Tagged: Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals

Appraisal-Free Race to the Bottom Home Loans - Risky Business 16

PIW’s Get National Attention

…“a race to the bottom” between the two companies in pushing for more appraisal-free loans Ken Harney, a friend of the appraisal community has written an article about Fannie and Freddie waiving appraisals. The article will be seen by consumers throughout the country. VaCAP encourages everyone reading this to share Ken’s article on all your social media outlets, your websites, blogs, etc.  See the article here. For homeowners and buyers, appraisal-free loans have offered an unexpected windfall: relief from having to pay between $400 and $600 for the service… Fannie’s and Freddie’s no-appraisal option has been popular with lenders… The...

TriStar Bank Nuclear Option DENIED! FTC vs LREAB in Circuit Court 16

Nuclear Option DENIED!

VaCAP has just been informed the TriStar Bank Waiver Request has been DENIED by the ASC. Representatives from VaCap attended the TriStar bank appraisal waiver hearing at the Federal Reserve building in DC this morning. Also present were John Russell with the ASA-NAIFA, Leo Regensburg with the AGA, Bill Garber with the AI, Mark Shiffman with REVAA, appraisers and other stake holders. The board members consisted of Robert Witt with the FHFA, Veronica Spicer representing the CFPB, Richard Taft representing the OCC, and ASC board members. The meeting got off to a late start because the Tri-Star representatives were held...

REVVA Reacts to FHFA Study RE AMCs' Appraisal Quality 8

REVAA Reacts to FHFA Study

…the methodology, measures of quality, errors & the insertion of staff opinion seems to indicate bias…. REVAA responds to the FHFA study indicating AMCs bring little value. Mark Schiffman, Executive Director of REVAA, stated to Jacob Gafney, Editor of HousingWire, via email: “We are disappointed that AMCs and lenders were not consulted at the outset of this research so that we could have help ensure sound methodology. We are also disappointed not to have had the chance to discuss this research with the FHFA before it was distributed publicly. This is not a final report of any kind from the FHFA,...

How the Agreement Between CoreLogic & the FTC Impacts Appraisers 15

FTC vs Corelogic

…how the agreement between CoreLogic and the FTC from 2014 impacts appraisers… The FTC vs CoreLogic: Why it is important to Appraisers Some appraisers have reached out to VaCAP asking how the agreement between CoreLogic and the FTC from 2014 impacts appraisers. VaCAP wants to highlight the case and provide some key points of reference. The agreement revolves around the purchase of DataQuick by its competitor CoreLogic in 2014. The FTC at that time allowed the transaction with some parameters in which CoreLogic agreed to. See the analysis of the agreement here. A summary of the parameters are below: CoreLogic...

Appraisal Lock, A safe and Secure Way of Getting Paid - AppraisersBlogs 17

Appraisal Lock

Appraisal Lock… a Safe and Secure Way of Getting Paid Deliver your .pdf, .xml and .env files to your clients and get paid instantly! The Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professional’s Exclusive Announcement April 1, 2018 is a security overlay attached to your appraisal report locking your report from opening until payment is made. Here is how it works: After installing our program, simply choose the Appraisal Lock® Print option. Fill out the client’s information and the amount of your invoice. Appraisal Lock® delivers your report securely locked until payment is made. Payment is deposited directly into your bank account. We have...

Are Appraisal Management Companies Value-Adding? 29

Are AMCs Value-Adding?

The Federal Housing Finance Agency has released a working paper “Are Appraisal Management Companies Value-Adding? – Stylized Facts from AMC and Non-AMC Appraisals” We have not had a chance to review the report in great detail, however, a quick glance has some very interesting analysis. This is a must read for every appraiser! See the “Are AMCs Value-Adding?” paper here or below. Excerpt: Are Appraisal Management Companies Value-Adding? – Stylized Facts from AMC and Non-AMC Appraisals In this paper, we study whether there are any systematic quality differences between appraisals associated and unassociated with appraisal management companies (AMCs). We find...

Amrock aka TSI Appraisal Guilty of Fraud; Update on FTC vs. LREAB 23

TSI Fraud & FTC vs. LREAB

Amrock, Inc, formerly Title Source (TSI Appraisal) was ordered to pay House Canary $706 MILLION in damages for theft of intellectual property and fraud.  Bottom line, there was a 7 week trial with a 12 person jury. Amrock (Title Source) was found guilty of theft and fraud unanimously! Amrock (Title Source) plans on appealing the verdict. Housing Wire has an in-depth article with lots of details. See it here. Things to ponder on: Should Amrock’s amc license be revoked due to this guilty verdict? Should appraisers and the public trust a company guilty of fraud and theft? Could appraisers win a law...

ASC Call for Comments: Dangerous Slippery Slope if Waiver is Granted 6

ASC Call for Comments

It is important for every appraiser to submit comments… The Appraisal Subcommittee wants to hear from appraisers on Tristar Bank’s request for appraisal waivers. The comment period is open until April 9, 2018. VaCAP has previously participated in a group letter with other organizations and expressed our concerns on this topic. We will once again be part of a group letter as well as send in our own comments. It is important for every appraiser to submit comments on how this is a dangerous slippery slope if the waiver is granted. Consumer protection is the issue and the door will be...

Price Fixing? Why is the FTC Involved at All? FTC vs Louisiana Hearing 32

Price Fixing? Why is the FTC Involved at All?

FTC "Price Fixing" Allegations Hearing Update On Thursday, Feb 22, 2018 there were oral arguments presented in the Federal Trade Commission building at 2 pm. The meeting adjourned just before 3:30 pm. There were 55 to 65 people in attendance, which we were told is an extraordinarily larger crowd than typical. This is a very unique case. On the FTC side there were two lawyers – one male, one female. On the Louisiana side there were four males at the head counsel table and three or four other attorneys. I have never attended one of these hearings, so I really did...


How Fast Can Your Head Spin?

Hopefully you have been busy and have not noticed VaCAP has been quiet over the past few weeks. Not by choice, but necessity. You see, there has been so much happening, we have been overwhelmed and our heads are spinning out of control. VaCAP needs more members to volunteer to help us help you. Let us know how you can help. Let’s start with the easy stuff: The Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board Quarterly Meeting will take place on February 21, 2018. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM and there will be a public comment period for anyone who wishes to address...

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