a la mode Releases UAD Compliance to the Appraisers

a la mode, maker of the appraisal industry’s most popular formfilling software, last week released an update to its WinTOTAL Aurora software that includes compliance features with the government sponsored enterprises’ (GSEs) Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). The UAD is part of the Uniform Mortgage Data Program (UMDP), requiring a standardized dataset from all appraisers contributing to the GSEs’ loan portfolio. With this update, WinTOTAL Aurora joins a la mode’s TOTAL 2011 as the only publicly available appraisal formfillers currently able to comply with the UAD guidelines.

WinTOTAL Aurora touts new UAD-specific features like in-line form popups, in-field guidance and real-time UAD compliance validation that are centered on saving appraisers time. “Our main focus has been to make UAD-compliant formfilling as close to the traditional process as possible. We’ve obsessed over things like reducing mouse clicks, effectively showing UAD requirements and
immediately notifying appraisers when a field isn’t in compliance,” Product EVP Phil Perkins said. “We think appraisers are going to appreciate what we’ve done to save them time.”

“These new data entry requirements are the biggest workflow change since the URAR was introduced. Getting all appraisers ready for these changes well in advance of the Sept. 1, 2011 GSE deadline has been our top priority for months,” said Dustin Moore, president of a la mode’s Real Estate Solutions Division. “Even if appraisers don’t use our software, they’re welcome to demo our UAD-compliant solutions until their vendor comes up to speed.”

This WinTOTAL Aurora update is a product of a la mode’s research and development environment – the a la mode labs. “Having our two most popular formfillers UAD-ready more than three months in advance of the deadline is a testament to our labs program. We’ve been able to quickly develop our ideas, get appraiser feedback and deploy our solutions faster than our competitors,” Perkins said. WinTOTAL Aurora users can download the UAD compliance update from the a la mode labs at www.labs.alamode.com/.

In addition to the software update, a la mode announced its nationwide, 21-city UAD training tour and online course schedule. For more information and to sign up for courses, appraisers should visit www.alamode.com/training. And for more information on a la mode’s UMDP initiative, visit the a la mode labs at www.labs.alamode.com//labs.

Click here to watch a quick demonstration.

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar Ramon Leduc says:

    UAD is on a regular donwload?


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a la mode Releases UAD Compliance to the Appraisers

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 2 min