AQB Proposed Background Checks Focus on ‘Public Trust’
The Appraiser Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation on Dec. 2 released a new exposure draft of proposed revisions to the 2015 Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria. Among the revisions is a requirement that all applicants for real property appraiser credentials have a background that does not call into question public trust.
To meet that requirement, applicants must provide state appraiser regulatory agencies with all information and documentation necessary for a jurisdiction to determine an applicant’s fitness for licensure. An applicant will not be eligible for an appraiser credential if they have been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a crime that would call into question the applicant’s fitness for licensure.
As currently proposed, states would have flexibility to use whatever means they deem appropriate to ascertain that an applicant does not have a background that would call into question public trust. Previous versions of this proposal would have required states to conduct fingerprint-based background checks through the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Due to the original effective date of the background check requirements (Jan. 1, 2015, but now delayed until Jan. 1, 2017), some states already have implemented new laws, some of which contain provisions that go far beyond what is required as minimum criteria by the AQB.
The Appraisal Institute continues to work through its chapter network to lobby states for laws that are not onerous on existing credential holders and on new applicants for an appraiser credential. AI is attempting to limit any formal background check requirements to new applicants only. Additionally, AI is lobbying for laws that allow existing credential holders to attest at each renewal period that there has been no change in their background, with reasonable allowances for state appraiser regulatory agencies to “spot check” existing credential holders. Lastly, AI strongly opposes any efforts to require background checks for reciprocal licenses or temporary practice permits.
Other than the new provision on backgrounds that do not call into question public trust, this fourth exposure draft does not include any other significant changes from previous exposure drafts.

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Now For The Best Part
If you’ve done work for an AMC you instantly fail the background check. Why? Because you’ve willingly participated in an extortion scheme by kicking back a very large portion of your earnings each month in exchange for appraisal orders.
That should cut down the number of active appraisers considerably.
I kind of think that the amount of fee paid to an appraiser matters not to the average consumer who has much more to worry about in these times.
I agree with Doc. I think the AMCs should pay less to the appraisers than they do now. Especially since the new UC requirements on Jan 26th are going into effect. I think the AMCs deserve all the money since they do so much work and have so much liability. The AMCs are definitely going to have to hire more employees to review the bad work of appraisers when UC comes. Appraiser should be paid way less than $200 per appraisal. I think the AMCs should raise their prices to the borrowers by a couple hundered dollars to cover their expenses. God bless the AMCs!
Did Barney Frank have the public trust when he solicited a male prostitute? The list goes on and on.
Clarification of the management rule, regarding providing a thing of value is long over due. How to get amc orders; Provide a greater profit margin than the next appraiser, for the amc. When does the consumer get the benefit of this so called free market system. Cost savings are never returned to the consumer, but rather held as variable opportunistic amc profit. Junk fee rules and earned fee rules should be applicable. Plain and simple, amc fees should not be allowed to be mingled with appraiser fees, thereby eliminating the financial incentive to drive down appraiser fees for profit. If the amc provides worthy assistance to the process, they should have a fee for that, and get paid separately by the client.