Appraisers Considered an Essential Business

Appraisers Are Considered an Essential Business

Under the order, “essential businesses” cover a wide variety of workers…Appraisers are considered an essential business…

Illinois Governor Issues Stay-at-Home Order. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker today issued a “stay at home” order for the entire state starting Saturday March 21, 2020, at 5 p.m. through April 7.

The order encourages all “essential businesses and operations” to remain open.

Appraisers are considered an essential business

The order encourages all “essential businesses and operations” to remain open, but directs them to enforce six-foot social distancing for both employees and customers.

Under the order, “essential businesses” cover a wide variety of workers, including the health care, public health, and human services professionals at the front lines of the state’s COVID-19 response. In addition, those providing essential government and infrastructure needs – such as waste collection, airport operations, law enforcement officers, and child welfare personnel – are exempt from the order.

Other exempt businesses include stores that sell groceries and medicine; producers of food, beverages, and cannabis; outlets, such as newspapers, radio, and television; gas stations; laundromats; banks, and other financial institutions as well as appraisers.

ICAP reminds all of its members to make their own decisions about what they are comfortable with and to take special precautions but also informs them that according to the governor’s executive order appraisal activities are permitted.

Read the Governor’s executive order here or below.

Helpful Tips For Real Estate Appraisers

Talk with your Clients, Lenders, and AMC’s about any safety policies or protocols that they may have put in place when performing inspections – what are their expectations.

Implement some common sense practices of your own, such as carrying disinfectant wipes to appointments, keeping gloves and face masks in your bag, have a thermometer on hand, and cleaning your tablet, I-pad, laptop and phone before and after appointments. Wash your hands before and after appointments with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Let the borrower know if you are planning on wearing a face mask, gloves, or avoiding physical contact such as a handshake. If you are concerned about touching surfaces, you may ask them to open and close all doors and have the light switches on during the appointment.

As with any other real estate professionals, appraisers must be mindful of the Fair Housing Act and not discriminate against any particular segment of the population.

Finally, use common sense and your best judgement. Most of all – don’t panic and keep your clients informed.


opinion piece disclaimer
ICAP Board
Image credit wikimedia - Billy Hathorn
ICAP Board

ICAP Board

ICAP works to promote the appraisal profession and its image to the general public and to users of appraisal services. ICAP initiates discussion and analysis of issues affecting professional appraisers and monitors political action with the intent to influence legislation, regulation and public opinion toward the appraisal profession.

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36 Responses

  1. Avatar Carl says:

    Yep. It clearly states appraisers are part of essential businesses

    • Avatar Christopher J. Caretti says:

      Carl is the doc you posted from the State of Ill. or national? (I see Dept. of Homeland Sec. 3/19 memo at the bottom)

      • Avatar Carl says:

        Chris, it’s a screenshot of page 5 of the PDF file above. The PDF file is the IL governor’s Issues stay-at-home order.

        • Avatar Christopher J. Caretti says:

          Ok, thank you for clarifying Carl. I thought as much. The Maryland Gov. issued an order for all non-essential businesses to close today at 5pm.; however, real estate appraisers or “appraisers” were not specifically mentioned. Financial services, banks, etc… are essential

  2. Avatar Koma says:

    Already went through my box of masks, any ideas? Ordered n95 masks on line, but will not be delivered for a month. When inside a house your in such close quarters it’s hard to go inside without one. Plus already having a medical condition pops up in mind. Not trying to scare anyone with this, but I’m waiting until they arrive to go out on a job.

    Pleas stay safe Appraisers!

  3. Avatar Jeanie says:

    This was a notice from Valuation Connect AMC

    Update 3/20/2020: To our panel of valued and trusted partners: Several state governors (CA/PA/NY) have issued orders restricting activity for non-essential businesses in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. It’s our interpretation that mortgage servicing companies can continue to operate and this would include the ability to conduct appraisals. In fact, the states which have placed restrictions clearly state that activities related to a financial transaction may continue. Therefore, we are planning to continue to place orders. However, we understand that there is a lot of concern about these orders. If you don’t feel comfortable accepting new orders, please let us know. For any orders you do complete, we continue to urge you to follow all CDC guidelines, including practicing social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and using sanitizing wipes to clean surfaces. Thank you for your partnership during these most difficult and unprecedented times.

    • Avatar Marion says:

      The license is a REAL ESTATE appraiser. Not Lender support appraiser. But where is their statement that their legal team will defend you as an “essential” support for a lender? Will they pay any fine you might incur from violating a state’s directives? Kinda funny so many believe that a state’s directives under “states of emergency” are open to opinions and actions counter to the directives.

  4. Avatar Shen Valley Appraiser says:

    If you don’t have an existing condition or someone at home with one, please save the Masks for the Health care workers / EMTs/ Police / Firefighters on the front lines – because if those people get sick & start dropping like flies, we are ALL out of luck (read the stats from 1918 – some places had only 2 out of every 10 people still able to work). Without knowing the proper way to fit and handle the masks, you may actually be putting yourself at higher risk taking it on & off & getting more infected hands and surfaces that you lay it on & that you cannot or forget to disinfect. An old Victorian era / Folk era trick is to put some type of Vapor rub, etc, just under your nostrils (after you’ve washed thoroughly) and only breathe through your nose to filter as much air as possible. Also, request everyone be out or as few people as possible be in the house at the time of the Site Visit. Be prepared, not scared.

    • Avatar Koma says:

      Yep, my wife is a health care worker and we have a station set up in our garage so she can do all the necessary cleanup before entering the house. I’m sure since the average age of an Appraiser is 65 there’s a lot of us with medical conditions. Gotta use your own judgement when deciding what to do.
      Actually heard of some construction companies donating masks/gloves to hospitals. Awesome!

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        The good thing to come out of this is that manufacturers will be more flexible and more diverse, causing the American people to rely less on foreign sourced goods and services. If you want a mask, lysol, whatever, you’ll probably be able to get one in no time. I have a 5g bucket in the back, with jugs of tap water and soap, change of overshirt. I wash hands out of the back of the truck now all the time. I’m not worried myself, but do take care to not spread it around to vulnerable people if I’m able. Lots of younger people out shopping for their parents, I did that too.

  5. Avatar Johnny Ringo says:




    • Baggins Baggins says:

      It’s a great sentiment but no. This is the heist of the century and every special interest got their piece of the pie. We get to try out universal income without yang. We get student loan debt relief without warren. And just every other political point one could dare to make, it’s happening. Appraisers get to enjoy waivers and hybrids as a mandate from the top down, no argument or debate necessary and previous arguments against this are forgiven.

      Does government keep itself in check or does the people keep the government in check? This is a sad day for America to let all these major corporations get everything they wanted under the guise of a crisis, simply write the fed a love note and grab a quick billion for yourself too. This is taxpayer money, this is your money. The financial reset is here and expect the worst.

  6. Avatar Cotton says:

    Sooo are we to believe that only appraisers are allowed out or do u think the amcs are pleading to classify RE agents as essential so they can keep the bifurcation money making scam going? Im sure Fannie Mae will just issue a waiver on 99% of these loans anyway. Just completed an appraisal where the initial purchase did not require an appraisal. Now they are trying to refi 5 months later and the borrowers cant refi as they way over paid. My instruction to them was to lawyer up and sue all parties involved. I have received virus letters from every amc we are all fully aware this is just an attempt to shield themselves from lawsuits. Dont think for a minute the GSEs, amcs or lenders care about appraisers or their families. Stay safe and when quoting fees make sure u quote enough to make it worth potentially dying for.

  7. Avatar Scott says:

    If appraisers are essential during a world-wide pandemic, who is paying for and/or providing your N-95 face mask, gloves and hand sanitizer? Ask yourself that one as well.

    • Avatar marion says:

      Nice for ILL. Not true in PA

      the AMC capital of the country

      Market value = 0 because “the market” is closed. Just as the AMCs will be in less than a month. Stay tuned for more Real Estate news.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Nope, as long as employees are on staff, the parent companies loans will be able to be relieved without being paid back, they’re getting a bailout to keep the employees ready to go too. They’re not getting fired, they’re going to be getting a free lunch. Expect news tidbits suddenly changing the amc brand from top 100 companies, to simple humble small businesses whom need help too.

    • Dana Delgado Gomez Dana Delgado Gomez says:

      and they should be paying for hazard fee for us or we should be asking for more mine

    • Avatar Jenna McGeoghegan says:

      I am injured, fell and tore off my hamstring. I have never been so happy to be hurt! I have been saying all along that this is insanity. I have a immune compromised child. There is no way I would be doing interior inspections right now. I have tried finding shoe covers and gloves for my fellow appraisers in Wisconsin, and there are none. There is no hand sanitizer, there are no masks. It’s all well and good to say “be careful out there” but nobody can…there is no safety equipment available!

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Good thing so many stayed safely clear of fake news sites out there and did not see this coming 4 months ahead of time. I shared masks with many of my neighbors.

        The timeline; People were worried, serious things were happening. People panicked and ran supplies. The panic was exploited through a chaos by design program, again. Censorship and propaganda ran overtime.

        I thought masks would save me, then I got some. They’re just thin pieces of paper. I thought lysol would save me, it’s just a can of chemicals. What you going to do, not eat? You’ll be back at the store in no time too. Drink tea daily and keep your immune system up. Take supplements with zinc, have colloidal silver drops, consume spirulina, B, D, C’s and other immune boosting supplements, keep your health up.

  8. Avatar ej says:

    Unfortunately, appraisers aren’t paid like an essential business. Are the GSEs HUD, Lenders going to pay for an appraiser if he goes on sick leave because he got infected? Are they going to pay the funeral bills and support the appraiser’s family if God forbid that person dies because of the reckless business practices of the AMC cartel, corrupt Lenders, and brain-dead HUD? Where is the Appraisal Institute, TAF? Why aren’t they demanding drive-bys? Or a boycott?

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Your regular non organic diet is more likely to kill you. We’ll need an emmanuel goldstein around. What’s the daily death rate anyways? The thing to pay attention to is what you’re NOT being told.

      No, it’s not the governments responsibility to keep us safe. Trading liberty for security will leave you with neither. This has gone too far already. Turn it back now.

  9. Avatar Tim B says:

    Correct, It is not a matter of essential classification or not, and this does vary state by state. Appraisers are not equipped to be entering peoples homes at this time, not under any circumstances,. Even with AMCs giving you the option to take that risk into your hands, in the present environment, to protect everyone it is necessary to make the decision to just work from the exterior until this passes. You will inevitably get sick otherwise. The appraisal Foundation is recommending we stay in:

    NEW Are appraisers required to perform interior inspections of real property during a national health emergency?

    The ASB and The Appraisal Foundation encourage lenders, regulators, government agencies and Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) to consider suspending or relaxing requirements for interior inspections during a national health emergency.

  10. Avatar SB says:

    Non Essential CoreLogic is in a FREE FALL. Now down over 43% in 2 weeks. Share Buy Back strategy has BLOWN UP.

    Entire AMC industry is now squarely in the cross hairs.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Finally some good news. Thanks SB!

      The treasuries pockets are wide open. Corelogic just will need to fish out a fresh translator or something, get the exec back from the bunker, they’ll get in on it too.

  11. Avatar Joyce Mocaby says:

    All appraisers should refuse interior inspections! Drive by or desk top appraisals can be effective. The government did this when things were “good”. How about when things are “bad” or our safety is being comprised. All of the on line services used by appraisers are still available. Lenders put weight on credit and other critical information, a drive by appraisal can meet their needs without compromising appraisers physical health.

    • Avatar Marion says:

      What are appraisers opining to in a desktop appraisal?

      Retrospective date of value, fine.

      Current date of value?

      Income Approach is negative. No one has to pay rent, but the bills keep coming in.
      Cost Approach = Zero. Residential construction is not an essential service, so the improvements could not be “replaced”.
      Sales Comparison Approach = Sales offices are closed as non-essential, buyers are ordered by the government to not go outside, potential foreign buyers are no longer accepted into the country, oh but there is an appraiser with data less than 6 months old, so there is an open and competitive market.


      Oh but there is a GSE directive that its okay, yet there was no indemnity agreement issued to appraisers to protect them from the backlash when those loans go belly up.

      Great. Go for it.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Nope. Construction is an essential service in my state. Home building must carry on. And you can get in on it, and you, you’re important, and you too! They tried to shut down liquor stores and when lines instantly ran out a mile long, they decided those people were important enough to maintain their jobs too.

        And you, you’re important enough to keep your job! Not you bro, you have to stay at home, too bad, just bad luck but we’re here for you with loans and menial employment when it’s over. Come work for the big corporations instead. You, over there! You’re important! You too! Pass on that one, not important. That other guy, yes, important, he’s an instant VIP!

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      You are not just watching political theater, you’re living it too. / Our liberty is not for sale, trade, or up for negotiation. / Liberty is yours, no permission slip is necessary. No government approval is required. / Nothing is more frightening than curtailment of liberty. Unless you’re old as dirt and near your death bed already, you’ll be fine. We were not magically insulated from this in the US, it may have been here since November anyways.

      What are you not being told… These moves are not temporary. Now, shift all fulls to drive by’s. How much future income will this cost appraisers? It’s a special interest field day and there is no turning back. And now you’ll need some sort of permission slip to step out there? How long can you really abide that? Will you abide that long term? This ends when we demand it ends. Suddenly it went too far. Do not trade liberty for security.

    • Avatar Tim B says:

      Why would desktops being preference over exterior onlys? The 2055 is basically a 1004, but you’re using other forms of gathering interior information–you can still go and work outside the home, look in the windows etc. And if you’re upholding USPAP, it’s not just a driveby, you should be doing everything in your power to get verifiable information to go with it (have the owner send you pics, face time, recent MLS, detailed interview, and you are on the receiving end of this interpreting the results using your professionalism). You don’t get that out of an alternative valuation product. And, the desktop is less than that. Doesn’t make any sense why GSEs would want that first over a 2055 with physical exterior inspection.

      Baggins, this is not going to be commonplace. Just like you go to the food store now and have to settle for gizzards at the moment, the product we offer is not dispensable, but you just have to make do for the time being. Use this as an opportunity to embrace technology. You will be able to do more with it and the fees will match up eventually as long as we stay in control of it.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        It’s just they were not prepared to manage the logistics of everyone wanting everything at once. This thing is not causing heffers to keel over on the spot or farmers to stop planting. Life carries on. We’re readying for price reductions and this is likely to be a great opportunity for us to bridge the gap and land a better home at an affordable price later this year.

        Per the specific rules of engagement for work flow and type, take what works best for you. They’re talking about penalties if your advanced phone tattles on you for not maintaining social distancing or violating unconstitutional travel restrictions. No, I will not be conned by this event into embracing the new technologies. This sounds like a great reason to turn that back instead. Something will turn up and I won’t need to change my positions to make that happen.

  12. Avatar Dave says:

    We expendables are essential. WOW. Please tell my wife that!!!!! lol

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Because the need to get financing from a lender to move from one home to another is on par with a supposedly life and death choice to step outside. It’s all political theater now.

  13. Avatar Marion says:

    Feudalism 2.0

  14. Avatar Constance Marines says:

    It is such a relief to read this thread. I don’t think buying a house or refinancing is essential right now. It’s insane to allow appraisers into homes. We routinely go from one house to another and there is no amount of masks, gloves or booties that can keep us from carrying germs with us. Outrageous that we are being asked to risk our lives and those of home occupants. This has shown me what little regard my clients really have for me. Meanwhile, they are all working from home.


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Appraisers Considered an Essential Business

by ICAP Board time to read: 2 min