Tagged: Appraisal Management Company

Desktop Appraisal Not the Same as Hybrids - Suggestion for Doing Them 7

Desktop Appraisal Not the Same as Hybrids

A modified desktop appraisal is NOT anything like hybrid/bifurcated reports promoted by some AMCs and lenders… Appraisers, I have a correspondence relationship with an appraiser within one of the ‘agencies’ who this past week issued new guidance for “modified” reports, including desktops. I’m not allowed to say who, or which agency, but I have actually met the person at a conference, and the individual has been in this industry about 99 years, give or take a few – no…lots! The person provided this suggestion for those of you who are beginning to do the new desktop appraisal, regardless of which...

Temporary Appraisal Requirement Flexibilities - FHFA Allowing Alternatives 18

Temporary Appraisal Requirement Flexibilities

Temporary Guidance From Fannie Mae… FNMA has issued temporary guidance on appraisal requirements, including allowing desktop & exterior-only appraisals… Folks, due to the ongoing COVID-19 national emergency, the GSE regulator FHFA and both GSE’s have issued new (temporary) guidance on Monday, March 23, 2020. These remain in effect through May 17, 2020, but could be extended due to the on-going situation. NOTE: I have seen nothing yet from FHA or VA. Appraisers (and AMCs) CANNOT modify assignments or reports without specific authorization from the lender client. Appraisers CAN choose to do, or not do, assignments under the inspection guidelines, and per directives...

Appraisers CASH the Darn Check! - Appraisers Blogs 52

CASH the Darn Check!

…AMC in question is refusing to allow new vendor appraisers to accept fee payments by check… Appraisers, I had an interesting conversation with a Chief Appraiser at a prominent AMC today (and no, you don’t have to berate or chastise me for using that expression) who told me they have a real problem with appraisers FAILING TO CASH FEE PAYMENT CHECKS! This news was absolutely stunning to hear. It is incredulous to me that people who claim to be ‘professional’ in their work, can’t figure out how to take a piece of paper with their business name on it and...

Fundamental Risks in Doing Hybrids 7

Fundamental Risks in Doing Hybrids

…the intent is to caution all appraisers about the fundamental risks in doing these… Hybrids – As if another reason for not doing them was required! Regular AppraisersBlogs readers are well aware of the controversy associated with doing bifurcated hybrids. Extensive information as well as disinformation has been spread by the hucksters that promote them, and those few management or owner-appraisers of such firms that benefit from them. This article is not to debate whether they should be done, or even if they could theoretically be done in anything resembling a USPAP compliant manner. Instead, the intent is to caution...

AMC Celebrating One Million Appraisal Orders Sucker Punches Appraisers 40

AMC Sucker Punches Appraisers

Class Valuation sucker punches appraisers! Class Valuation has been celebrating completing 1,000,000 orders and sent a Tweet thanking their clients and staff. There is no mention of the boots on the ground licensed professional appraisers who actually completed those appraisals. Is this the true feelings of Class Valuation? Do they not realize not one order would have been completed without appraisers? Not one simple thank you… Meanwhile VaCAP has learned InHouse Solutions, the AMC division of Get Connexions, Inc. is ceasing all operations as of February 28th. Appraisers on their panel across the country have been getting this email: Jan...

Class Valuation Fits Squarely Into the Low Life Company Category 53

Class Valuation Did Me a Favor

My profile has been disabled from Class Valuation. They actually did me a favor. This does not bother me in the least as I have gotten nothing but bid requests from them. My resolution for 2020 is to change my focus and remove unwanted low-life companies from my business. Class Valuation fits squarely into the low life company category. I cannot call them a client as I have never received any work from them. Here is an email I received from them. Hello, Please note your profile is currently disabled with us pending a completed direct deposit form. The state...

Amrock Sharing Appraisers' Personal & Tax Info Without Permission 27

Don’t Open that Email!

Have you given permission to Amrock to outsource / share your personal and tax information?… Amrock recently sent their panel appraisers an email informing them a third party company, Fidelity Financial LLC, will be sending an email with a link to obtain their 1099-MISC. Don’t open that email! A simple Google search did not reveal any specific results for Fidelity Financial LLC. Who are they? Are they part of Fidelity Investments which is the #1 result on the search? Are they part of Fidelity Financial Group, which is an insurance wholesaler? Where are they located? Who are the principals? How can we contact them?...

Beware of Spot Value Solicitations 28

Beware of Spot Value Solicitations

Many appraisers have gotten invitation letters in the mail from Spot Value to join their panel. The letter states that the appraiser was recommended by one of their clients and that their panel is by invitation only! They have a website which makes them look legit. Their address at 2601 Main St, Irvine, CA 92614 is to Century Centre building but they do not provide a suite number. The domain is registered to a Michael Miller who is also the CEO and sender of the invitation letters. We were unable to reach Michael Miller at 919-404-4889. Their greeting message is...

If Feedback is Negative, then Why Do Business & Let Them off the Hook? 15

Why Do Business & Let Them off the Hook?

If it’s bad feedback and the people or companies are terrible to deal with, what are you complaining about if you choose to work with them?… “They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook.” That was the sound bite Dennis Green said after the Chicago Bears came back and beat the Arizona Cardinals in a football game in October 2006. It will forever go down as one of the best sound bites ever in NFL history and to this day its replayed over and over. To me, this quote is not only amazing (I’m...

AMCs Appraisal Report Reviews - Validox Appraisal Review Document 20

AMCs Appraisal Report Reviews

AMCs are legally required to do appraisal report reviews… Appraisers, an appraiser shared AMC appraisal report review documents with me, which the appraiser was given. I have not seen these before. See the PDF embedded below for an example. Per state laws in the various states, AMCs are legally required to do appraisal report reviews per provisions of their state AMC license on up to 5% of the reports they process. AMCs must keep the results of those appraisal report reviews on file for a specified time period, and of course, send the review document to the client lender pertaining to the...

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