OPEIU Free College

OPEIU Free College Benefit for AGA Members

Free college for AGA members!

Please read OPEIU announcement below. This is an extremely valuable benefit for AGA members and those that want to join the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA). This can get some appraisers through the first hurdle of getting a four year degree by getting the two year associates out of the way. Depending on where they want to get their four year from. They may even be able to take CLEP exams for their real estate experience if they are getting a degree in real estate related fields.

Your next union benefit is here! OPEIU Free College

OPEIU is pleased to introduce the newest union benefit for all OPEIU members – the OPEIU Free College Benefit. Just as the name implies, OPEIU members and their families can now earn an associate degree completely free of charge.

With all the expenses working families have to deal with these days, it’s good to know that meeting the costs of rising tuition and textbooks doesn’t have to be one of them. If you have children graduating from high school and planning to attend college or you are looking for a way to advance your own career, the OPEIU Free College Benefit is here to help. Beginning this summer, every member or retired member, as well as spouses, children, grandchildren and dependents of OPEIU members, can earn a two-year degree online for free. You read that right – free college just for being an OPEIU member in good standing.

OPEIU has partnered with Eastern Gateway Community College to provide all members and their families access to their classes online. Eastern Gateway is an accredited, non-profit public institution with campuses serving eastern Ohio. But OPEIU members and their families can enroll in the distance learning program from anywhere in the country and earn a participating online associate degree and certificates with absolutely no out-of-pocket costs for tuition, fees or e-books.

For Fall 2017, students will have the opportunity to enroll in associate degree programs in general studies, healthcare, business management, criminal justice, paralegal and early childhood education. As demand increases, OPEIU will continue to look for additional programs to meet the needs of our members.

For those intending to transfer credits to a four-year college, credits earned at Eastern Gateway are accredited by the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), making transferring to a state or public college less complicated. Before enrolling in a private college or university, we recommend you first contact the private school regarding transferring credits.

The Fall 2017 semester begins August 21, with enrollment ending August 18. Complete information and enrollment details are available at FreeCollege.OPEIU.org or by calling 888-590-9009.

We encourage you to take advantage of this valuable new OPEIU membership benefit. It pays to belong to OPEIU!

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Michael Ford
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Image credit flickr - Michael Fleshman
Michael Ford

Michael Ford

Over 28 years appraising all property types and interests, in Southern California real estate. VP/Chairman National Appraiser Peer Review Committee, American Guild of Appraisers, #44OPEIU/AFL-CIO. - Michael Ford on e-AppraisersDirectory

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8 Responses

  1. Avatar Jack Of All Trades says:

    Sounds like a great benefit , how much to sign up Mike Ford ?

  2. Jack our current AGA annual membership as of today is $375 discounted to $325. It’s my understanding that no additional fees of any kind beyond membership in good standing is required.

    I spoke with our Executive VP today and he is going to try to confirm the specific details so that members and prospective members can simply call Jan Bellas and get the information from her.

    I’m interested in the courses myself and I will let you know via the blog anytime I learn more.

    This COULD be a more viable path forward for members and appraisers that want a four year degree but have neither the time nor funds to attend a traditional brick and mortar college. I don’t need it for certification or job purposes but I am interested for my own purposes.

    I’m old enough and sufficiently well informed on appraisal theory and procedures to where I can hold my own with anyone, BUT for more than 47 years the absence of that specific (degree) piece of paper has either made it harder to advance or closed certain opportunities off completely.

    I encourage any appraiser, no matter how well established they are to consider it. I see it as an opportunity to get an associates degree in two or less years with potential to CLEP or mix-CLEP for the remaining two years needed for a BA or BS depending on field selected.

    I was thinking of a degree in Real Estate (did you know that you can now get a Phd in Real Estate?).

    Also, have to admit that looking to the future of our profession, that right now it is a toss up for a degree in real estate or basket weaving. The latter seems to have greater future potential (imho).

    Seriously, for younger entrants to the profession where it takes 4 or 5 years to gain any recognizable credibility anyway, why not invest the time for a degree too?

  3. PS-maybe a basic English grammar and writing refresher course would be appropriate  too!

  4. Avatar Jack Of All Trades says:

    Thanks Mike Ford

  5. John B. Cox on Facebook John B. Cox on Facebook says:

    There is no such thing as a free lunch…or college.

  6. John, I suppose if you want to quibble you are correct. A person has to be a guild member first to take advantage of it.

    Additionally there is the ‘cost’ of actually studying in terms of time. Silly me, I assumed most readers would understand some effort may be required to successfully complete the degree.

    • John B. Cox on Facebook John B. Cox on Facebook says:

      In today’s world, it must be said… and resaid… too many people now a days (especially younger folks) do believe money grows on trees.

      Did not mean to imply that you were silly or stupid. Sorry if it came across that way.

      • Mike Ford, AGA, CA AG, GAA, RAA, Realtor ® Mike Ford, AGA, CA AG, GAA, RAA, Realtor ® says:

        Thanks for clarification John.

        My concern was that someone may read it and say “OK, where’s the catch” and dismiss what should be an important bit of information to anyone without a degree that either wants to get into the profession or that thinks they may want to upgrade in the next 3 to 5 +- years.

        I know with what I spend on appraisal related courses for CE and personal advancement and development that courses that don’t require my dipping in to my pocket get more consideration than those that do.


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OPEIU Free College

by Michael Ford time to read: 2 min