Free Webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements

On May 22, 2013, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is offering a 90-minute webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements. Webinar will cover:

  • Lenders and appraisers responsibilities as it relates to FHA guideline
  • Marketability and value of the property and information about “For your Protection Get a Home Inspection”
  • Minimum Property Requirements
  • Minimum Property Standards
  • Appraisal Protocol

This webinar is designed for appraisers, underwriters, loan officers, processors, brokers, agents, any interested parties, and any individuals new to FHA.

Registration is required. No Fee. Please hold on to the e-mail you receive after you register, you will need it to access the webinar.

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Free Webinar on FHA Appraisal Requirements

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: <1 min