Category: Dodd-Frank Act / C&R Fees

AMCs vs Public Interest - VaCAP Advocacy 29

AMC vs Public Interest – VaCAP Advocacy

Since the beginning, Federal Regulation of the industry was initiated to “protect the public. “ FIRREA, USPAP, HVCC, Dodd Frank and state licensing of appraisers and appraisal management companies were initiated with consumer protection as the goal. Customary and reasonable fees, mandated by Dodd Frank, are also to protect the consumer. The Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals supports customary and reasonable fees and believes in order to determine a customary and reasonable fee all things associated must be considered and incorporated into the determination. The below practices by AMC’s are not in the interest of protecting public trust and go...

Appraisers and Their Lack of Fees - Appraisal Cost 12

Appraisers and Their Lack of Fees

I feel it’s only prudent to put my ten cents, or more, in on the subject of actual cost, versus paid fees for appraisals After an overwhelming outpouring of response from appraisers all over the country, I am compelled to write a follow up article to “Appraisals and The Real Cost of Doing Business.” I must stress that my original intent was to highlight the ever increasing cost in all aspects of our industry, passed on to our clients, due for the most part to increased compliance requirements, additional staffing required to monitor said compliance, Dodd Frank rules, HVCC, TRID...

Day Laborers Needed...Inquire at any AMC 6

Day Laborers Needed…Inquire at any AMC

Help Wanted – Day Laborers Needed …. Inquire at any AMC The Dodd Frank act requires the lender to be responsible for their agents. This means the lender is responsible for the actions of the AMC. Do the lenders know what their AMC’S are doing? Probably not. The Dodd Frank act also requires the most qualified appraiser be selected for each and every assignment. What vetting is done by the AMC’S to ensure the most qualified Appraiser is selected? Many AMC’S have the false mentality every appraiser is qualified and competent to appraise every piece of real estate. This simply...

VaCap Speaking out Regarding C&R Fees 8

VaCap Speaking out Regarding C&R Fees

CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE FEES When Dodd Frank was passed a few years ago there was much discussion as to what it actually meant to lenders, appraisers, and AMCs. AMCs were quick and forceful in their definition. It was the fee they could coerce an appraiser into accepting. That was their definition. This has been a big impact on the well-being of an honorable profession. In June the Federal Final Rules were released, and they took effect in September of this year. These Final Rules clarified many questions regarding lending, appraising, and AMC involvement.   First, the Feds have made it very clear that lenders...

FFIEC Requested Action on TRID - Imagecredit Flickr - Johannes Ahlmann 6

FFIEC Requested Action on TRID

The American Guild of Appraisers, Chapter 44, of the Office and Professional Employees International Union of the AFL-CIO (AGA, OPEIU/AFL-CIO) wishes to add its name to the attached letter on behalf of our professional appraiser members, and our thirteen million consumer members and their families, with the additional concerns: As written, TRID necessarily embeds an appraisal fee cap determined by third party service providers other than appraisers, within the initial consumer disclosure provided to prospective borrowers. The perception of these providers as to what constitutes “customary and reasonable fees” as required under Dodd-Frank is at odds with what appraisers consider to...

A Possible Solution to Customary and Reasonable Fees - C&R Fees Solutions 10

A Possible Solution to Customary & Reasonable Fees

Over the past five years, a major subject of talk in the appraiser world has been that of Customary and Reasonable Fees. Unfortunately, much of the dialogue has been mostly one-sided. We tend to do a lot of griping about the fact that many of us are not being paid what is “customary” or “reasonable”, but there are very few solutions offered up. When I was young and would sometimes (not often, of course) complain about this or that, my father would always say, “Don’t come to me with a complaint unless you have a possible solution.” It was sound advice then...

Free Enterprise an Appraisal Myth 40

Free Enterprise an Appraisal Myth?

Is THAT free enterprise? I’m surprised anyone in the business today sees any minimum pricing proposal as being anti-free enterprise. Contrary to popular belief we have not had free enterprise in the GSE appraisal process since HVCC first reared its ugly head. AMCs ‘telling’ us to pick a number from $250 to $350, or that ‘THEY pay’ $325 per 1004 is NOT free enterprise. I’m an old timer (1986) that was brought up on what used to be AIREA (now the AI) & SREA (now gone) positions that free enterprise and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act prohibited us from ‘even discussing’...

“Customary” & “Reasonable” Fees Exclusive Oxymorons 10

‘Customary’ & ‘Reasonable’ Fees – Oxymorons

If WE don’t set ‘reasonable’ minimums for ourselves, then others will do it for us (or to us). Fellow appraisers, Please read this draft proposal for minimum national appraiser fees. I appreciate those who believe no one other than themselves should set fees, and I concur. Except, in the real world of today someone (lenders and AMCs) are ALREADY SETTING your fees. If not directly, then through ruinous less than customary OR reasonable fee competition. I’m interested in your meaningful, constructive feedback as well as comment & discussion here. For those that insist ONLY regional fees are practical, this same system works...

Skewed Customary Fee Perceptions - Imagecredit Flickr - Quinn Dowbroski 14

Skewed “Customary” Fee Perceptions

I no longer care about “customary”. “Customary” in Dodd-Frank’s customary and reasonable is a negatively biased fee before state studies begin! We all know that the “C” part of C & R is supposed to represent the normal fee charged by most appraisers for similar work and conditions. Some AMC appraisers even know the “R” part is supposed to be an amount that is reasonable based upon ALL factors necessary for completion of the assignment in a USPAP compliant and professional manner. Unfortunately HVCC and the AMC havoc it wreaked has existed far too long for there to be a...

AMC's “My Way or the Highway” Attitude 47

AMC’s “My Way or the Highway” Attitude

Apparent appraiser abuse by AMC’s… As Chairman of the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA) National Appraiser Peer Review Committee, I have had the opportunity to see and hear directly about many cases involving alleged, as well as apparent appraiser abuse by AMC’s. These cases ranged geographically from California, Arizona, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, North Carolina, Louisiana, New Jersey, Virginia, New York, Maryland, and District of Columbia. As a QC consultant to a smaller appraiser owned AMC, I have also seen low fee spreadsheets from a variety of lenders that had 90% listed at the SAME APPRAISER fees: $495.00 (which INCLUDED the AMC...

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