Tagged: Sales Comparison Approach


The Cost Approach – An Approach to Value, Without Worth, Really?

Back to Basics (Part 2): The Cost Approach – An Approach to Value, Without Worth, Really? The foundations of appraisal were based upon three independent approaches to value. A system, when developed correctly, presents a check and balance within the report. The idea being that when an appraiser takes the time to develop each report, the data will show three independent motivations and three separate value conclusions. Nonetheless, the conclusions will support one another because the underlying principle for each approach is the principal of substitution. For the purposes of valuation or real estate appraisal, the principle of substitution is...

Small Towns and Rural Areas Appraisal Requirements 3

Rural Areas & Small Towns Appraisal Requirements

A common misconception of Fannie Mae’s Appraiser Independence Requirements (AIR) is that lenders are required to use third-party vendors or appraisal management companies (AMCs) to ensure compliance. In fact, lenders are not required to use an AMC or any other third-party vendor to order appraisals…

What Does the Missing Malaysian Jet have to do with Appraising 0

Malaysian 777 Disappearance and Appraising?

What Does the Missing Malaysian Jet have to do with Appraising? I find it fascinating that a jet full of passengers can just disappear.  As time passes, it is becoming more and more evident that this is not going to end well.  What is interesting to me, however, is the media coverage of the event.  Everyone seems to have a theory as to what happened (including one ‘reporter’ speculating that a black hole might have sucked them up).  The problem?  Most of these theories are based on no more than a hunch.  There is little to no evidence supporting most...

Welcome to Life as an Appraiser in 2014 - Imagecredit Flickr - Nathan 9

Welcome to Life as an Appraiser in 2014

I  want  to meet the lucky appraiser these days who is getting all of the easy appraisals. Welcome  to  life  as  an  appraiser  in  2014.  It  seems every  appraisal  has  time  constraints,  distance constraints  and  knowledge  constraints.  I  want  to meet the lucky appraiser these days who is getting all of the easy appraisals. Surely it can’t be lenders just getting an AVM. If lenders are using AVMs, the lack of quality comparables out there would lead to lenders just  fooling  themselves  and  relying  on  loss  ratios again.   You  would  think  someone  would  say:  been there, done that and got hammered....


Value Range Rather than a Single Point

I have been giving a value range…for many years… By making the choice to do lender work, we also make the choice to accept some pretty ridiculous stipulations. “When you pick up one end of the stick, you also pick up the other,” my dad used to teach me. One of those requirements that have been around as long as I can remember is that an appraisal value must be reported as a single dollar amount. This, I believe, is a mistake. By definition, market value is “The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and...

Financing Concessions for Comparables 2

Update on Financing Concessions for Comparables

Appraisers, The GSE’s have issued a UAD newsletter on Sept. 18, 2012. Mostly it has ‘stuff’ in it that appraisers should be doing, i.e., checking for proper UAD compliance prior to report submittal by using your report software on-board reviewer. However, this little gem is the last item on page 2: Update on Financing Concessions for Comparables The GSEs expect appraisers to determine the financing concessions, if any, for all settled sales used as comparables in appraisal reports. Appraisers are expected to do what is necessary to determine concession amounts through the normal course of business and not automatically default...


Regulators Should Take Actions to Strengthen Appraisal Oversight

Fed Report Scrutinizes Appraisal Processes The Government Accountability Office released a report June 28 that scrutinized real estate valuations in the wake of the recent mortgage crisis. The report, Residential Appraisals — Regulators Should Take Actions to Strengthen Appraisal Oversight, was produced using data from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and five of the biggest mortgage lenders. The report revealed that valuations received through broker price opinions and automated valuation models take less time and are less costly than traditional appraisal reports, but traditional appraisal reports are still mandated for almost all first-lien residential loan originations due to their greater reliability....


Memo to KY AMCs

Memorandum to Kentucky Registered AMCs Regarding Appraiser Independence, Objectivity, and Impartiality From: Larry Disney, To: Kentucky Registered Appraisal Management Companies and Credentialed Appraisers, Date: March 29, 2012 Subject: Appraiser Independence, Objectivity, and Impartiality The Kentucky Real Estate Appraisers Board staff has received calls from Kentucky credentialed appraisers in the past two weeks concerning the following issue that is being propagated by Appraisal Management Companies: When appraising one unit residential properties and reporting the results of the appraisal development using a 1004 Fannie Mae form, the appraisers are told that if the cost approach is developed and reported, regardless of reasoning,...

Concessions - when & how much to adjust 8

Concessions – When & How Much to Adjust

There is a lack of consensus or understanding among appraisers regarding concessions paid to a buyer in a sales transaction. The focus here is on appraisals communicated via a current Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac form. The intent of this article is to bring some clarity to this topic, whether you’re appraising the property as a purchase transaction or using it as a comparable sale after it has closed. First, in your appraisal due to purchase, a concession to the buyer of the subject of your appraisal must be reported in the contract section of the appraisal report. However, you must remember...

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