Tagged: Customary & Reasonable Fees

What is Real Estate Valuation Partners Hiding? 13

What is Real Estate Valuation Partners Hiding?

In the case of the FTC vs Louisiana Real Estate Board, Real Estate Valuation Partners (REVP) was issued a subpoena by Louisiana to provide some documents. They have filed a motion to quash the subpoena and not provide documents. When you read through the 11 page document, and we highly recommend you do, it appears REVP is hiding crucial documents that may be incriminating to themselves and other appraisal management companies. There are 12 specific items being requested. Take a look for yourself here. It is very telling! b.  Requests No. 4, 5, 6, and 11 ask for REVP’s internal...

Blast AMCs Emails Do Not Meet the Spirit of The Law 16

What Goes On Behind The Scenes…

This year it appears many AMCs have turned to blast requests of fee and turn time. We get them constantly and simply delete them. Last week we received a blast email from an AMC that sends out blast requests for bids. We have never worked with Appraisal Nation before and don’t know how we ended up on their panel. In their rush shopping for the cheapest and fastest appraisers, they forgot to BCC the appraisers they blasted. It appears that this AMC is not only incapable of maintaining quality control and assuring competency for specific assignments but by disclosing appraisers’...

North Carolina in FTC's Crosshairs Over C&R Appraisal Fees 12

FTC Sends Warning to NC Over C&R Fees

North Carolina in the FTC’s crosshairs… VaCAP learned that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a warning to North Carolina over HB-829 mandating Customary and Reasonable Fees. This is the second time in the last couple of months that the FTC is accusing a state of violating antitrust laws over Customary and Reasonable fees. An article titled “FTC Warns NC Appraisal Fee Bill Could Break Antitrust Law” was published on Law360 on July 6, 2017. See excerpts of the article below. To see North Carolina Bill H-829, click here or see below. So what can be done? Contact The FTC with...

Allegations of Price Fixing by FTC Against LREAB: Response Filed 18

Allegations of Price Fixing Rejected by LREAB

LREAB denies FTC’s allegations as factually false & politically wrong-headed… On June 19, 2017, the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board (LREAB) filed a response to the Federal Trade Commission’s price-fixing allegations. In its 15-page response, LREAB denies all FTC’s allegations (see PDF at the end of the article). GENERAL RESPONSE TO THE COMMISSION’S ALLEGATIONS To shore up the integrity of the residential mortgage appraisal process and, thereby, help to avert a recurrence of the real estate-fueled financial crisis of 2007-2009, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank Act”) requires States to empower their real estate licensing agency,...

Fee Charged by the AMC Must Be Paid by the Lender 78

Lender Must Pay AMC Fee Proposal!

Appraisal fee charged to consumer must not include AMC fee This is huge. The New Jersey Department of Banking is proposing to change the current regulations of mortgage lenders. The change will require the maximum fee charged to the borrower for appraisal services is no more than the actual fee the appraiser is paid. In other words, any fee charged by the AMC must be paid by the lender. We all need to support New Jersey in this action. This is about Consumer Protection! Please note this did not initiate from appraisers, this came from the New Jersey Department of...

FTC Attorney Response & AGA Seeking Appraisers Opinions 9

FTC Attorneys Response to AGA

Is the FTC asserting that FNMA is exempt from antitrust laws? I don’t think of myself as being obtuse, nor do I think those that know me well would consider me to be particularly slow of wit or comprehension. Despite this, I’m truly confused by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) attorneys response to the American Guild of Appraiser (AGA) email letter we sent them. The first sentence states “The federal antitrust laws prohibit anticompetitive mergers and business practices that seek to prevent hard-driving competition, such as monopolistic conduct, attempts to monopolize, and conspiracies and combinations that harm competition and consumers.”...

LREAB Response to FTC Allegations 15

LREAB Response to FTC Allegations

FTC seeking to punish LREAB for following federal regulatory mandates… BATON ROUGE, LA (May 31, 2017) – In an administrative complaint filed today by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), it was alleged that the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board (LREAB) had fixed the minimum price of residential real estate appraisals by enforcing the Board’s obligations under federal law to ensure that appraisers are paid customary and reasonable fees for their services. Bruce Unangst, Executive Director of the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board (LREAB), said: “Respectfully, the FTC is just plain wrong. By issuing this legally faulty and factually incorrect complaint,...

Suppression of Appraisal Service Free Trade & Fair Price Competition 25

Restraint of Trade Investigation

I am heartened that the Federal Trade Commission has recognized the need to assure that appraisal “…consumers deserve to benefit from a free market where those fees are set by competition.” It appears that your complaint may have been instigated by the very special interests that are most responsible for suppression of appraisal service free trade and fair price competition in America today. By that I am referring to the entities broadly described as Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs), and in this specific complaint – the Federal National Mortgage Association, also known as Fannie Mae and/or FNMA .

Paying Too Much For Appraisals? 38

Paying Too Much For Appraisals?

Why am I paying more than TWICE the amount paid to the appraiser? I was recently charged/paid $750.00 to have the appraisal completed on the home I was purchasing. With the fees and costs associated with obtaining a mortgage, the appraisal fee was one of little to no concern to me BUT then I received a copy of my appraisal. In accordance with local regulations, the appraiser disclosed the amount he was paid to do the appraisal…$275.00 minus a $15.00 technology fee. I thought to myself why am I paying more than TWICE the amount paid to the person who...

Legislators Supportive of Appraiser Issues 5

Legislators Supportive of Appraiser Issues

We need supportive legislators! June 13th is an important date for Virginia Appraisers The Republican Primary is June 13, 2017. VaCAP does not care if you are Republican, Democrat or Independent. We do however; think it is important for you to know of several candidates that are supportive on appraiser issues: Senator Frank Wagner is running for Governor of Virginia. Senator Wagner introduced the successful AMC legislation for 30 day payments to appraisers that goes into effect July 1, 2017. Although the bill for using only third party fees when calculating customary and reasonable fees to appraisers did not move forward,...

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