Category: ASC

ASC Call for Comments: Dangerous Slippery Slope if Waiver is Granted 6

ASC Call for Comments

It is important for every appraiser to submit comments… The Appraisal Subcommittee wants to hear from appraisers on Tristar Bank’s request for appraisal waivers. The comment period is open until April 9, 2018. VaCAP has previously participated in a group letter with other organizations and expressed our concerns on this topic. We will once again be part of a group letter as well as send in our own comments. It is important for every appraiser to submit comments on how this is a dangerous slippery slope if the waiver is granted. Consumer protection is the issue and the door will be...

Appraisers Knew Fannie Mae Would Need Another Bailout 46

Kudos to Rep Hensarling!

Kudos to Congressman Member Jeb Hensarling! House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) is one of the few federal watchdogs that ‘gets it’ on Fannie Mae’s & all GSE’s operations. All appraisers that have watched Fannie Mae’s changes in policies over the past 3+ years knew it was only a matter of time before they would need another taxpayer bailout. What we didn’t know was that it would be this soon. Most of us assumed it would be after the next crash that their reckless policies trigger. Reading the recent press release from the House Financial Services Committee, my...

TAF Admits Current USPAP Is Inadequate & Requires Substantial Change 11

TAF / ASB Challenge USPAP

30 days after implementation of the last changes, ASB/TAF is already admitting they think the current USPAP is inadequate and requires substantial change. They’re ALREADY Doing It Again! On January 30, 2018 the Appraisal Standards Board announced the release of their Discussion Draft for the 2020-2021 USPAP based in part on a survey from 2017 & prior draft comments. I’m confused. Didn’t we just have the 2018-2019 become effective 30 days ago? Should all those that have not yet purchased 2018-2019 just save their money and wait for the significantly revised 2020-2021 revisions? Rely on word of mouth and online...

Another Appraisal Waiver Request 101

Another Appraisal Waiver Request

Another Appraisal Waiver request has been sent to the ASC. This time from City Bank and Trust in Oklahoma. The bank is claiming a shortage of acceptable appraisers in the area. Their solution: “Our bank has on staff an individual who has maintained a Certified Residential Appraiser license until April 2017. This individual has provided acceptable appraisals and evaluations for the past 20+ years. He determined to allow his license to expire due to the rather burdensome CE requirements and the distance to and from approved course within the state. With the educational requirements, training process, number of hours required...

Tristar Alleging Appraiser Shortage, AGA Opposes Appraisal Waivers 10

AGA Opposes Appraisal Waivers

Letter outlining the American Guild of Appraisers position in the national precedent setting matter of granting appraisal waivers for TriStar Bank in Dickson County TN. …this type of waiver is an outright invitation for fraud… December 8, 2017 RE: Tristar Bank, Dickson, Tennessee-Appraiser Waivers Request 11/20/2017 Dear R. Park The American Guild of Appraisers opposes the above referenced appraisal waiver request on behalf of our appraisal members and our more than 13 million taxpayers, consumer members of our parent unions. Tristar bank cites an absence of certified general real estate appraisers in their home office county (Dickson) as the basis...

Request for Appraisal Waivers If Granted Will Erode Public Trust 68

Appraisal Waivers vs. Public Trust

If the ASC grants the request for appraisal waivers, the precedent will have been set for other banks to follow… TriStar Bank has requested appraisal waivers for the entire year of 2018. According to the bank, they are having difficulty getting appraisals in the Nashville area and there is only one Certified General Appraiser in the the locality in which they are headquartered. Below is an excerpt form their letter to the ASC. They offer options in lieu of appraisals: Obtain an estimated value from a Realtor, selected from a small group of trusted Realtors who are not involved in...

State Organizations Changing the Landscape, Appraisal House Is in Order 19

Who’s for Dinner?

State Organizations & Appraisers Helping Appraisers You may have heard the expression “if you do not have a seat at the table, you are on the menu.” VaCAP can honestly state, appraisers are not on the menu. Over the past several weeks, members of the Network (NSAO), which has now grown to 28 state organizations, have been recapping the events that transpired at the meetings in Washington D.C. last month. These meetings consisted of the FHFA meeting, the NSAO meeting, the ASC meeting, and the AARO conference. Most state organizations participated and many individual appraisers attended. The support for the appraisal...

Hybrid Appraisal Products & Public Trust 7

Hybrid Appraisal Products & Public Trust

Are busy appraisers doing Hybrid Appraisal products? Appraisers, The article titled First American launches new appraisal solutions technology popped in my system Tuesday early morning as I was getting ready to park my slippers. This article touts another ‘major’ company’s effort to design and implement a new version of what’s become to be known as a Hybrid Appraisal product. These products are designed to have a real estate sales person do the on-site property observation and photos, which are then provided to an appraiser, who completes a USPAP compliant ‘desktop’ appraisal. The whole point of these Hybrid appraisal products is...

Free To Choose... The Choices We Make As Appraisers 6

The Choices We Make As Appraisers

FREE To CHOOSE… A member of VaCAP shared this on Facebook… We though it is very appropriate as a reminder of the choices we have as appraisers: You Are FREE To CHOOSE, But You are NOT   FREE from the CONSEQUENCE of Your CHOICE In case you missed it… The Housing Wire Webinar held on March 1st is now posted for everyone to listen to. Some mistruths about an appraiser shortage is put to bed. The webinar is 60 minutes. You can watch it below and download the slides used in the presentation here. What is going to happen to...

Baby or Bath Water? And Is it Time to Take Back USPAP? 31

Baby or Bath Water? And Is it Time to Take Back USPAP?

About half of AICPA members don’t believe in USPAP… When I first heard that “they” were trying to do away with the Appraisal Practices Board (APB) of the Appraisal Foundation (TAF), I tried to keep an open mind. I also wondered who “they” are. Did the Appraisal Institute (AI) finally get a sympathetic ear in Congress? Was it preemptive action by the Board of Trustees in anticipation of budget cuts by the new administration? By the way, what does the APB do? I certainly had it wrong. I thought they helped develop the Advisory Opinions (AOs)! To be candid the...

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