Rate AMCs and Lenders

Because life’s too short for a bad client

Appraisal Advisor provides a suite of tools to anonymously view, rate and review AMCs and Lenders using criteria that only matter to appraisers like you. You can search for good and bad clients, view average payment time frames, see average fees, gain a better negotiating stance, and much more.

Founded in 2011, Appraisal Advisor is a real estate appraisal technology company that gives appraisers the tools to better manage their clients. It provides an anonymous community to score AMCs and lenders with its review and ratings engine, using criteria that are specific the appraisal profession.

Appraisal Advisor also provides their Uniform Complaint Form, a form filler that aids appraisers in filing complaints with appropriate state and federal regulators that have any involvement in the mortgage industry. The UCF tool then helps appraisers track the status of each filed complaint to help create a paper trail for AMCs and lenders with poor practices.


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9 Responses

  1. Avatar Shawnte says:

    So where can I get the appraisal advisor tool?

  2. Avatar rich says:

    Its a great idea, long overdue. I am sure it will only cost a couple hundred per month.

    • Avatar Matt says:


      At least the first 6 months of the service will be completely free.

      The pricing isn’t set in stone, but we do know we will be offering substantial yearly discounts for users who post a minimum level of reviews per year (and it will be reasonable).

      The YEARLY price will be much less than the average cost of an appraisal (and MUCH less than the cost of an appraisal done for a C&R fee). When our product helps you find 1 good client that gives you at least 1 order, avoid 1 order from a bad client, or collect 1 overdue fee, then the product has more than completely paid for itself for the entire year.

      Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns.

      Matt Biggers

      • Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

        Appraisers are sick of paying out the nose for EVERYTHING Matt! I realize that you are most likely David Bigger’s son and David (Alamode CEO) just loves to squeeze the last penny out of appraisers. God only knows he squeezed a few million out of me before I wised up and quit.

        Bottom Line: This needs to be a free service for appraisers. They deserve it. You can earn your $$$ from advertising.

        Although I was an appraiser for 18 years I’ve come to see them as a group that couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. If the truth be known I feel sorry for them. If I am forced to though, I will step up and create a free site for them to use at my own expense.

  3. Annemieke Rood Roell Hamilton on Facebook Annemieke Rood Roell Hamilton on Facebook says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    This is a great idea that I encouraged David B. of Working RE OREP to undertake at is appraiser rater site. It only required that he add a WordPress rating script to his existing site. Unfortunately he has chosen to resist. In fact you will see my comments on his appraiser rater site a few months ago.

    The only down side that I see is that APPRAISERS SHOULD NOT BE CHARGED to participate in such a site. Professional rating script costs around $300. Hosting around $200 (tops). A domain costs around $10. As an ex appraiser I still fight for appraisers and this is an easy site to set up.

    Someone please explain to me why appraisers should be forced to stand on their hand and empty the remaining change in their pockets in order to rate & rank AMCs. Great idea but this should be a free service to appraisers. I would set up the site myself but I no longer provide free services to appraisers. I quit the business in 2009 and BankRape.com was my last freebe to appraisers.

    If appraisers desire a similar site WITH NO MEMBERSHIP FEES leave a message for me at 859 252-1000. I have no problem putting in my time free of charge is appraisers are willing to cover the cost of the script and hosting.

  5. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Anonymous ratings will not work unless you have a way to confirm that those posting are appraisers with absolute certainty. Otherwise, AMCs will flood the site with positive ratings.

    You also have the problem of inhouse AMC appraisers attempting to corrupt the system. How do you guarantee that only independent appraisers are using the system?

    If anyone knows CEO Matt Biggers (any relation to Dave Biggers) please pass these valuable tidbits along to him.

    • Avatar Matt says:

      We are currently developing a way to confirm that a user is an appraiser. Lenders, AMCs, Regulators, and RE Agents will be able to sign up for the site, but ONLY appraisers will be able to post reviews and ratings. We did this so that non-appraisers aren’t encouraged to sign up as appraisers and give them access to writing reviews.

      We have internal security measures that we call Watchdog Statistics to catch users who are manipulating the site so we can halt the activity immediately. So even if an in-house appraiser for Client A uses their appraisal credentials to sign up for the site, we can see through their review behavior if they work for Client A. I won’t go into further details and expose exactly how we do this, but we took lessons from TripAdvisor and Yelp (obviously not on the same scale as them) in pegging “trolls” and “fake appraisers”.

      Send us a message through our Facebook page, and I’ll be sure to e-mail you if you’d like to discuss this further.

      Matt Biggers


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Rate AMCs and Lenders

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min