do not use list” or “blacklist” has alarmed many working appraisers, especially since at least a portion of the process is automated. Placing an appraiser on a Fannie Mae exclusionary list would effectively end a career, therefore, it is critical that appraisers…

Proposed Rule for AMCs 0

Proposed Rule for AMCs

Agencies Issue Proposed Rule on Minimum Requirements for Appraisal Management Companies WASHINGTON — Six agencies today issued a proposed rule that would implement minimum requirements for state registration and supervision of appraisal management companies (AMCs). An AMC is an entity that serves as an intermediary between appraisers and lenders and provides appraisal management services. In accordance with section 1124 of Title XI of the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as added by section 1473 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the minimum requirements in the proposed rule would apply to states that...


Appraisal Advisor Ceases Operations

It’s with deep sadness that I’m informing you that Appraisal Advisor ( is ceasing operations on February 1st. We began with a simple goal of providing transparency to the industry regarding client quality, and tools for appraisers to collect from non-paying clients. The transparency benefited all parties: appraisers, good AMC clients, lenders, and regulators. Unfortunately, the lifeblood of Appraisal Advisor – appraisers submitting client reviews – fell prey to the age-old “80/20” rule. Over 79% of our many thousands of ASC-verified appraiser members submitted zero reviews, while only 3% submitted more than 5 reviews. That was far below what we...


Appraisal Quality and UCDP Notification

On December 10, 2013, Fannie Mae issued a lender letter focusing on appraiser selection, data quality issues, and new processes for appraiser monitoring, and has added messages in UCDP related to appraisals from specific appraisers. Appraisal Quality Fannie Mae began collecting appraisal data in 2011 through the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®). Millions of appraisals have been submitted by lenders and their authorized agents through UCDP. UCDP enables Fannie Mae to monitor and evaluate appraisals for data accuracy and consistency. The purpose of this Lender Letter is to remind lenders of Fannie Mae’s appraiser selection requirements, highlight several data quality...

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