Tagged: lawsuit

NFHA Funding Dries Up 53

NFHA Funding Dries Up

The NFHA is feeling the heat as their funding evaporates, putting a major kink in their anti-appraiser crusade.  The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) has found itself in a precarious position as their funding well runs dry, jeopardizing their ongoing legal battle against Maryland appraiser Shane Lanham. This development is a ray of hope not only for Lanham, who has been unjustly accused of racial bias in his appraisals, but for the entire appraisal community who have been unfairly targeted by NFHA’s relentless smear campaign. The NFHA, in cahoots with the Biden administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)...

AMCs Deceptive Fee Skimming Exposed in Lawsuit 57

AMCs Deceptive Fee Skimming Exposed in Lawsuit

Rocket Mortgage and the AMCs actively conceal this fee skimming from borrowers, never disclosing the proportion of the “appraisal fee” that is pocketed by the AMC rather than being paid to the appraiser.  The class action lawsuit, Timmins v. Clear Capital, et al., filed on November 1 in the Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus, sheds light on the deceptive and unfair business practices allegedly perpetrated by ClearCapital.com, Inc., Core Valuation Management, Inc., and Rocket Mortgage, LLC in relation to the appraisal fees charged to borrowers in home mortgage transactions. The complaint asserts that these defendants engaged in a...

Class Action Lawsuit of Targeted Appraisers 36

Class Action Lawsuit of Targeted Appraisers

Join me in this class action lawsuit and help take a stand against HUD and the wrongful persecution of appraisers.  Nationwide Call to Action: Seeking Legal Representation for Class-Action Lawsuit Against HUD Investigations For over two Years I have been subjected to systemic abuse, unwarranted investigations, and procedural violations at the hands of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). My name is Kenneth Mullinix, and I am an experienced VA-approved appraiser who has been targeted in a series of baseless investigations that have severely damaged my career, reputation, and personal well-being. Despite being cleared by other authorities after...

The New Con: Hybrids, Waivers & AMCs Threaten Public Trust 66

The New Con: Hybrids, Waivers & AMCs Threaten Public Trust

Hybrid Appraisals, Appraisal Waivers and Appraisal Management Companies are the new Con.  Last month marked the 7-year anniversary of Appraiser Fest. The conference was truly like nothing that had been done before. It was organized by appraisers for appraisers. The agenda was more about bringing the profession together and protecting the public trust. Appraiser Fest was not about promoting the profit of others at the expense of appraisers; nor was it about hiding the unchecked facts of fraud and ill doings against consumers. It was about public awareness and trust. It all started with a renewed sense of energy with...

VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham's Legal Fight 28

VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham’s Legal Fight

The outcome of this case will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the future of the appraisal industry, making Shane Lanham’s fight one that concerns us all.  A fellow appraiser is in need of your assistance. Many of you may have heard of a Maryland Appraiser, Shane Lanham, the defendant in a lawsuit for a “low opinion of value based on the race of the homeowner.” Shane is counter suing the accuser for defamation as this has been a very publicized story. Let’s be clear, he is not just fighting for himself, he is fighting for each and every appraiser. As...

The Harassment Campaign Against Mom-and-Pop Appraisers 12

Stoked by HUD, Cottage Industry Shakes Down Mom-and-Pop Appraisers

The harassment campaign benefits a number of odd bedfellows: the housing lobby, which wants unfettered access to federal funds and taxpayer-backed mortgage guarantees through Freddie, Fannie and the FHA – they see appraisals as an unnecessary bottleneck. A firm called Mizrahi Kroub is the largest filer of so-called “digital Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuits.” The New York law firm files about a quarter of all such cases nationwide, according to a provider of web-accessibility services. The firm, which employs nine lawyers, has brought more than 1,100 web-accessibility cases against small businesses for missing alt-text, incorrectly formatting lists or providing unclear...

The Censorship Campaign - Housing Inflation Exposed 29

Objectionable Valuations Become Hate Speech, Inflating Home Prices

The censorship, scapegoating and sidelining of appraisers has done real damage to borrowers and the purchasers of bonds…  Attacks on free speech are on the rise in the English-speaking world. A bill introduced in Canada to thwart online “anarchy and lawlessness” would create a Canadian Ministry of Truth empowered to punish authors Ottawa politicians find problematic. In response to the worst rioting in Britain in years, about 4,000 people have reportedly been jailed for online thought crimes. U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has vowed to prosecute anyone his government believes is whipping up people’s emotions on the Internet. There’s even...

Uncovering Flaws in FHA Appraisal & Loan Review Process 30

Uncovering Flaws in FHA Appraisal & Loan Review Process

The story of this single mother’s harrowing experience with a defective home purchase and HUD’s negligent oversight exposes deep flaws in the FHA appraisal and loan review process. After sacrificing for years to rebuild her credit and earn the right to become a homeowner, this borrower found her dream home in the country – or so she thought. During the home inspection, several issues were flagged. The seller, an investor who had purchased the home in an estate sale, was unaware of the septic system’s location. The seller agreed to have the tanks pumped so the location could be determined....

Alleged Racial Discrimination Debunked: Security Bars Removal Required by Law 15

Security Bars Removal Law Debunks Alleged Racial Discrimination

Complainant stated appraiser told them they should remove security bars from windows. Complainant stated this is evidence of “racist discrimination”… Security bars on bedroom windows is against code…  This morning I received the results of a California State Information Act Request I made regarding an alleged case of racial bias in Allendale, Oakland, California which was settled May 2024. I requested any and all documents in the case involving the appraiser because I didn’t have the complainant’s name or property address. I only had the appraiser’s name which I won’t post in text. Complainant stated appraiser told them they should...

Gov't-Indulged Middlemen Are Wrong RX for Battered Borrowers, The Infirm 14

Gov’t-Indulged Middlemen Are Wrong RX for Battered Borrowers, The Infirm

The U.S. government impoverishes homebuyers as it does the chronically ill – by promoting the use of middlemen who prey upon them. A cadre of such middlemen was created decades ago as a firewall between Big Pharma, the insurance companies and the pharmacy chains. Called “pharmacy benefit managers,” they were to negotiate drug prices, streamline distribution and manage lists of prescription drugs covered by insurance plans. But since the government has gone whole-hog into health care under the Affordable Care Act and into drug-price controls under the Inflation Reduction Act, things have gotten crazy at the slop trough. Today, according...

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