Author: Dave Towne

Is a Floor Plan in Your Future? 36

Are Floor Plans in Your Future?

A floor plan is supposed to be included in Desktop & Hybrid reports. How will that be done? Appraisers, I’ve recently been studying a ‘word change’ in various GSE documents. This change happened initially in March 2020 in the COVID era revised ‘flexibility’ Assumption and Limiting Conditions and Scope of Work attached to residential reports, and was further incorporated into TWO new appraisal forms issued in July 2020, which you might not even realize they exist! The word change was subtle, but has major implications for appraisers. The change is ‘sketch’ to “Floor Plan.” But when I inquired about this...

Homeowners' Incorrect Assumption... Another "You're Biased" Story 12

Another “You’re Biased” Story

This story, titled “Black homeowners allege appraisal bias in Prince George’s County” is published by a TV station based in Washington D.C. The homeowners who were interviewed live or lived in Prince George’s County, which is immediately east of Washington D.C. Roughly 863 thousand people live in that county, including some who are pretty wealthy. An interesting twist on one of the TV story interviews is the homeowners’ incorrect assumption that just because they SPENT 1.3 Million Dollars building their ‘dream’ house, it would APPRAISE for that amount. A comment was (paraphrasing) “we spent all those dollars buying nails to...

Stephen Forrester Memorial Fund 2

Stephen Forrester Memorial Fund

Appraisers, I just received notice about the untimely death due to COVID-19 of a Tennessee appraiser, Stephen Forrester, while he and his wife and two young kids were on vacation in the Bahamas. Details are posted below. Please click here, and donate if you can. I just donated to this GoFundMe. If you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser via email to appraisers you know, and on social media, to help spread the word. By the way, Stephen has been Certified licensed since 2003. The National Association of Appraisers (NAA) would like...

Desktop Reports - Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports? 11

Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports

…I’ve discovered a potential anomaly in Desktop reports (and Hybrids also) which might shock some appraisers… Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports. Or so they say. has a revealing article published on Oct. 27, 2021, titled As Appraiser Shortage Delays Closings, Mortgage Giants Try Workaround | Bankrate FHFA (the GSE’s “manager”), after the administration change, under pressure from mortgage brokers and lenders, and after the experiment with the COVID era “flexibilities”, has decided to allow the GSE’s to accept a new type of appraisal for first mortgage (purchase) lending early in 2022: the Desktop report. The current line of thinking...

The Desktop Appraisals Soon to Be the New Purchase Wrinkle 10

Desktop Appraisals Soon to Be the New Purchase Wrinkle

The desktop appraisals are not necessarily more reliable, which could become an adverse issue for appraisers in the future… Appraisers, we learned about this late on Monday, Oct. 18, 2021: Sandra L. Thompson, acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) appeared before the Mortgage Bankers Association annual conference on Monday. Her remarks to that group featured this: The “flexibilities” (i.e., the desktop appraisals) put in place for appraisers after COVID-19 hit, have ended. However, FHFA has been reviewing the data gathered during their use and examined feedback from lenders and other parties. She told the MBA attendees that both...

Suspicion of a Discriminatory Appraisal... New Suspicious Law in CA 18

New Suspicious Law in CA

…any suspicion of a discriminatory appraisal by the holder of a real estate appraiser license… Folks in the Golden State, here’s something you’d better keep a very keen eyeball on: Appraiser Discrimination – AB 948 (Holden) Signed by Gov. Newsom This law requires a purchase agreement in a real estate transaction to inform a seller and buyer of the opportunity to report, through the Department of Consumer Affairs’ internet website or telephone number, any suspicion of a discriminatory appraisal by the holder of a real estate appraiser license. Furthermore, it would require such a notice to be provided by a...

UWM Appraisal Direct: No Mandatory AMC Use for Appraisal Assignments 25

No Mandatory AMC Use

When you work with UWM Appraisal Direct… if a borrower pays $500 for an order, the entire fee goes to you. UWM doesn’t make $1 on the order. No appraisal management fees… This announcement just popped into my email, from HousingWire: UWM launches AMC-free appraisal program UWM to coordinate appraisals in-house United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) announced today that it will no longer require its brokers to use appraisal management companies to complete appraisals. The Pontiac, Michigan-based wholesale lender will instead coordinate appraisals in-house, contracting with appraisers directly, offering appraisers and brokers a way to bypass AMCs altogether, which UWM CEO...

2022 7hr USPAP Update Course 0

2022 7hr USPAP Update Course

Appraisers, if your license renews in 2022, you will need to take the ‘new’ USPAP 7hr Update course. See below. The Update class you have already taken for the 2020-21 book, which has been extended to Dec. 31, 2022, cannot be used for CE credit again. However, I’m somewhat confused as to the effective dates of this ‘new’ Update class. It says “2022-23” which implies it will be valid through the end of (or into?) 2023. But the ‘current’ USPAP is presently undergoing Exposure Drafts for the proposed changes, which will be effective as of Jan. 1, 2023.  Normally, the Update...

Objective Terminology - Avoiding problematic phrases - Appraisers Blogs 6

Objective Terminology

  Appraisers should avoid using words that lend themselves to bias judgments. Instead, the appraisal report should document objective facts. “Bias” in appraisals has been a ‘hot topic’ around nationwide water coolers since about 2018, and even earlier. The GSE’s are particularly wary of any commentary in appraisal reports that appear to inject ‘bias’ into the value conclusion. In the June ’21 FNMA Appraiser Update newsletter, there is this article: Avoiding problematic phrases Stories in the media about racial bias in appraisals have been on the rise. The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) expects appraisers to “not perform...

Secret HUD Meeting on Valuation Bias... Input of Appraisers Is Unwanted 11

Secret HUD Meeting on ‘Appraiser Bias’

The exclusion of the appraisal profession from events looking at valuation bias sends the message – intentional or not – that the input of appraisers is unwanted by those seeking to address issues relating to valuation bias… This was in a news release put out on Aug. 2, 2021 by the American Society of Appraisers which reveals the ‘secrecy’ behind the government’s efforts to attempt to continually help smear real estate appraisers: “RESTON, Va., Aug. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ –The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) held a virtual event today looking at bias issues surrounding the home valuation process....

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