Author: Dave Towne

Reliable Is the Ugly Lie of Hybrid Appraisals Scope of Work 11

Lies, Damn Lies and More Lies

These so-called accurate and ‘reliable’ data sources are factually wrong… I was reading the Scope of Work contained in a sample Hybrid Appraisal, one of now dozens being promoted by multiple AMC’s, lenders, software developers, etc., which seem to be sweeping the secondary lending arena these days. It says… Identified and verified subject characteristics from a reliable data source such as MLS, County/City records, GIS, and online data sources. – Researched comparable sales and listings from reliable data source such as MLS, County/City records, etc.” “Reliable” is the ugly lie and supposed truth promoted by very naive or unaware people...

Salary Range for Real Estate Appraisers in the US? 29

Average US Appraiser Salary

Are you curious about the salary range for appraisers in the United States? Click this link for info on salary ranges for Real Estate Appraisers. Rising fees across the country has fueled the growth in appraiser income. That’s a good thing! Why should we be the only ‘workers’ to have their income potential held down by lenders who don’t want to pass on true costs of doing complicated appraisals to their bank clients – the actual mortgage loan consumer – while EVERYTHING else has increased? Thankfully over the past two years that has changed, as most appraisers across the US...

Comps Sharing & Big Data By Appraisers For Appraisers 28

Big Data Assisting Appraisers

Big data comps sharing assisting appraisers… I admit to having a dog in the fight. Maybe even a pony, camel, or even a pure bred Clydesdale horse… On 10/09/2017, the owner of alamode software informed customers of a significant new change in how ‘comps’ can be added to a current report – which will be implemented sometime early next year. Read his message here. This is significant because the ability of ‘Big Data’ is being put to work ASSISTING appraisers, rather than being withheld from us as is done with the GSE’s highly touted Collateral Underwriter – even though ‘we’...

Properties Editing Tool of Collateral Underwriter 4.2 Misinterpreted 17

Misinterpreted CU Update Message

Where the EDITs are used, they are within the "model properties"… Folks, This is the message many appraisers have seen over the past week or so, which came from FNMA: “During the weekend of Dec. 9, we will implement Collateral Underwriter® (CU™) 4.2, (which includes) the ability to edit the subject and appraiser-provided comparable sales property characteristics. CU 4.2 will also provide mortgage insurers (MIs) with access to CU. Lenders will be able to give their MI risk partners access to appraisal-specific data by providing them the Doc File ID generated at the time of appraisal submission.” As so often happens...

Hybrid Appraisals Survey Results 26

Hybrid Appraisals Survey Results

Appraisers, about 1.5 weeks ago, I asked Washington State appraisers to respond to a survey I designed, having to do with HYBRID appraisals. The tabulated results of that survey are displayed below in the embedded PDF, with ‘quick’ responses below. Of the surveys distributed to nearly 400 appraisers, the response was better than other types of market surveys, meaning the results are statistically acceptable… and could be transferred ‘by inference’ to the appraiser population across the US. A HYBRID appraisal is a ‘desktop assignment’ where the subject property inspection and photos is done by a non-appraiser, and that info/data is turned...

Site Size Correction Notices From AMC Amateurs 12

Site Size Correction Notices

AMC’s who demand you change site size in reports are amateurs… Appraisers, Yesterday, an appraiser ‘pen pal’ sent me the query below, asking what I would do. My response follows. I admit to having a very low tolerance level for stupidity and demands from others who don’t possess all the facts, and most often are not appraisers. The query: “Over the past year with more AMCs going to automated checker software, I have been getting “correction notices” about the site size I reported, almost for every report. So, I changed how I did it so it would stop coming back, but...

HouseCanary, Another High Powered AVM Affecting Appraisers 21

CU Not the Only AVM Affecting Appraisers

Assignments Funneled Back Through HouseCanary & Your Data Appraisers, CU from the GSE’s was thrust on appraisers in 2011. Since then, the giant sink hole designed by the ‘enterprises’ has gobbled up millions of home data elements. And in some cases, this data has been used AGAINST appraisers – who have no direct access to it, even though ‘we’ are the ones supplying the data. But they are not the only entity doing this.  A company named ‘HouseCanary’ has also been amassing more millions of data points about US properties. During 2017, HouseCanary has had $64 MILLION dollars of investor funding...

HUD Tag # on Manufactured Homes Missing? Solution for Appraisers 22

Missing HUD Tag # on Manufactured Homes

Sometimes NO HUD Tag number can be found… Appraisers, Regarding Manufactured Homes (MFH), sometimes NO HUD Tag number can be found on, or in, the MFH. However, this number is required to be entered on the 1004C appraisal form. Loans for MFH’s cannot be processed without these numbers. The HUD Tag is the metal plate(s) attached to the rear of each section. Numbers are usually sequential, with three letters as the prefix. Inside the home, someplace, should be a paper ‘Data Plate’ with the home serial number, HUD Tag #’s, and other data. But often the Data Plate cannot be found, and...

Low Echelon AMCs, Lenders & Appraiser Servants 9

This Reminds Me of Low Echelon….

Appraisers who won’t or can’t “just say NO” to low echelon AMCs The comic strip below reminds me of… Low echelon lenders who think a copy of an appraiser’s license must be included in appraisal reports. They apparently never have actually read an entire report to find that info is already included Low echelon lenders who think a copy of our E&O binder page must be included in appraisal reports Low echelon AMCs who are agents for the low echelon lenders above and just accept that nonsense, passing the demand on to appraisers Low echelon AMCs who fail to inform their...

Pendings Can Reveal Market Trends - Use of Graphs in Appraisal Reports 5

Graphing Using Spreadsheet – Including Pendings

Pendings can reveal market trends, turns and current activity… Appraisers, How many of you use visual graphs in your reports to demonstrate sales (and Pending) trend data? This can be a very important tool to convince your clients that you really have a good understanding of current valuation issues. I am indebted to David Braun, Patrick Egger, Steve Smith, George Dell, Anthony Young and Joe Lynch (among others) for their presentations about this key feature we can utilize. Frankly, using spreadsheets and their built-in graphing functions is something every appraiser should learn. I bring this up because an appraiser peer was...

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