Media Creating a False Picture
…the media and others have twisted what was said to hope you will believe that it was an “incitement of violence”…
Folks, I’ve been “mulling this over” for a few days, trying to totally understand what has really been happening over the past months and years up to January 6, and after.
What I’ve learned is you, me and everyone else have basically been lied to, and as such, what I’m about to write is going to “p@#s off” a few of you, but others will understand.
By the way, I should say that I have tried not to mix ‘politics’ with ‘appraising’ over the years I’ve been sending info out. But I’m “at the end of my rope” and am unable to stay silent.
The complicit media and other politicians in our Capitol have been fomenting at the mouth, in print, social media, and on TV, hoping you will believe an “insurrection” was suggested or demanded by our current President. That is absolutely not true.
Appraisers are trained to ferret out accurate information. As such, it is vital that one sees what was actually said during one of the largest rallies held in Washington DC on January 6. But of course, you won’t see photos in the media of the millions of people on the grounds stretching as far as the eye can see. And you probably won’t find his exact words, either.
All you have seen, and will continue to see in the media, is the mayhem perpetrated by a small minority of antagonists who actually had their actions well planned way in advance of the 6th. Just as they’ve done in other cities around the US. These people were not ‘supporters’ of the President. They were ‘false flag wavers’ wearing “the colors.” They were people hell bent on causing mayhem, and making it look like the ‘supporters’ were to blame.
Was it wrong? Absolutely. Should the people who violated laws and invaded the capitol be brought to justice. Yes again. I don’t condone this activity at all. Even those real ‘supporters’ who stormed the facilities. But someone needs to convince me why the same kind of miscreants who have decimated and destroyed Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and other cities have not also been condemned and brought to justice, by the very same people who decry the activity on the 6th. Theirs is hypocritical behavior, which needs full exposure.
So what was actually said at that rally on the 6th? Here’s the link to the transcript of the speech.
I’ll save you the trouble of finding the two passages where ‘walking to the capital’ were mentioned. Here’s number one, just over ¼ of the way into the speech:
“Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.
That doesn’t say anything about storming the capital buildings, as was done by people who did that on purpose, mostly not ‘supporters’ of President Trump. But the media and others have twisted what was said to hope you will believe that it was an “incitement of violence”, the words that a Twitter spokesman used to describe why the President’s Twitter account was banished from their platform. Twitter is afraid about that.
By the way, suppressing contrary speech and thought is a tactic of communists.
The second and last passage from the speech, at the end, was this:
So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.”
In those comments, there is no mention of what Pelosi is belligerently suggesting.
It’s a shame what’s happened through all this. A man who loves this country and has worked diligently to protect us has been attacked and vilified. But, to the chagrin of those against him, has persevered.
We as a country have never been so divided, divisive, delusional, and distraught than the past 4.5 years. Remember, the attacks actually began before Mr. Trump was actually elected. Schemes to oust him were devised, and all failed.
Now, we are about to have an orderly transfer of power, as stated by Trump. Based on an election that had numerous irregularities. But it is what it is.
The incoming President has stated a goal is to “unite the country.” Well, show some fortitude Mr. Biden and work to make that happen… immediately. Otherwise, it’ll be just another hypocritical and so common position taken by those whose real goal is totalitarianism of the American public and spirit.

- New UAD Overhaul: What Appraisers Can Expect in 2025 & Beyond - September 19, 2024
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This site is intended for appraisal news.
I am a certified residential appraiser with an SRA designation and this blog is incredibly misleading and disingenuous. USPAP requires appraisers to be honest and have no bias. The President has used inflammatory language for years, has specific tweets stating January 6 was going to be “wild,” and has stated you have to “fight for your country.” When the President repeats an election is rigged and unfair for months (despite no actual evidence), people are going to listen and absorb that message and (as you saw last week), act on it. As any appraiser can tell you…words and rhetoric matter. The President actively incited a riot (multiple deaths) in our nation’s Capitol and should be held accountable.
Under USPAP, appraisers are held to high standards of professional behavior…the President should as well.
You can twist the words anyway you please but he did not incite violence. So when Nancy P says” I don’t know why they aren’t uprisings all over the country, maybe they will be” Commie Kamala says “Protesters should not let up” as they are burning and looting business, or Maxime Waters saying “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant , in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them, you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere” I guess that’s ok? You are delusional. IT is the liberal left that has been burning cities and looting for the last 12+ months. And has “no actual evidence”, one must be blind to not see the massive voter fraud that took place in the Presidential election. There are over 1000 signed affidavits by people who witnessed voter fraud and intimidation. Not to mention videos and other FACTS! You, and people like you, are the problem with our country. You do exactly what you blame others of. Typical actions right out of Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals”. Open your eyes and stop being spoon fed by the mainstream media!
We live in a country of law and order and the Trump administration had over sixty attempts in various courts across this country to present actual, substantial evidence and they failed. Gossip, speculation, and rumors are not evidence. I am a hardworking appraiser who loves his job…please do not lump me into “radical leftist.”
Is it too much to ask to keep this site and forum for appraisal news and information only? I have read so many great articles and pieces on here that have benefitted me and made me a much better appraiser and I am deeply grateful for that.
Ron, your correct analysis is spot-on accurate. People should also know that uncle touchy Joe Has already publicly declared war on real estate appraisers in both a speech and to the press.
This from a man who can’t string one sentence long, but yet he’s able to accuse “the real estate appraisal industry as being ramp it with racism.” His dementia is staggeringly scary for a man some think will end up in the oval office. Be advised snowflakes of the world, it is not January 20, 2021, yet.
I agree with you entirely. We have a real estate industry supporting President right now. The reasoning behind this backlash fortifies their efforts to systematically destroy private property rights. Just like public schools that have diminished parental rights, this would do the same. Please see the proposed legislature that if adopted, would essentially allow property rights to be in the hands of the state who would control the lending industry (i.e. underwriters) and that means appraisers for the most part.
Biden will not live long enough to see the results of the catastrophic policies he is advocating. But those young enough who are first time homeowners and who are struggling right now, will. Let’s hope we don’t see the day the government deducts our mortgage/interest from yearly income tax returns because they are now our lien holders.
Oh Van! Grow a pair and act like a man! This is a national issue which affects every business including the Appraisal business. Trump was the best President this country had since Washington, Lincoln and Regan! Trump exposed the scumbag media and evil democrats for what they are! You are so offended by Trumps language but ignore the evil behavior of the democrats? The people who stormed the white house were paid members of Antifa. Video evidence proves it! The democrat mayor of DC would not allow police back up. The Trump supporters who did get in were like 70 year old grand mothers who picked up trash. Watch the real videos! If the democrats did not steal the election why is there so much overwhelming evidence of fraud? How did 200,000 extra people vote in PA? Look at the fraud in Nevada! All the fraud in Georgia! No evidence of fraud in any Republican states? Why did the democrats block any hearing on the election fraud? Let the people see the evidence! It is a sad world where we would most likely be able to share a beer and have a laugh but now the media has gotten to you! A real man would never be offended by strong language especially if it is directed at pure evil!
This is an appraisal site. We have courts in this country that had an opportunity to review any evidence of fraud and the Trump administration presented no credible evidence in multiple states and in multiple courtrooms.
Oh Van! We had a President who had this country winning until the Democrats paid for the release of covid. How can you ignore the fact the democrats have been cheering on riots, murder, theft and destruction on America? Trump won the election and we all know the democrats committed mass fraud!
Honest question…do you think those judges who ruled against the Trump campaign re election disputes (in virtually every case) are members of the “deep state?” Many of the judges were GOP appointees.
You can watch most of the judicial presentations yourself, as well as the state discoveries and inquiries, in the NTD News ytb link provided. It appears to the laymen they deferred rather than ruled. The data coming forth from syndicated news is often an interpretation of another interpretation. That’s what leaves room for spin, turning to an interpretive inquiry of the source, rather than the actual source itself. (Don’t get me started on RESO’s interpretive reinterpretations without mention of the original data sources but rather only highlighting members of research workgroups.) The question should be posed with more specific framing based on specifics rather than generalizations. Generally your question is unanswerable because your premise appears to be framing any question of the deferral as an admission of conspiracy theory. Try again. Perhaps in an uncensored environment of more freely shared information, people may reconsider the no evidence premise as being an indisputable absolute position.
I disagree completely. This is the most pertinent thing affecting real estate across the country right now. I don’t understand why you are not supporting the president of United States. The pretender has already made statements publicly and to the press that “racism is rampant within the appraisal industry“. I’m sorry?! Where would he get some sort of information like this? The same place as the information above, The fake stream media.
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you are new to appraising, you specialize in trailers, or you don’t have a degree in real estate, much less a certified general designation? There are a handful of commodities that affect our economy as a whole, real estate is pretty high up there Bub.Thank you @DaveTowne. @VanPatton, you should probably sit down and pay attention. You can likely learn something from Mr. Towne.
I have an SRA designation, thank you for inquiring.
I predicted in many online chats that January 6th, would be a day to remember much like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor Day. Little did I realize how far our foul mouthed President would go however. In fact I went so far as to give it a name: “Cluster’s Last Stand” (yes Cluster). January 20th can not arrive soon enough. I now predict the complete collapse of Trump’s business empire. His primary bank has dumped him, businesses that pay to use his name are fleeing like rats on a sinking ship, and the PGA just pulled out of a major tournament at one of his Scotland courses. This is just the beginning. If you’re looking for a deal of a golf course or a piece of real estate save your pennies. Everything will be on sale soon for 75% off.
Perhaps 74 million Trump voters will have something to say about that (most are not going away). As it relates to his business interests, I could see Trump TV / media being worth way more than his real estate empire. Time will tell, but no mater what side of the isle your on, the movement is not going away (left or right).
Seek the truth.
Trump’s media empire will have to consist of a network of smoke signal stations. As soon as he begins to spread lies, misinformation, and hatred the FCC will shut him down. If he chooses to use satellite radio to evade regulations that industry will quickly become regulated as well. Democracy itself is at stake.
Hey Retired, I did not know you are a Sinclair broadcasting watcher! I can tell by the parroted prescripted news media lines you have adopted, and are currently repeating. The almost identical videos which came before this, of the ‘other side’ doing the exact same thing among their own distributors, have been struck, censored, and removed. An illuminating example how targeted broadcasting really functions. Syndicated media provided by the same limited set of big corps, occupy 95% of all airspace through multiple digital mediums and a neverending sequence of shell and spin off companies. They all follow a similar model, aka mockingbird media. Regardless of political leaning, syndicated news consumers may be consuming something they may not have a complete comprehension regarding.
You would in fact be better informed by sending smoke signals, than trusting big corporate media companies to convey unbiased honest accurate information to the viewers.
You are technically right. President Trump did not say “Storm The Capital”. But is technically right, the best kind of right? As an appraiser implicit bias is just as egregious as blatant bias. On an unrelated note, I don’t know of any evidence that Osama Bin Laden specifically told his followers to fly planes into buildings. Would you like to defend anyone else with your reasoning? I strongly believe that we should seek unity as a country. With no evidence of consequence there was an explicit effort to deny a legitimate election. How would you feel if I were to punch you in the face then say “Ok that is enough with the violence, lets just get along now. We are America, we always get together. However, a debt is a debt, once they are settled we can put this behind us.
calm down – don’t you have a foundation slab you need to tend to?
AppraiserBlogs please remove Mr Townes post as it has nothing to do with the appraisal profession.
DO not advocate censorship; it’s bad form not to mention unlawful.
Censorship was necessary over the past week in order to protect lives and property. Nut jobs were using the net to organize and destroy. What else would you suggest? Hog tying TheRump and forcing him to admit he lied about election fraud with an electronic cattle prod?
Selective censorship will turn right around to you once the ‘other’ voices are silenced. Do not presume that calls for censorship are any less destructive than physical acts. Free speech has protected and saved more lives than any individual human effort in history. The pen is mightier than the sword.
There are many appraisers on this board whom have openly advocated for discrimination based on political views. It’s never too late to write to the moderator and politely ask for an edit or removal of any given post. Appraisers should also be concerned with liability. One ponders how an appraiser could willingly discriminate against other appraisers based on politics, then somehow magically not discriminate in other circumstances with other people. Everyone is allowed to have their own voice and own political view.
Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place. Bastiat
I fully support censorship, prosecution, and execution when it comes to a nut job like Donald JackS Trump, his enablers and his sick administration. Let there be no doubt.
Advocating for capitol punishment for supporting a political party you disagree with? You have clearly lost your mind.
Goodwins law violation.
Negligent homicide: 400000 counts. Case closed
Well certainly 12,000+ of those were Cuomo’s negligent homicides in nursing homes.
No one has ever done more to stop the spread and find a cure or vaccine for Covid than President Trump. No one. THAT is a fact.
No one has done more to slow the implementation of cures and treatments than the Democratic congressional house members along with their puppet Schumer …aside from the Chinese themselves.
You’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts David.
“Your honor, fraudulent appraisal value was necessary in order to prevent the following homeowners from destroying the public school system with their Trump supporting kids.”
Your comments are akin to proposing a much needed segregation mandate due to race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, sex, etc. that we don’t agree with. If we had rounded up all the supporters of BLM movement in an effort to squash BLM riots this summer, that would be fall right in line with your proposed Gestapo tactics. All evidence to date points to the fact that BIDEN and his crooked Soviet style cronies stole this election, in broad daylight. And because their constituents are suffering from such dire debilitating brain damage as you have displayed here, they are sure to get away with it. This fat crook was just arrested in Texas today proving my point.
BRAVO Dave for having the brains and balls to call it like it is.
Figures “Mr Desktop” would support Townes’s delusional post.
You’re better off minding your own business.
Unsupported lies about my country is everybody’s business.
This is an appraisal blog intended for appraisal news. I love guitars but am not posting blog entries about guitars on here.
“Call it like it is” lol. As appraisers, we follow USPAP which requires us to be honest and produce work with no bias. So, lets call it like is then. The Trump administration had multiple opportunities (over 60) to produce evidence regarding fraud in our courts…and they did not. Gossip, speculation, and hearsay are not evidence.
The 2020 election happened and the incumbent lost (only the fourth time in American history), fair and square.
It’s a good thing that guitar players and guitar manufacturers are not in charge of driving the appraisal industry policies, proposing radical reforms to long standing traditional valuation processes and principals, are not involved in currency manipulation or welfare distribution at others expense.
It is relieving to know I’m in a non political industry and non political position… “Oh wait, what’s this?!”
The FBI and facial recognition software have shown these hirsute thugs to be nothing more than common tRumplethinskinners, confused simple folk who have bought into the ‘Big Lie’ that a huge unprecedented force “stole” the election from the person who actually is fomenting the “Big Lie”. If they had been BLM protestors they would have been met with lethal force. And, I hope that is how they are met the next time they pull such a stupid stunt.
Please do not remove his post. He has the right to speak his mind. Which is fast becoming the problem in this country. People better wake up.
Yes GWS, please wake up !
Did you have the same feeling while buildings were burnt down and business owners lost everything over the past 6-7months? I am wide awake. How about you?
Yes, burnt down due to incitements caused by Mr. Orangeface.
Uncorroborated and speculative; move to strike.
ANYTHING posted and written by this guy is ALWAYS ignored. Anything he writes is not worth the time to read it. He simply needs to go away. My comment has zero to do with anyone’s politics.
Don’t use all caps, it shows a kind of instability that smacks of unmitigated prejudice. You don’t want to come off unhinged, do you?
In reflecting back to Dave’s posts, You are correct. Thanks for making me aware.
Dave Towne’s personal interpretation of the events of January 6 (and Trump’s actions preceding that day) are not acceptable for this forum. In fact, several of Dave Towne’s recent editorials are so wrong-headed and biased I’m wondering if I should unsubscribe….
No one’s making you stay. Facts matter and if you can’t handle the facts then leave.
Facts matter. And the Trump administration brought zero evidence to the nearly 60 court cases they attempted to litigate. Speculation, rumors, and hearsay are not evidence.
I agree 100% with Laurelle.
The nice thing about Dave’s post is that one can agree or disagree with them. I’ve always found him to be “pro’ appraiser.” Which I’m grateful for.
***This comment was edited by AppraisersBlogs Team. The below comment was edited to remove the profanity within.***
Publishing lies on this site have caused me to believe the founder and editor of this blog is an ****. Following trump into the hole he dug for himself is just stupid. The inability to recognize what the truth is, is a fault of those who are under some spell of trump. He has always been a liar and always will be. He will not accept any responsibility for his actions to cause the violent insurrection that occurred on January 6th. For those who follow normal media, instead of the lying fox news and those who believe rush limbaugh and all those republicans who support trump have been easily led.
As a group of appraisers, I know that if I ever see and review an appraisal report done by towne or the founder of this group, I will examine it for false statements, and I will turn it into the state where they practice. Not only do we need to weed out the false media like fox and limbaugh, but we need to deny any connection with the QAnon conspiracy theories, but we need to weed out appraisers who can’t tell the difference between truth and lies. What possible benefit is there for your to cling to trump? He is already neutered, now that he has his twitter account closed permanently, but he is hiding in the white house giving **** like you the presidential freedom medals, like jim jordan. I am totally disgusted with this group and just had to shame you **** because you are totally wrong, and I guarantee you when we get this straightened out, if any of you riot, I will applaud your arrest and conviction. Go ahead and carry water for a despicable man who has tried to steal another election. He never had any experience in government and has made a huge mess for us to clean up. Additionally, he set a bad example for citizens like you who have a responsibility to seek truth in your work. As far as I can see, you are ethically bankrupt, and I want you to take my name and email off your list because I don’t want to get your emails ever again. F*** YOU AND THE GROUP YOU HAD DEVOLVE INTO A POLITICAL MOUTHPIECE FOR A MONEY LAUNDERER! I guess you just don’t understand what honesty and ethics are because you are **** for a pervert who thinks women are sex objects. The men in this group especially ford and baggins have continued to defend a man who has stolen money from our government by steering business to his hotel which is occupied by foreign lobbyists, and anyone who can give money to this greedy man. Are you so **** you don’t even understand what our government is supposed to do?? We must impeach this president, and then we need to clean up the citizenry, and believe me, I have taken the names of all of you and I will be watching for any reviews that come my way where you have appraised real estate. You deserve to lose your license as you are obviously biased. I guess signing a certification saying you are not biased is just a perfunctory step, denying your obligation to be truthful. I have been disgusted with ford and baggins for months, while I tried to give guidance and sound advice to members of this group that are trying to practice in an environment where we are surrounded by lies. I’ve never met such a group of appraisers that were more gullible. You have no grounds for your biases against democrats, nor do you have any ability to do your job. This organization was born because ford was sued; he told me he paid $140,000 in legal fees to defend himself, then he tried to sell us on joining a union that is now defending the most immoral man in our country. Go ahead and sue me for slander because you won’t get anywhere because you are nothing but liars, cheats and can’t tell the difference between the truth and lies. Keep defending trump, and I guarantee your family members who see you for who you actually are will resent the stand you took and distance from you. All kinds of friendships and family relationships have been lost due to the divisiveness of trump, and you will be sorry for kissing trumps ass because it will not get you anything but rejection. Wake up you **** and stop making this blog a political vehicle for the losers. Your true colors have been shown and professional people are disengaging from this blog because you people are twisted. You buried yourself, just like the fool who occupies out white house for a few more days, unless we can invoke the 25th amendment, and while he will be impeached a second time. The only reason we have to do it twice is because **** republicans who were married to trump, like you people, couldn’t go against him because they know he is a mob boss and can eliminate them anytime he calls out his thugs. Decide for yourself, are you going to be a thug appraiser or an honest one, it is black and white and the only reason anyone defends trump is because they are white supremacists. That is a form of mental illness, and it is rampant today. I despise people like you and regret I ever participated in this side show, put on to vindicate ford who is nothing but a loser.
Until and unless your anxiety/depression meds are titrated correctly to avoid any more hallucinations, feelings of despair, threats against person (s) or property, writing in all CAPS to display cognitive disturbance, lack of mental acuity or lapse in judgement, please do not post further. Log out of all social media and call 911 for immediate medical assistance. We apologize for longer than normal wait times. Please stay on the line as your call is important to us and your mental stability even more to your community’s public health.
History remembers.
Dear Deborah (AKA RealRose): You are (significantly) mistaken about how and why the organization was formed; as well as other statements you made below.
“This organization was born because ford was sued; he told me he paid $140,000 in legal fees to defend himself, then he tried to sell us on joining a union that is now defending the most immoral man in our country. Go ahead and sue me for slander because you won’t get anywhere because you are nothing but liars, cheats and can’t tell the difference between the truth and lies.”
The AGA existed long before I came into the picture (by about 14 years). For the record, I do not collect a salary. Nor does the President or Jan (our heart & soul). We never wanted perceptions of members dues ever being used for “high paid union leaders.”
I was also vehemently anti-union right up until I participated in a ‘pro’ railroad project in my neighborhood, that was also supported by multiple unions in cooperation with the railroad ( ) .
The unions I was exposed to were far more honest and committed than my own neighbors and the environmental extortionists blocking the project in hopes of being designated fund managers for about $3 million in expected mitigation funds.
Some years after this I considered the challenges facing appraisers and went ‘union shopping’ based on my revised opinions growing out of the BNSF SCIG efforts. It was Jan Bellas who really convinced me AGA was the right vehicle in August 2014.
As for my ‘being sued’ and “paying” $140,000, that’s also incorrect, but in the spirit of contextual accuracy and not quibbling over details, An AMC I worked with and I, had a State complaint filed against us with OREA (now BREA). We were 100% exonerated and the total legal fees amounted to in excess of $160,000 (not $140,000) when the final bills were presented.
I have never made a secret of this, nor the fact that it has negatively influenced my outlook of California’s OREA/ BREA. It hasn’t ever been a secret in any platforms I post to. Even BREA acknowledged my antipathy to them when I last challenged their position in court on behalf of another appraiser.
AGA is a non-partisan guild within a union. Being that our sponsors are themselves the largest union, of COURSE it is generally oriented toward democratic political positions! I have on several occasions urged members and others to write to Democrat legislators, and to support the specific appraisal-related efforts of The Americans for Financial Reform. I do not urge support on all their positions, preferring to remain mute when issues in conflict with my own beliefs exist. Not so much out of avoidance, as it is recusal. When I find myself unable to separate my own personal beliefs with those of the Guild’s sponsors or friends, I keep silent officially.
I do not offer my political views on AGA websites, nor in conjunction with my position in the Guild. Our members include democrats, republicans, independents, progressives, liberals, conservatives; & very likely even a radical or two (one way or the other). I don’t knowingly judge the personal beliefs of my fellow members.
For what it’s worth, I have deliberately avoided posting much here during this heated political season. Again, because this is an APPRAISERS blog and not otherwise a political forum.
We at AGA have always promoted ourselves based on appraisal issues. Not partisan political actions.
That remains true today.
Who I support, defend or favor in my personal life may be found in a variety of non-AGA website posts. Where I am as entitled to hold my own personal views as those with strongly held opposing views are entitled to hold theirs.
For those that criticized the admins here for not censoring the speech, please don’t.
Dez & I have had many conversations as friends over the years about editing or censoring. I would MUCH rather have to answer confusing rants than to ever have another appraiser’s views censored. No matter how personal or insulting any attack may be intended.
Disagreement does not warrant censorship (in my personal opinion). Not ever.
Nor would I ever childishly threaten other appraisers posting to a blog.
(PS for the record Ms Smith is not a member of AGA).
Agree 100%. I know several people of the hundreds of thousands of people that demonstrated in Washington, DC – great patriots that were there to protest the fraudulent 2020 election. The lame media is not interested in why so many people were there, they only want to create a false narrative. Most appraisers are smarter than that.
No matter who’s side you are on, a liberal or a conservative, this country is heading towards very dark times. Print, print, print and give trillions away, not only to Americans, but to other countries who don’t have our best interests. This has been tried by many countries in the past, but has not turned out very well. God help the United States of America.
I thought this was a appraisal forum not political forum. Go somewhere else to let your feelings be heard. Send your thoughts to your friends as I don’t want to read about your current mind set and political beliefs. Have a good day
This article is spot on! Thank you Dave for your insight.
Biden will have his chance to turn the country around. He has both sides of congress on his side.
Print, print, print away!!!!! Free stuff for all and forgive all loans! Go USA!!!!!!
Draft Dodger
Pathological Liar
Sexual Assaulter
I never voted for a Democrat in my life but I never voted for this person either. The faster the cult goes away the better we will be. Be brave and break free. To be able to admit you were wrong is a sign of being an adult.
45th President.
Seek the truth.
The truth is listed above. All are indisputable facts.
To seek the truth Seneca, is to find ALL people have flaws (Joe Biden included). Me, I never vote for people, I vote for policies.
Seek the truth.
Stack up Biden’s flaws next to these. Then say each side out loud. You are not being honest if you think they are anywhere remotely equal. BTW, I forgot Tax Evader.
You are part of the problem, not the solution…poor, old, white man. Boo Hoo Hoo
“Just a tinge”, right? It’s never too late to email the editor and ask to remove any given post if you feel that post may have been less than well thought out and delivered. I would ask this response to get removed too, if you were to ask for removal of the above post.
“poor, old, white man” – this is racism, ageism and genderism. You have no idea who this person is yet you attack the person, not the content of his post.
***This comment was edited by AppraisersBlogs Team. The below comment was edited to remove the profanity within.***
This post just did the one thing that that the appraisal industry had been under a microscope for. It’s proven that there is biased and there is bullshit within the profession. Thank you all for showing your colors. I for one will walk away from being a supporter of this site. Let this forum here prove to all those trying to prove us of bias and more strengthen their argument. What a shame. What a complete showing of non unity and how you see America. USPap or not. I see people here that strengthen the racist bullshit against us. Think before you act people. Shame. So disgusted in all of you. Thanks for ruining my career case y’all are f*** absolute ****.
NW human beings ALL have some degree of bias. Often it is self-preservation based on sound reasoning. I am biased AGAINST wrestling with anacondas. I never allow that bias to intrude into my professional performance. None of the posts here indicate racial bias factors in anyone’s appraisal practices.
As appraisers, most of us know not to think in terms of many absolutes. In fact, our most common answer to all questions is “It depends.”
Moderator. You missed editing the last sentence.
Russian hoax, impeachment hoax, racism hoax, paying for violent protests, release china flu, shut down the economy, election fraud? Im happy to be on the right side of history.
I do believe that you promoted violence in your second sentence dude. Unacceptable dude
You are watching political theater. The right side of history is already on the page. What’s happening now is off script on both sides. Wrap yourself in the comfortable blanket of media disinformation if you like.
Rick Sanchez, ‘Media In Crisis’. It’s a remarkably informative lecture and is well worth everyones time to watch.
Let me guess at the narrative for tomorrow. We’ll need larger government, expanded control programs, more money printing, more special handouts to powerful people and corporations, more censorship, more laws. Be careful what you wish for.
I’m embarrassed that this was even posted here. Way to give the right people the right shit to make thing more difficult. Stupidity. Shame. Garbage. Y’all are to blame. This had nothing to do with appraising. Good for you sir on your beliefs but this is America and I have my own. You sir need to lose any license you have. Garbage.
This is not new, it happened in Europe in the 1920-1930. Tell the lie over and over and it becomes the truth. The antifa group calls everyone fascist, yet they are the ones stifling free speech, burning businesses, damaging private property, and beating people up. Those who do not remember history are destined to repeat it. The far left has been out of control for four years, now the far rights retaliated and the left is in shock. You reap what you sow.
GWS thank you for posting the video! This is no longer about party lines! We are all Americans! We need to get past the “that’s my guy or team” mentality. I fully believe Trump was an outsider who threw a wrench into the entire political scam! The world loved Trump prior to running for office? There is no reason why so few Americans should be able to ruin the lives of so many Americans just because they have the power. I feel as though the democratic party is behind the majority of the problems in this country. I also believe a lot of republicans are behind this too. We the people are being fooled to believe our neighbors (black, white, brown and yellow) are the enemy. In reality it is the Government. Aside for political Ideals we all want the same things. The government, media and tech companies seek to divide us! We all have one thing in common, we are appraiser’s! We are part of the fabric of our economy and society. As long as we stand together and put our personal beliefs aside no enemy foreign or domestic can tear us apart! I have seen war. Until you see someone’s little baby dead in the street you will never know how bad things can get. Every war starts with an augment. Put the media nonsense aside we are all on the same team! God bless you all and I pray for our country !
What a valiant effort to make the appraiser profession even worse and more divided than ever before. It’s a shame that this has what it’s come to. Well done y’all. Well done.
Hey Mark Just a question? When did exposing the truth make the appraisal profession even worse? Ill wait!
Democrats call for violent riots and the media calls them peaceful protests
Trump calls for peaceful protests and the media says he called for violent riots
What’s New! “What bleeds leads” the news. Whose guilty! The writer or the reader.
What’s coming may a be more courageous. Shouldn’t we try reading the predictions from the studied rather than the “repeated” of the followers.
Keep your fees and skills up.
As an appraiser I use my best judgment based on what I see with my own eyes. My eyes do not defy my own logic. My opinions are unbiased. I dont care for the media as they have always distorted the truth. I dont care who is president as long as they are working for the people. What my eyes saw over the past 4 years was an attack on the people of this country, the police, and our president. I watched fake accounts of racism spread like wild fire. Criminals and drug addicts were turned into hero’s. Lies of fake racism promoted by democrats, hollywood and sports figures. Cops were called racist thugs? The president was attacked every day in office by the media. I would watch the president make a speech and then see news articles with complete lies in them. White people were all labeled racist. Children and elderly were attacked.Cities were destroyed while democratic mayors allowed it to happen! My eyes saw democrats telling people to continue attacking, burning and looting. The democrats continued to encourage these people. We all saw this for the past 4 years. Strictly based on fact BLM and Antifa are paid for by the democrats. BLM even has a direct link on their webpage to the democratic party. My question is who is really behind all these lies? Is it really just the democrats? As I watch these democrats, hollywood and sports people continue to say horrible stuff It makes me wonder who is paying for these people to act like this? This is not rational thinking and can only be explained by one thing, money. Someone is paying for all of this! This is the greatest hoax ever! What is the end game? Where is all this going? Am I now a racist traitor because I supported Trump? I will speak for myself when I say no! I think my mixed grand kids will agree. Its time the democratic party is dismantled from within as it is heading in a direction that is a direct conflict with Americans core values. This is how war begins. We all know how history repeats itself just like the cycle of real estate! One thing I aware of Is I know how to load my own ammunition. I live on a farm and I have a lot of red blooded American neighbors! We will always over come! Good luck fellow appraisers and I mean that regardless of which party you support!
Thank you Jim. Tensions are sure heated lately. The blind exuberance to somehow set corruption straight is interesting, as all too many people promoting the popular narratives seem to have a myopic position, ignoring widespread corruption everywhere else. Have to admit, it’s some of the best political theater seen on stage in generations. Action, violence, deception, intrigue. Enter a ratings push to sensationalized political coverage. Trump single handedly revitalized failing dinosaur media. Smith-Mundt.
I’m personally most concerned with the upcoming administration stating they will remove the 1031 exchange. That’s going to send me and many other dedicated savers and shorter term loan holders to scramble for that better property in what is likely to be a very short remaining window of time. We’re in fact, already packing and lining things up for such an emergency last minute play.
Seriously, how long do we have before that’s gone, and how fast do we need to move to flip to the better home? Is it already too late? I’m looking at a possible $35k capital gains tax under this new administration, simply to get into a decent home, bounce away from the starter. That’s huge, is a substantial portion of our total equity, where the gains tax will be far greater than our dedicated saving to move, which we have been carefully planning for at least 10 years. For those all caught up in the political strife, there is good reason why progressive policies are not always well received. That money will go right out of my pocket and into some welfare coffer, promoting an even tougher road ahead for dedicated savers and hard working individuals. In the near future, look forward to hefty capital gains taxes to swap equity into another property. Taxes will scale with both your equity and your income. Appraisers may need to include that in some advanced analysis for income calcs and such. That’s an expensive vote for property owners. Say good by to easy locational and regional mobility. It just got 20% more expensive to move to another home. Great voting strategy for real estate professionals. Get rid of the equity exchange, slow this entire national market down a bit, promote subsidies and color coded regulations instead. Excellent. Wise choice.
And we all saw how well it works out when those poor innocent farmers with ammunition see a man of color jogging in their neighborhood.
Im guessing you will believe anything right? Black = good / White = bad? Orange man = bad! The media has an agenda! Make every criminal look great and every great American look bad! Sorry but if you are an appraiser you should have your license taken! Clearly you are not an objective thinker! Video evidence shows the guy breaking into houses. He has done it many times before as his criminal record showed. Those guys were confronting a criminal! Should they have picked him a bouquet of flowers? I personally would have had my gun on me and would have confronted the criminal. If the criminal attempted to steal my gun then good bye criminal. Thats exactly what the video shows. Now if your child, husband, wife or personal property were under attack would you like your neighbors to do something? Sometimes the cops will not respond quick enough. If you say no I rather have my neighbors stand by and watch someone victimize my belongings or family well then you are the problem!
He was jogging. They followed him, they cut him off, and they murdered him. Then they called their buddies on the police force to help them get out of it. Until the video came out and showed the murder. If anyone in my family was under attack or being assaulted of course I would want protection. They hunted him down. You should have your appraisal license and your gun license taken away, since it sounds like there’s a possibility that you would do the same. You’re not a true American you’re a Trump American. There is a huge difference.
Trump derangement syndrome…
I read your previous posts, it appears you would benefit from some anger management help.
Please proceed….
this is an appraisal blog. If you want to talk politics go on another site.
Do try to keep up. This thread is about Dave Towne, article “Media Creating a False Picture”. The comments speak to the issues brought about in the article. If you don’t want to participate, perhaps you should find a thread that is more to your liking. Please do not police speech and/or direct people to go elsewhere. The comments are completely in line with the topic presented by moderator.
niki d. Absolutely great thinking and writing throughout.
Prior to this political blog by Dave, I received his emails that showed he cares about the profession. But I find this post to be so lacking in insight, that I have to wonder why I followed him to begin with. Regarding Donald Trump, he has been setting you up for this since prior to the election, being non committal as to whether or not he will accept the results of the election. Now why would a President do that? Think about it. He lost, so of course there was alleged voter fraud. However, there was none, and over 55 court cases since then have reiterated this. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT HIS CLAIMS. As appraisers, are you critical thinkers? Don’t you have to prove your claims?
Trump has had rallies since the election, in which he repeatedly incites his crowd with claims of “I won the election in a landslide,” which is a LIE. He did not win. He will do ANYTHING to stay in power, since he most likely will finally have to pay the piper for a lifetime of corruption. Yet you defend him as the best President? No, he is not a politician. But he is a LIAR, pathological as best and is a malignant narcissist.
The insurrection that took place last week was a result of his rallying cries to his base, claiming he won in a landslide, with Rudy Giuliani calling to arms, his sons participating in getting his followers riled up in anger to a point where something was going to happen. Trump knew this, yet did nothing to stop what was unfolding. In fact, and it’s a video on Twitter, he and his sons had an insurrection party in a tent on the Whitehouse lawn, watching it unfold, whooping it up.. …… was about getting attention to him!!! Ratings!!! They love me………and 6 people died as a result. This was preplanned. Congressman were hiding in fear of death. And you are OK with that? You are OK that a member of Congress gave several of them a tour of the Capital building the day before, so they knew where to go? Trump is one sick cookie. And I seriously have to look at each one of you who support him and wonder who you are.
“The insurrection that took place last week was a result of his rallying cries to his base”…..I disagree with your entire argument and the premise of which you build your objections. Yet, I still think you have the right to have them and to express them.
The only thing that I have ever stood against in business or personal matters, is the advocacy of censorship. The call to take away people’s licenses, to take away their livelihood, their reputation, their basic rights as citizens all because they don’t agree with you and/or your worldview. I do not support censorship, silencing of apposition, squashing of apposing thoughts etc. The basic premise of “protected speech” cannot be tampered with because we “hate Donald Trump”. Once you identify censorship as the appropriate response to any and all threats, real or otherwise, it becomes habituated into the culture, the dialogue and into us as a nation. We do NOT STOP free thought and expression. We stop attacks, we stop assaults….we don’t stop Free Expression, which includes speech, right to peaceful assembly, right to worship, and yes the right to like an unpopular president.
The Appraiser blogs are for appraisal issues. I am all for airing my views as well as having you air yours. This is not the place to do it. And your language and attacks on the people who posted here are rude and obnoxious, especially for a TRAINEE. I don’t need to be “schooled” by you on any subject.
This thread is about politics. My language is commemorate with the level of oppression that is being suggested by you and your kind. When you advocate censorship and oppression, be prepared to be crushed under the weight of your own petard – a term of art, but rest assured it’s apropos given the level of unmitigated hubris you are exemplifying.
Your trailer awaits, niki. And your threat to me that you removed is currenlty on my phone for all to see, even the police.
Post threat. hahaha… is the room spinning???
Nothing was taken down. Please call law enforcement and tell them people were mean to you. PLEASE do it, go ahead HELEN of TROPE – I dare you.
You’re out of your league.
The Trump campaign failed to provide any evidence in any of their court cases. This is black and white. The election is over and Biden fairly won.
We are appraisers. We do not create the market, we simply reflect the market activity that is going on and explain this. An honest, unbiased individual would see that Trump fought in the courts and lost. This isn’t complicated.
Mass psychosis is here. A person would know more about the world and the truth by turning off the news these days. Vote fraud has been a constant in this country and the world in general for many centuries. Are we to also to next believe there is no such thing as mortgage fraud? An equally implausible and statistically impossible position to adopt. Just because you heard something on the news does not make it true.
Monsieur Baggins – excellent diagram; I have saved it as a JPG file. Voter fraud is alive and well in this country as it has been in the world at large. Consider this which is what we spent in money and resources to investigate RUSSIA COLLUSION. That was an outside foreign agent suspected of election collusion.
675 days (22 months)
500 witnesses
19 special prosecutors
2800 subpoenas
500 search warrants
448 page report (redacted),
not to mention the cost of $32 to $35M US Dollars, which is probably closer to $70M taxpayer money.
We can’t even get anyone to launch the same kind of investigation into this blatant level of voter fraud that we have all seen evidence of and have been shown by Proj. Veritas of an actual arrest. When you promulgate these double standards, you lose the faith and credit of the American people and it sullies the democratic process of free and open elections.
Friends of mine with family in Europe and Middle East tell me many in the rest of the world are absolute gob-struck that this could happenin’ America. More so that it could happen and Congress do nothing about it.
When we have to look to Poland or Australia to rein in high-tech political interference there’s a message our leaders should have picked up on.
When National Guard Troops are sent in on whims or knee jerk reactions to unspecified and unverified FBI “tips” to selected state capitols (in left-leaning states) plus DC we should be capable of understanding the importance.
The Trump organization does not currently have the ability to organize 50 state capitol protests. They’ve been cut off from most of their base. Aside from this, Trump rallies have contact data for organizers (names., etc.).
Not Antifa style red and yellow flyers.
you said “seems I’m hovering right over the target and I’ve got you locked and loaded Helen or you wouldn’t be so frazzled and frustrated.”
PRECISELY – I’m taking up all the Class A real estate in your head, what a compliment.
Yes exactly – you and your commentary are the TARGET – you and your bigoted calls for oppression is the BIG LIE the far-left pandering loons are selling. It means we got you in our purview. What did you think, there’s a satellite missile over your house snowflake, taking out the Helen of Trope naval base? Always claiming victimhood, even threatening law enforcement – please send that to the cops. Absolutely PERFECT how you fit the victim-profile of the feeble minded and deranged. This is where you part company Helen, I respectfully ask that you go away.
I have one of hers/his/its unedited, from yesterday that said to me, “be careful who I F. with”. If you just ignore it, it eventually goes away. I kept that post though too.
You wrote:
“You should have your appraisal license and your gun license taken away, since it sounds like there’s a possibility that you would do the same.”
Not only are you making baseless accusations, you are advocating the taking away of someone’s license due to your own animus and prejudice. This makes you an autocrat supporting tool, a police state pundit. I don’t want to change you or anything. I just want to expose you for the frauds you are.
So now you’re catching on. Assume the following: Legal research for witness discrediting is routinely done on social media sites. So when you show unmitigated animus towards a group of people that disagree with your ideology and you threaten hurting their livelihood, reporting on their licenses and ruining their businesses, those sustaining damages will have their lawyers come after you. You operate in a litigious environment and you leftards cannot threaten people with impunity. The same way you go after them, they will come after you. Think about that – your democrat leadership and overlords can’t protect you in civil court.
This is PRECISELY the place apparently. When you launch into the political realm like you did here with your
You said: “Regarding Donald Trump, he has been setting you up for this since prior to the election, being non committal as to whether or not he will accept the results of the election.”
What exactly did you expect? For all dissent to dissipate?? Grow up please and take accountability for your actions.
You need a psych evaluation, miss trainee.
First, noncommittal is ONE WORD. Second, I am of the opinion that the Democrats stole this election in broad daylight and all evidence point to the fraud, hence their reluctance to open a federal investigation on voter fraud. All evidence has not be investigated and all charges have not been adjudicated but what we have so far is incriminating. For the legally untrained, “not having standing” is not the equivalent exoneration of all guilt. Statute of limitation is not equivalent to “failure to show cause”. Let the lawyers (hint) handle the legal aspects – what do you say Mother Gothel. Suspend judgement until you actually know something. For example, everyone on a this site is an appraiser and by virtue of name, they are female (Nicholaus) Just sayin….
Again we need to emphasize that we ask posters to be civil. We do not make a habit of censoring language and/or passionate disagreements. Rude comments may deter greater participation among our readers and that’s why we ask our readers to strive for more civil, respectful discourse. Undeniably, discourteous comments are not a new phenomenon and many news organizations and websites struggling with the same issue have eliminated online comments altogether. Yet we still value in providing this platform for our readers to discuss different topics.
We understand that tensions are much higher than anticipated and anyone who wishes to edit their comments on this page can request it via our contact page.
We will monitor the comments closely to ensure a constructive interchange is maintained. Thank you all for being part of this effort to promote respectful discussion!
I appreciate your advocacy for Appraiser’s and helping support our profession, even if I disagree with some articles about desktop work. I’ll bet there’s more that we agree on than disagree. Regardless, BRAVO to you for taking a stand. We need to at this point.
Thank you for your kind remarks Ronald!
This article has absolutely nothing to do with appraising and should not be published on a site intended for appraisal news and information.
Politics are inexorably intertwined with the appraisal profession. The majority of our rules, policies, and regulatory bodies, are in some way governmental or bureaucratic in nature. As politicians and corporations whom direct politicians are make broad sweeping statements about our industry, suggesting extreme reforms which go beyond the normal scope of our duties and responsibilities, it is entirely appropriate for us to speak out. Just think about the realities of ‘training appraisers to give more value to impoverished communities’. So much for measure, honestly and transparently report, unbiased analysis, the centuries of carefully developed valuation analysis processes through multiple fields. Now we are to opine value with a color coded schematic, tipping the scales with our thumbs.
For those whom have been existing in these social media echo chambers, the unrestricted speech of this site may seem unusual. That’s just because you’ve been acclimated to censorship with big tech and fake news media, regardless of which political leaning you subscribe, censorship and disinformation proliferates at a rapid pace lately. This site owner runs their own servers so there is nobody to call to promote censorship, no woke mob to appeal to, no sponsors to go after. That being said, save the ameture banter and mud slinging for twhitler.
Repeat after me; no evidence! no evidence! no evidence! Just because they said something on the news does not make it true. One can not measure, what one purposefully avoids observing.
It is easy for appraisers to sit back and judge, much like the rest of the country, those wild irresponsible protestors. People have been taking to the streets because the overbearing nature of this rapidly expanding government has literally taken them out of house and home, ruined financial futures. If I would have lost everything I’d be out there too, so most likely would most of you. Be careful whom and what you advocate for. Because if you’re advocating for bigger government, you are advocating against your own best interests.
News sites are not needed. You can easily search and find all the court documents over the last few months where the Trump campaign lost virtually every single one of their attempted litigation attempts. They brought forth no evidence. Rumors, speculation, and hearsay are not evidence.
The aforementioned NTD news site lets the watcher sit in the courtroom and sit in the state rooms while the issue is debated, and the evidence presented. Your statement is half accurate. Some were released, others deferred without standing, and the no evidence is something you picked up from media or final dispositions, not reading said documents and discovery material itself. Watch the court appearances yourself. Why not be balanced and mention the hundreds of legal challenges brought forth to overwhelm the system regarding mail in ballots admissibility, swiftly and coordinated right before the election? Repeating slogans does not make them true and spinning is not the same as research. Since you’re apparently proficient at sourcing these court documents for review, please provide your research links.
Here’s the wiki with a breakdown for each state.
You can find links w court documents inside the aforementioned wiki
There are countless stories these days, about concerted group efforts including state based actors, whom manipulate data and presentations of data on that site. It was supposed to be an online encyclopedia, but instead it is rendered susceptible to whomever may choose to alter the data and presentations therein. Wiki is no longer a reliable source for impartial data. Lack of standing is not synonymous with no evidence.
Scroll to the bottom of the link you provided. This is your source… Now who exactly is that and why do they have enough time on their hands to provide nearly 50,000 wiki ‘edits’. An apparent focus on politics in his history. ‘Know your meme’, and know your link provider.
Why was the vote count halted in key swing states on election night? What are the problems and potential fraud associated with mail-in ballots? Is Dominion Voting Systems secure or not? What lies behind the $400 million received by the parent company of Dominion Voting Systems less than a month before the election? Who is trying to manipulate the U.S. election behind the scenes? Who is the benefactor of an increasingly divided American society?
OMG, We’ve already been over and over this for months. There isn’t any substantial substantiated voter fraud in the election. The smart people, both Democrat & Republican, all agree to this.
100% proof of voter fraud! Take off your liberal glasses and remove the tin foil hat. Come out of your basement and look around! Nobody voted for sleep joe and the ho! Trump won the election! The crime is near complete. The 2nd impeachment hoax just exposed the corruption on both sides! Teflon Don and the Patriots of America will be coming to drain the swamp!
OK, Let’s see the 100% proof. Not one of the 50 governors including 27 Republican governors said there was voter fraud in their state. BTW, I am not a Liberal. Never voted Democrat in my life.
Again, the Trump campaign had nearly 60 attempts to bring evidence of fraud to the courts and they failed. Rumors, speculation, and hearsay are not evidence.
A portion of the democrats position has been that serious reform is needed through judicial, policing, and other social management systems. There being an obvious breakdown of trust, accountability, fair application of the law and subsidy distribution. Judges, police, politicians alike have all been complicit in unfair imbalanced dealings. Immediate sweeping radical reform is necessary. Those are the essentials of the positions and accusations.
Then in the same note, when considering vote fraud which comes alongside advocacy for their candidates, the unsubstantiated claim is made, repeated, there is no such thing as vote fraud, because there is no evidence. Every judicial and bureaucrat whom looked at this is absolutely trustworthy, there is miraculously suddenly no judicial malfeasance, incompetency, conflict of interest, or reason not to trust the state blindly and completely. Conflating standing and advocacy along the way, mountains of affidavits and evidence left unmeasured, placed in long term storage. Ignoring alternate electoral votes which were submitted after they had time to analyze and understand the evidence was indeed substantial.
Logical fault. And just like that half the appraisers abandoned their adherence to impartial analysis, statistical reliance, casting out anomalies, disregarding outliers, adherence to the importance of deadlines and effective dates. It’s like saying in an appraisal, oh well, that was completed a few weeks ago, so I’ll just toss all new comps in, change the trending and data figures, alter my final opinion, abandon the effective date, add an open ended quantity of intended users after the fact. Appraisers should be one of the best groups equipped to understand what happened here. Perhaps if they turned off the advocacy-box (tv) and looked at the data more, might gain a more realistic logical understanding. We need you to clear through 50,000 data pieces, speak to thousands of interested parties, assemble a report, present in court, posture for the news media, and we need this report tomorrow evening. The disposition of the court based on substantially challenging process compliance is not the same thing as the truth of data and evidence, they are not linear to each other. Those parroting the no evidence line at this point may not have taken the time to actually watch the hearings, sit through the court appearances, listen to witness testimony, or read through depositions. The easy access media makes it simple and non challenging for observers to be an armchair quarterback, providing viewers the prescripted lines so they may think of themselves as, and present to others, as if well informed. This is not the same thing as critical independent analysis or thorough research. One could spend a lifetime watching some of those news channels and still only be primarily informed of opinion, rather than fact. Pick your topic. The disposition of this election was decided by power and position, not by impartially analyzed peer reviewed data conclusions. This vote count debacle is no different than a biased lender ignoring critical reviews and selecting the report and report provider based on sought after results rather than reliability of conclusions. The censorship based on point of view is no different than the blacklisting debacle of our own industry. It’s not that difficult to understand what happened here. Fraud is real, always has the potential to be there, and proliferates rapidly in certain situations. Censorship and blacklisting is not a result of honest intentions. Decisions made on biased intention are common. To claim otherwise is a rather unscientific and ignorant. Being on the proverbial winning or losing team does not provide one a free pass or excuse to abandon logic, reason, and fair dealing practices.
Mr. Baggins,
I like your writing and analysis. Well thought out and excellent writing. well done.
The Trump campaign presented zero credible evidence in their court cases. They lost nearly every case. These are facts.
Were the GOP appointed judges (where Trump campaign filed lawsuits) in those cases out to get Trump? If you feel this way, we can’t have an intelligent, sober conversation.
You’re right… all hearsay 😉
I bought the be brave do something mug for 30 dollars. It’s nice and changes color if your coffee is hot. That individual featured, made a business out of wholesale vote fraud. Everyone is an opportunist these days. TDS also appears to come with a side of Dunning–Kruger effect.
The surgery was a complete success. The cancer on the US Presidency has been rendered lifeless thanks to the assistance of social media companies, large corporations, and Deutsche Bank. The remaining tissue will die off within a week and our country will slowly heal.
When you said heal did you mean the county will be turned into 3rd world country with a government that censors your thoughts, beliefs and traditions? A government that wants your opinions shut down? A government that wants to remove your guns. A government that wants to steal from those who earn to give to those who refuse to contribute? A government that says if your skin color is white then you are automatically racist and hateful and must bow down to the scum of the gutters? If you did you are correct! Thank you and lets get to healing!
Liberalism is a mental disorder! You must first hate yourself, hate your religion, hate neighbors, hate your country and believe anything good is bad and all that is bad is the fault of the government.
Thank god I have enough sense to ignore the news and reject anything liberal!
Are you a cult member now too? Truth is stranger than fiction these days.
Here is the evidence…
Trump administration presented zero evidence in court for their election lawsuits and, accordingly, they were all thrown out.
This is an appraisal news site. This article and comment thread has NOTHING to do with appraising. You can be a Republican or Democrat and still follow USPAP and produce an ethical, unbiased appraisal report.
“…it is a fact that partisan election officials and even partisan-elected judicial officials in numerous states altered or ignored existing state laws in the conduct of the election… And it is clearly established law that Article II of the Constitution assigns to the legislatures of the state, not anyone else, the sole, plenary power to determine the “manner” for choosing presidential electors. And it is a fact that numerous legislators wrote to Vice President Pence indicating that their electoral votes were problematic at best because of these illegalities and urging him to delay the electoral count proceedings long enough to allow the legislatures in the contested states time to review whether their electoral slate was legally certified.
By way of example, 21 members of the Pennsylvania Senate, including the powerful President Pro Tem of the Senate, outlined in a January 4 letter the numerous instances of violations of state law by state election officials and even the partisan-elected judiciary in the conduct of Pennsylvania’s election, thereby usurping the sole power that the Legislature has pursuant to Article II of the federal constitution to determine the manner for choosing presidential electors. Because of those illegal actions, the Senators noted “that PA election results should not have been certified,” and asked that the Congress “delay certification of the Electoral College to allow due process as we pursue election integrity in our Commonwealth.” Similar letters were sent from Pennsylvania house members, and from legislators in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Arizona’s included this: “Based upon the clear and convincing nature of the evidence [of illegality and fraud], we respectfully ask that you recognize our desire to reclaim Arizona’s Electoral College Electors and block the use of any Electors from Arizona until such time as the controversy is properly resolved through the pending litigation or a comprehensive forensic audit.”
It is also a fact that a forensic analysis of the one voting machine courts have permitted to be inspected demonstrated not only that the machines are capable of switching votes, but they actually did switch votes in Antrim County, Michigan…
…the Constitution sets out the authority for choosing electors, and that authority was usurped by non-legislative partisans in several states. Legislators in the contested states have quite reasonably asserted that the illegal conduct effected the outcome of the election. If true—and a full forensic audit would confirm whether or not it is true—then the democratic foundations of our constitutional republic were not just harmed but completely subverted by those partisan actors who violated election laws in order to permit the counting of illegal votes. Shining a light on what occurred is the highest defense of the constitutional republic, and such an investigation ought to be welcomed by citizens of all political stripes rather than blocked by those who are acting as though they have something to hide.” John Eastman
Wisconsin legislators letter to Mike Pence “The refusal by state executive branch and local officials to comply with reasonable legislative investigation requests, as well as their obfuscation and intentional deception have prevented proper investigation. Moreover, in some instances, state executives have acted to prevent legislatures from meeting as a body and in Michigan, threatened legislators with criminal investigation for meeting to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities….”
PA legislators letter to Mike Pence “Due to numerous unlawful violations taken by Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf; Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar; and the rogue State Supreme Court, the balance of power was taken from the State Legislature, who by the U.S. and PA Constitutions, set the time, place and manner of holding elections…”
“We know laws were broken. That’s indisputable. What we don’t know is whether the breaking of those laws affected the outcome of the election….
Now that we know the law wasn’t followed … it is up to us to determine if [those violations had] any effect on the outcome, to hold those people who didn’t follow the law accountable, and to make sure in the future those laws are followed.” Joe Sanfelippo
To those who say there is no evidence of election fraud, what would you consider to be evidence of election fraud and what would you consider to be evidence of voter fraud?
Van, in one post AFTER posting ‘we are a country with rule of law etc.’ you asked the site to remain non-political and appraisal-related. Yet I keep getting notices in my inbox linking to your next political post (such as this one).
The issue is a serious bone of contention among Americans on both sides. You cannot keep posting and expecting no one to respond. Some are going to agree with you. Many are not.
The Supreme Court and numerous state courts have disproved your prior contention about us being a country where the rule of law prevails. True we have many laws on the books. Laws that are selectively enforced, and a Supreme Court that is headed by an exceptional intellectual coward who could have avoided the Pennsylvania issue at least from ever becoming an election issue if he had addressed it before the election as requested (on the merits).
You cannot steal an election from 74 million people and expect that those 74 million won’t continue to object and challenge it. For anyone to say there is or was never any evidence is intellectually dishonest.
Disagree whether the actual evidence heard by numerous state legislators is credible if you want, but you cannot dispute the fact that extensive, thorough evidence was presented in every single disputed state. Quibbling over evidence presented in court is disingenuous. Most courts acted in a partisan manner and violated their obligations to apply legal concepts.
I think that is constitutional attorney Robert Barnes website, if memory serves correctly.
Some people are really good at parroting the no evidence slogan. Watch the court cases, they went on for hours because there was substance to the arguments and meat in the discovery. The popular talking point is the alleged discovery, is simply not there. Remarkable.
For those whom have kept abreast of the vote fraud issues in this country for a long time now, the ignorance about current and previous discoveries are painfully apparent. History repeats and there are oh so many examples to choose from. There are literally thousands of these sorts of discovery articles from previous rounds, available all the way back to before anyone here was born. Now let’s sing a song and everyone repeat; There is no such thing as voter fraud! My how these clever politicians and media pundits change tone when advocacy one direction or the other suits their interests. But then again, what’s new?
Teens can hack digital vote machines, nearly every single voting machine has serious faults.
It’s rather easy to understand how this happens. Government offers contracts for said machines. Companies jockey for the contract. Calamity ensues. Once the contract is landed they cut corners, don’t actually provide what was promised, the oversight for expenditure is lackluster, they skate directly to the payday. Am I to also believe there is no such thing as government bloat or spending mismanagement? Just because you heard something on the news does not mean it’s true.
Robert Barnes is one of the ‘white hats’, he’s one of the good guys and very astute trial lawyer. He is routinely on with a Canadian lawyer, discussing US political matters explaining our US Constitutional law matters to the Canadian populace who are perplexed by this grotesque misalignment of the truth vs. propaganda. The YouTube channel is called Viva Frei, a license lawyer from Quebec who holds 2 hour long legal analysis with Robert Barnes about the voter fraud issues apparent in this 2020 general election. One thing that people routinely miss is that Election LAWS were changed by the likes of Marc Elias of DC law firm Perkins Coie (also lawyer to Hillary Clinton). This individual was behind a great number of state election laws being changed 90 days before the election pushing the country to adopt vote-by-mail on a massive scale. This is what is being challenged in the courts and this a matter of Constitutionality of state elections being changed UNLAWFULLY. This is Article 2, Section II of the state constitution and provisions that apply to legislation being passed to change election laws and not getting court decrees to change them. We cannot change laws through the courts as Democrats seem to think. We change laws through legislature and that was not what was done. Therefore, all those votes had and should be cancelled as null and void, rendering them illegitimate due to their unlawful submission. I’m not sure what it means when those who say “there was no evidence”. We don’t need evidence in matters of Constitutionality, hence why they were being argued in federal courts of those crucial battle ground states. So this maggot neo-liberal turd, Marc Elias was running around all spring/summer of 2020 changing laws by attaining COURT DECREES because he was suing the individual states and getting the laws changed. No one was paying attention, Trump at fault on this, which is why they STOLE THE ELECTION. That’s what that phrase means – it was stolen through DECREES, unconstitutionally without legislature being passed all due to what….wait for it – COVID, the greatest weapon the Dimtards had in their arsenal to cripple an economy and disenfranchise 75M votes.
Read the law, if interested:
Agree. It’s not the evidence that’s the problem. It’s the mainstream news media that refuses to cover it. Even when there is literal video showing fraud they dismiss it as “it didn’t happen” or social media labels it as disputed, not true, etc. Nothing to see here, move along…
C’mon appraisers. Dave is a national treasure to the appraisal industry and will continue to be so. I do believe he made an error in judgment by providing a political view through the optics of his own tribe – best intentions of not thinking it wasn’t political and what he was saying was obvious to only half of his audience. This type of discussion is toxic and gets our industry no further ahead – we are here to discuss the industry. Look at the poison in this comment thread. I find our industry to be our own worst enemy. Good grief.
True re Dave & toxicity of the issue. On the other hand its pretty hard to put the genie back in the bottle once released.
Appraisers have ALWAYS been our own worst enemies. We are a microcosm of American views and values.
If we can set our differences aside and look to what’s best for us, then maybe America can do the same.
Its a BIG ‘if’.
Well said Jonathan. You are an absolute leader in our industry and do more for us than so many others. P
It’s relative. In this unique time when censorship is proliferating perhaps more swiftly than ever before in our country, this provides legitimate reason for the remaining speech outlets which are not compromised or restricted, to branch out a little. This election absolutely does effect the future of the appraisal profession. Improper judgment would be to sweep it away as inconsequential, refusing to acknowledge or debate the issue. The toxicity of failing mental health as people continue to be subjected to manipulation media is going to be there (on both sides). The condition only grows in weight and gravity by not allowing open conversation on the matter. Censorship is like a pressure cooker, containment merely increases the pressure and there can be no dissipation. People need to lighten up a little and stop being so rude just because politics are mentioned.
At any point, anybody, can push this back an article or more, by simply publishing something else themselves. The miracles of the digital internet. This is all sorts of fun. 145 responses so far. People outright losing it and revealing they find themselves incapable of being unbiased and professional, so easily triggered. Parroting propaganda and proposing profanities. Retired Appraiser even condemned half the posters to the death penalty, good thing he’s retired! Merry Christmas!
Now is your chance appraisers (and 98% of you appear to be irate to the point of your heads exploding over losing the election). Pack up your AR rifles and take on those 25,000 troops stationed in DC. Show us what your made of guys (and gals) and overturn that election that you feel was stolen from you. Either put up or shut up.
We’ve lost 400,000 people due to Trump’s incompetence…I feel sure the country can deal with loss of 70,000 to 80,000 misguided and misinformed appraisers to our National Guard. Worst case, we’ll build a monument to you on the National Mall.
@Retired Appraiser – First, if you need 25,000 armed soldiers in order to hold your virtual inauguration, then you didn’t win jack… You got 2 yrs. on Russia Hoax and dragged the country down the road of conspiracy, you opened this door now deal with the consequences. You didn’t win anything, they know it and those troops are a testament to this fact.
Second, we’ve past election and now we’re well into tyranny. If you can’t see the censorship and the Soviet style tactics being waged against a civilian population that you disenfranchised, not to mention those that didn’t vote but still disagree with you, then you’re not paying attention.
Third, your misplaced rage at death rates due to Covid should be geared towards the Chinese Communist Party and not an American President. In fact, if it wasn’t for TRUMP and his miraculous, tireless efforts – despite the rabid dogs of your party that would impeach his shadow if they could (that’s their fear of him, nothing more) to getting things done, you wouldn’t have a vaccine being offered to you in the adjacent recreation room where you play bingo at 2pm every Tuesday and Friday. Covid is their weapon of choice when it comes to control and unfettered mandate over the population. These are the tactics of totalitarian regimes and here is a LAW being proposed that supports this claim.
EXAMPLE of your slumber:
NY State Assembly Bill 416: Bill A416 calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease. Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises. The sweeping powers would be employed in the event of the state government declaring a health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease, the bill proposes. This is TYRANNY and I’m not nearly as old as you and I can identify when my rights are being stripped.
History was wasted on your generation if you can’t.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Benjamin Franklin.
Fourth, AR 15 firearms are some of the most accurate and safest rifles on the market. It seems at 1:50am when you wrote this dribble, you were having some kind of “senior” moment and decided to rail against those are voicing their opinions and make disparaging remarks about gun ownership. Gun rights is a complicated issue that still seems to elude you and your kind. The 2nd Amend. is never going away as the NRA is the oldest and the first civil rights organization in this country. Think about what gun ownership is really about but don’t ask your Panti-fa/BLM felons that made up the raiders of the Capitol building. There are LIVE VIDEO FOOTAGE of those thugs showing themselves in the building and talking about how they were staging all of it. SO you lose the argument there too.
Fifth, the disquisitions given here by the likes of Poster Baggins are exceptional and I urge them to continue, to proliferate, to flourish and to never go dark because OUR SILENCE is our capitulation to their wretched, necrotic tactics to RULE OVER US and we must never allow that.
@niki d – There’s medication for that niki d. I do agree with you on one point however, by all means: Charge On…into the muzzle fire of the National Guard, DC police, Capitol police, and Secret Service. The world needs more hero’s like you and Baggins and more monuments to remind us how nutty you were. As for me, I’ll take tyranny and censorship over a mentally ill, and criminal President any day. You have two days to overthrow the government…better hurry. I also strongly recommend putting in a bid on a pardon before 5:00 today. They price has doubled over the last 24 hours. Perhaps this 1:37 pm posting is more to your preference; I realize that some of you can’t keep up with the elderly.
@Retired Appraiser – So steeped in rhetoric and propaganda. By these same standards, one wonders how many homeowners were sent to foreclosure and financial ruin with your appraisal efforts. Wouldn’t it be easy if there was always only one person or one party to blame. Remember, there is no greater objection than absence.
Liberty lives on in the hearts and minds of Americans and people throughout the world. Liberty is universal. Belief in liberty does not require a government or country, but rather only the ears of those whom would listen. The pen will remain mightier than the sword. Again, to presume censorship is any less damaging than physical violence is incorrect. Free speech and free minds have saved more lives and protected more prosperity than any physical instrument ever has, anywhere, in the history of the world. Censorship is synonymous with dehumanization and zealotry.
Retired Appraiser, and the other apparent zealots here, would you like me to self censor and request the administrator strike every post I have ever contributed to this blog on every single page, to simply erase me completely? If that’s what you really want I can request that. Myself and my family will be available for deliverance to an internment or political re education camp if silencing us does not bring adequate redress and relief to your concerns. Being non violent there is not much we can do if this rises to violence, being only individual persons, being so precariously close to 1940 right now. If that is what America is to you, if I am deemed not worthy of liberty and dignity, not worthy of having a voice, I will comply. Please, consider your choice carefully.
@Baggins – Nashville called today Baggins; they want you and niki d. to transform those incessant posts into a few dozen”tear in my beer” songs. They said you can earn millions off of those lyrical/posts by whipping TheRump supporters into a frenzy.
Here is their address: 2868 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37214
@Retired Appraiser – you’re old and bitter – not very funny either. Bless your heart – you connect with Joe and his dementia. You have both lost your fast balls and no one has any use for you. Write to him at the white house, share adult diaper comparisons. You and him both will be put out to pasture, tending to your gardens as you Retired Reprobate will be screaming “who ordered the VEAL CUTLETS” while others whisper “he’s been like this lately, I know…poor thing”.
@Baggins – Here’s the catch: Those Nashville guys insist that both you and niki d. will have to wear your costumes each time you perform for your fans. I suggest a bone in the nose and a rhino horn for niki d. along with a fur bikini. Fashion is everything when your fan base is crazy about both Donald Trump and The Flintstones.
@Retired Appraiser – “along with a fur bikini” is a sexist and sexual harassment coming from an old man that sits around and watches the neighbors kids play in the pool. This isn’t PornHub old man – you don’t get to live out your senescent fantasies on a political thread from an industry you don’t even belong to anymore – most likely you were sued so many times, you lost your license for your big mouth. So just so you know, it’s not hard to find your IP address and track all your internet traffic, make sure you’re not on some sex offenders list. Again, I urge to not be an arse when you make comments, trying to be funny when you’re only awake a few hours of the day anyway. Since you haven’t seen a bikini since the Johnson Administration is really stretching it too and it smacks of sexual innuendo which are inappropriate here. You stupid solipsistic, self referential Soviet style arse-clown – why they didn’t throw you in dark hole during McCarthyism is beyond me.
Nashville read your posts and decided to take a pass on your recording contract with Baggins. They did however ask me to pass along this list of psychiatric hospitals for you and said they are ranked among the best in the world:
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
New-York Presbyterian University Hospital and Columbia and Cornell
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
McLean Hospitals, Belmont, Mass.
Menninger Clinic, Houston
Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, Baltimore
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA, Los Angeles
Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Mass.
UPMC-University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Wishing you the best for a speedy recovery.
@Baggins – Don’t ever stop expressing yourself, never ask permission to be heard and never ever apologize to the likes of Retired Reprobate who has nothing better to do but call for totalitarianism because he just doesn’t know what else to say. We need more citizens like you and less like Retired Reprobate. These are the “old Reds” – the throwbacks from the old Soviet cold war days. I think they’ve been waiting for these days for 50 yrs. and relish the thought of silencing dissent, open and free speech and general “iron fisted” domination of civil society. I think it’s sad to hear someone who is old enough to remember this country’s history and its wars and yet say the things he does. He sounds like an Old Red for sure – an accolade from the Bernie Sanders sector.
@niki d. – It may be possible that posters here do not appreciate the gravity of what has happened, and what is about to occur.
@Baggins – Succinct and on -point.
I think it’s not only possible but absolutely certain that those that are so virulent in their personal attacks of those that analyze the body politics today are bereft of any notion of the doom that lies ahead. These are the “brownshirts” of a totalitarian regime that has taken hold of this country. This is the works of decades of academia, media and corrupt enemy foreign powers that has infiltrated our government and our culture. It’s the citizenry that is at war with each other forgetting who the real oppressors are. This is the closest we’ve ever come to losing our Republic and loons like this, with no skin in the game, are the sideline flamethrowers who could care less if children grow up in an autocracy. Some of us, myself included, ran away from an Islamo fascist regime that toppled our government some 40 yrs. ago. We’ve seen these tactics play out and our mother countries are still being run by autocrats and ruthless dictators. Name calling is all they have because they can’t articulate the beliefs they stand for and neither can their party.
@Retired Appraiser – The stupidity of your senescence is that you attack the poster not the comment. You are the necrotic base that the Dems depend on – suggest you take a nap old man, before the nurse comes back around with the colorful pills in the Dixie cup and makes you open your mouth before she gives you the cup of jell-o. It hurts when no one hears you except some blog where you can yell at people, be profane and shout gibberish without someone calling the paramedics.
Do let us know when the FBI gets around to deprogramming you and your sick family and friends network.
Joe Biden is a racist and has been for decades. If you voted for him you are one too… based on today’s cancel culture.
Yes he is. He’s an old time segregationist as his VP pointed out in the debates. He was mentored by Sen. Robert Byrd, called the “historian of the senate” an outspoken member of the KKK. Biden was against busing and believes that it was good for the “colored kids” to remain in black schools. There are a number of YouTube footage of him in the Senate confirming his views. The media covers for him and for other atrocities committed by their accolades, like Jeffrey Epstein – a child sex trafficker and rapist. The swamp will be murkier and filthier than anyone can imagine – all the while giving leverage to the Globalist the likes of Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum chairman and his Great Reset plan a/k/a Agenda 2030. All facts and all true but the drones don’t want to admit it. rump was the anecdote to all of this but he was outnumbered and now we will live under tyranny because of it. God help the U.S. and the good people that gave their lives to keep this Republic free.
Biden is going to “put you y’all back in chains”. He’s talking to you Demtards.