Tagged: appraisal news


Appraisal Strategy Altered in Unstable Canadian Market

Several Canadian banks have reconsidered their appraisal strategies due to increased concern about the accuracy of property values in a market with the potential to overheat, the Globe and Mail reported June 13. Canadian lenders currently use such valuation methods as full appraisals, drive-by appraisals and databases to determine market value. Banks are emphasizing on-site visits, particularly for properties over a certain price threshold or in rural areas, the Globe and Mail reported. They also are more carefully evaluating who performs appraisals. The banks hope that increased diligence will result in more accurate values in light of concerns about an...


1st Exposure Draft of 2014-15 USPAP Changes

The goal of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is to promote and maintain a high level of public trust in appraisal practice by establishing requirements for appraisers. With this goal in mind, the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) regularly solicits and receives comments and suggestions for improving USPAP. Proposed changes are intended to improve USPAP understanding and enforcement, and thereby achieve the goal of promoting and maintaining public trust in appraisal practice. The ASB is currently considering changes for the 2014-15 edition of USPAP. All interested parties are encouraged to comment in writing to the ASB before the...


Hearing on Appraisal Industry in Washington DC

Chairman Spencer Bachus of the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, announced the committee and subcommittee schedule for the month of June, 2012. There is an important upcoming meeting in Washington DC. Thursday, June 28: The Insurance and Housing Community Opportunity Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the appraisal industry and regulations impacting the single-family mortgage market. The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. in room 2128 Rayburn.

UAD Update for Condos Without Unit number 5

UAD Update for Condos Without Unit number

Condos without unit number Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have added a new requirement for condo reports (form 1073/1075) in the updated UAD Appendix D, issued June 19, 2012 (see below): Unit # The appraiser must enter the address unit number/designator. During the appraisal process if an appraiser determines that a unit number is not available for a property known to be a condominium, the appraiser must put a “-“ in the unit number field. The “-” symbolizes that the appraiser has researched the property address and was unable to identify a unit # for the given condominium unit. This...


Backseat Driving

A large lender has recently amended their appraisal policy regarding comparables. The table below was taken from their general information Correspondent Bulletin. The change greatly expands what and how an appraiser filters data. It appears as though this lender wants to stand over the shoulder of the appraiser to make certain that the filtering is to their liking. It brings backseat driving to a new level. Imagine driving someone to a destination and having to provide a detailed list of every possible route to this destination as you arrive. Imagine having to provide detailed routes that you never seriously considered...


Mysterious “Notice of Claim”

This post is for appraisers who have received a document entitled “Notice of Claim — Appraiser” relating to lawsuits filed by the FDIC (see example below). We have received multiple reports from appraisers and defense counsel about the mysterious “Notice of Claim.” The notices are so far nearly identical and state that the FDIC has filed a lawsuit for damages against one of two AMCS (either CoreLogic-eAppraiseIT or LSI Appraisal) based on one or more of the recipient appraiser’s appraisals and that the appraiser may be the subject of claims for negligence by one of those AMCs or by another...

USPAP violations 3

AppraiserLoft Fined for Failure to Pay Appraisers

AppraiserLoft Fined $855,000 for Failing to Pay Arizona Appraisers A Phoenix judge fined the defunct appraisal management company AppraiserLoft $855,000 for failing to pay Arizona appraisers at least 171 times within the past 18 months, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported June 12. The San Diego-based AppraiserLoft has been the subject of numerous non-payment and late-payment claims from appraisers, former employees, advertisers and other parties before shutting its doors in October. The AMC allegedly owes more than $3 million in property valuation invoices. In the Arizona case, administrative law judge Diane Mihalsky found that the AMC failed to pay Arizona appraisers...

Analyzing market trends 0

AI Helps Appraisers Analyze Real Estate Market Trends

Analyzing of market trends The nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers published guidance June 4 to help appraisers analyze market trends. The Appraisal Institute’s “Guide Note 12: Analyzing Market Trends” addresses to what extent appraisers are responsible for recognizing changes in market conditions, and what steps appraisers must take to ensure due diligence is done regarding the analysis of market trends. The Guide Note states, “Analyzing current and anticipated market conditions is more complicated – and more critical – when a market is rapidly changing, either upward or downward.” Adequate market analysis must be completed before highest and...

It May be Trite, but Truth Tends to Get Repeated 1

It May be Trite, but Truth Tends to Get Repeated…

The acting of appraising, is one that is complex but simple, commonplace and quite rare. We as appraisers should take a moment to remember that our profession was borne out of a time mistrust and calamity. Actually it has been said, that the appraisal profession is the second oldest profession in the world… that is to say, somebody had to put a price on it… but I digress. So often we can get sucked into the practice of trying to balance the guidelines, the time restrictions, the unreasonable client demands and (a little thing I like to call) life, that...

Appraisal Institute members in Capitol Hill 2

Members of AI Urge Congressional Action on 3 Bills

Nearly one hundred members of the Appraisal Institute went to Capitol Hill May 23 to urge Congress to act on three bills that could significantly impact the valuation profession. Attendees of AI’s annual Leadership Development and Advisory Council, held May 22-24 in Washington, D.C., lobbied lawmakers and their staffs on S. 3047, the Expanding Homeowners Refinancing Act; H.B. 3461/S. 2160, the Financial Institutions Examination Fairness and Reform Act; and S. 3085, the Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2012. S. 3047 builds on President Obama’s proposal — announced during his 2012 State of the Union address — that home loans not...

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