Antitrust Has Come to the Appraisal Profession!

The Antitrust moment that we have been worried about has finally come to the Appraisal Profession.

Phil Crawford breaks down the news and information from the FTC investigation and complaint filed against the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board. Everything will change now…

We do not believe the FTC investigation in Louisiana will be an “isolated incident.” This complaint will have a profound effect on all appraiser coalitions, organizations, conferences and state boards.

Let’s make sure we are all prepared!!!

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Phil Crawford
Phil Crawford

Phil Crawford

Phil Crawford has been a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser for over 15 years. He is a third generation real estate appraiser following his father and grandfather. He is 42 years old and owns an appraisal and title company. He is part of a “new generation” of real estate appraisers that are determined to protect the appraisal profession from corruption, intimidation and destruction. He is an independent fee appraiser, and works in the field every day. He does NOT belong to any appraisal organization. He is truly independent.

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Antitrust Has Come to the Appraisal Profession!

by Phil Crawford time to read: <1 min