Author: VaCAP Board

Class Valuation Digitizing the Appraisal Process. Who's Thinking Hybrids? 3

Who Is Thinking Hybrid Appraisal?

“Digitizing the entire appraisal process”… what does this even mean? No more tape measures? No more typing? What exactly is being digitized that is not already digitized?… This is what Class Valuation appears to be doing to justify their actions. According to the article written by Richard Torne in Mortgage Professional America, Class Valuation has announced the acquisition of DataMaster. From the article: “We’re not replacing the appraiser, we’re empowering them” We share a common belief in the true path to the future, which is not to replace the appraiser but to empower them. Appraisers have had their fair share...

FTC's pursuit of the State of Louisiana cost the Appraisal Profession dearly 12

FTC Has Cost the Appraisal Profession Dearly

The FTC has cost the appraisal profession dearly in their pursuit of the State of Louisiana. This entire episode has been entirely misguided… The FTC’s time SHOULD have been spent investigating the AMC trade group known as REVAA to find TRULY non-competitive practices… The FTC is asking for public comments on the consent decree by the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisal Board. The time line to comment is short and ends on July 22, 2021. VaCAP asks each of you to take a few minutes and read the consent decree as well as the analysis provided by the FTC before commenting....

Call to Comment; AMC Disciplinary Action; VA Looking for Appraisers 1

Call to Comment; AMC Disciplinary Action

1. A Call to Comment has been issued. 2. VA is looking for Appraisers. 3. AMC Disciplinary Action Snowballs into Multiple States… A Call to Comment has been issued. The FTC is asking for public comments on the consent decree by the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisal Board. The time line to comment is short and ends on July 22, 2021. VaCAP asks each of you to take a few minutes and read the consent decree as well as the analysis provided by the FTC before commenting. The link for the Federal Register that contains all the information can be found...

You are on the menu 7

You’re on the Menu

“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are on the menu…” Would it be misleading to disclose you performed a personal inspection of a property done with significant appraisal assistance in which you relied on supported demographics? Well maybe… The Appraisal Foundation has issued a discussion draft to answer this question and others similar to it and wants your opinion. Now we understand that some of you will comment about what’s the point and some will state they don’t have time to participate; others will simply ignore it all together. Someone once said “If you don’t have a seat...

Appraisal Fees Back in the Spot Light 5

Appraisal Fees Back in the Spot Light

FTC vs LREAB Update The Supreme Court has denied the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board’s petition to intervene in the administrative case for price fixing by the FTC. The FTC trial is scheduled to proceed on April 20, 2021. VaCAP is closely following this case and will update you as it proceeds. To view all the activity for this case, go to the FTC’s webpage here. Working RE Appraisal Survey Let your voice be heard on what is customary and reasonable fees for your services. Working RE is conducting the annual fee survey. We have been asked to help distribute...

Advisory Opinion 16 Could Be a Game Changer for Appraisers! 22

Advisory Opinion 16, a Game Changer?

The Appraisal Foundation has issued an exposure draft for Advisory Opinion (AO) 16. Advisory Opinion 16 is Fair Housing Laws: Avoiding Bias in Real Property Appraisal and Appraisal Review Development and Reporting. Unlike other exposure drafts, the text of the AO opinion has been rewritten. The traditional strike through of word or phrase changes is nonexistent. The Appraisal Foundation acknowledges “the Advisory Opinion was extensively rewritten”. Comments on the changes are due to The Appraisal Foundation by March 31, 2021 via SurveyMonkey or email, Although an Advisory Opinion is not a standard of practice, it does express what is...

Are You Laying Bricks, Putting up a Wall, or Are You Building a Cathedral? 3

Are you Laying Bricks or Building a Cathedral?

…laying bricks today, putting up a wall, or are you building a cathedral?… If you have been doing appraising for any time at all, you have likely experienced some of the more irritating aspects of our profession: the AMCs, the call backs, or one of my personal favorites, a Realtor’s protest “the idiot appraiser doesn’t know it’s supply and demand! I have a buyer!” An old folk story helps me through days like these, and it goes like this: A traveler came upon three men working. He asked the first man what he was doing, and the man said he...

FHFA Overseeing Appraisal Policy & Processes? Time to Stop the Trend 2

It Is Time to Stop the Trend

Why FHFA thinks the GSE’s should be even discussing appraisal processes is a question that needs to be asked of FHFA… Appraisers have let others dictate many things in our profession. It is time to stop the trend… How about 20 questions? The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has 20 questions for you. Well, actually it is only 19 questions. The FHFA is the organization of the Federal Government that oversees Fannie and Freddie. They want feedback on how the GSE’s should move forward with appraisal policy, risk and appraisal processes. Now why FHFA thinks the GSE’s should be even discussing appraisal processes...

Gaming of the System - Not With My Money Fannie & Freddie! 8

Gaming of the System

…gaming of the system is happening not only with income, (yes automated income verification has returned) but now property valuations… Appraisers have some very strong opinions on computer driven appraisals. Others are noticing the dangers as well. It is more than just automated valuation models though. In an article written by Danielle DiMartino Booth, for Bloomberg, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are specifically called out on their appraisal waivers. The author compares the dangers of the automated income verification being done in the 2000’s and how the system was easily gamed to the appraisal waivers currently being done. The author...

Could the CFPB Eliminate AMCs? End of AMCs Fast & Cheap Mentality? 10

Could the CFPB Eliminate AMCs?

Will this be detrimental to appraisal management companies that operate under the fast and cheap mentality?… Let’s face it, the appraisal management company will not survive with quality appraisals at a reasonable and fair fee… The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking public comments on the proposed rules for a Qualified Mortgage. The proposed rules require the lender to season the mortgage for 36 months before they can sell it to Fannie or Freddie. What that means is the lender will own that loan for 3 years. Fast forward if the new rule goes into effect… The lender will be...

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