E&O Coverage at No Additional Cost

Alliance Allows San Diego-Based Property Data Service to Offer E&O Coverage at No Additional Cost to Qualified Residential Appraisers

SAN DIEGO, CALIF. (July 28, 2014) – National Data Collective (NDC), a San Diego-based property data company serving real estate professionals, announced today that it has formed a strategic alliance with CRES Insurance, LLC, a leader in protecting the real estate industry with risk management services and insurance solutions.

NDC offers a subscription-based data service to appraisers, providing access to a database of full property profiles, assessor records, deed history and comp reports for more than 130 million properties nationwide. NDC has joined forces with CRES to provide its customers with Appraiser One, a product that allows appraisers to get their data and E&O together for one low price. Through the partnership, appraisers who purchase a subscription to NDC data will receive E&O coverage from CRES at no additional cost.

“We are excited about our new relationship with CRES. CRES is a leader and innovator in the professional liability field and a great match for NDC’s outstanding nationwide data services. The new Appraiser One package brings the best of both companies to our residential appraisal customers at an incredible value”

said Brian Trotier, NDC’s chief operating officer.

Our strategic partnership with NDC is a natural fit for both companies, allowing us to better serve the needs of the appraiser community with a great data service and our comprehensive E&O coverage” said Steve Sargenti, chief executive officer of CRES. “We look forward to leveraging the collective strengths of both companies to continue our growth in the residential appraiser market.”

About NDC
NDC (National Data Collective) is an independent property data source based in San Diego, CA. We have grown from serving a few states to being a trusted data source nationwide. For over 15 years, we have been committed to providing appraisers and real estate professionals with the information they need to be successful in their business. We bring a distinct combination of data and search tools that empower our subscribers to perform smart, reliable data searches.

About CRES
CRES Insurance has been a leader in Errors & Omissions insurance for the real estate industry, protecting over 500,000 real estate professionals nationwide since 1996. CRES delivers proactive risk management services, quality insurance solutions and complementary products to help real estate professionals protect and grow their business.

To learn more about the Appraiser One Package or to signup visit www.ndcdata.com/appraiserone. More information on NDC is available at www.ndcdata.com or by calling 800-964-2374. Additional information about CRES Insurance may be found at www.cresinsurance.com or 858-618-1648.

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E&O Coverage at No Additional Cost

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 2 min