Tagged: public interest

Woke 'Bounty' Bill Will Chill Speech of New York Appraisers 8

Woke ‘Bounty’ Bill Will Chill Speech of New York Appraisers

A bill being crafted by the New York state Senate’s Finance Committee would, in effect, place a $2,000 bounty on the head of any heretical real estate appraiser in the Empire State who dares conclude a value that fails to satisfy a seller, serial refinancer or commissioned broker in a deal. Vulnerable buyers, who could be paying off inflated loans based on coerced values, would simply have to live with it. If enacted, the bill would authorize fines to be levied on appraisers for a new category of thoughtcrime – something called “appraisal discrimination.” Half the proceeds from the fines...

Sign VaCAP open letter to AMCs - Appraisal Management Companies 54

Sign the Letter

Sign VaCAP Open Letter to AMCs Fellow Appraisers, A few weeks ago, Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals (VaCAP) sent out an open letter to the AMCs. This letter was republished by many coalitions, and appraiser groups across the country; liked and shared on Facebook and broadcast on several industry blogs. VaCAP received an overwhelmingly positive response from the letter. We even heard from several Realtors applauding our efforts! Activity is still ongoing with comments! Click here to read the letter and comments! We heard you loud and clear… The letter can now be signed by individual appraiser here on AppraisersBlogs. We will...

Appraisal Profession: Open Letter to AMCs 116

Open Letter to AMCs

AMCs have failed the appraisal profession, the financial industry and the consumer Dear AMC, Thank you for your interest in our profession. The trial period we have conducted is over and the appraisal profession has determined your services are not needed. The reasons for our decision are as follows: The use of an AMC is not required by any federal or state law. The use of an AMC does not provide any benefit to the appraiser. The use of an AMC does not provide any benefit to the consumer. The use of an AMC has not protected the consumer. The...

AMCs vs Public Interest - VaCAP Advocacy 29

AMC vs Public Interest – VaCAP Advocacy

Since the beginning, Federal Regulation of the industry was initiated to “protect the public. “ FIRREA, USPAP, HVCC, Dodd Frank and state licensing of appraisers and appraisal management companies were initiated with consumer protection as the goal. Customary and reasonable fees, mandated by Dodd Frank, are also to protect the consumer. The Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals supports customary and reasonable fees and believes in order to determine a customary and reasonable fee all things associated must be considered and incorporated into the determination. The below practices by AMC’s are not in the interest of protecting public trust and go...

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