Category: Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals

Computershare 15 Minutes Appraisal Reviews & Cheap Diapers 10

Computershare Reviews & Cheap Diapers

The resulting “outcome” of those cheap diapers is the same outcome as Computershare 15-minute reviews must be… This didn’t start out as an article, but you know me. Doing research prior to posting in the 100% comments board I was shocked at how pervasive this new ‘service’ already is. A simple blog post can’t begin to cover it. Every single reader needs to research their own states requirements. The AMC at the following link makes this easy. Please look your state up. My concern was with Computershare and Colorado. Feel free to look them up by clicking here. If that doesn’t...

$15 USPAP Appraisal Reviews in 15 Minutes? - Appraisers Blogs 36

USPAP Appraisal Reviews in 15 Minutes?

$15 USPAP Appraisal Reviews in 15 minutes? A VaCAP member shared with us something they read in an appraiser group on Facebook last week and expressed concern. We agree there is a reason to be concerned and want to alert our members to be cautious. We do not know if the source of this request is an amc or a lender, but either way, there is reason for concern. Here is what was shared: “I have been diligently looking for appraisers to complete to do our NEW USPAP reviews. These pay $15 per report and are completed in 10-15 minutes....

The Rumble of the Bifurcated Appraisal Train Before It Crashes 7

Do You Feel the Rumble?

“Can you hear that? Do your hear the rumble? It’s a train going 80 mph toward a 25 mph curve” There is an excellent article by Richard Hagar, SRA that hit everyone’s email yesterday from Working RE Magazine. The title of the article is Why “Bifurcated” Won’t Work. This is an excellent read and we ask that you take the time to read it and pass it along to all your contacts. Lots of great examples of why these products are a danger to not only appraisers, but to communities. See the article here. The pressure has begun…all they need...

The FDIC Says NO to Appraisals - Appraiser Connections AMC Folds 10

FDIC Says NO to Appraisals

The FDIC voted to increase the minimum appraisal threshold to $400,000 for residential appraisals, despite the overwhelming opposition. The vote was quietly supported by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Maxine Waters and The Appraisal Foundation condemn the actions of the FDIC. See The Appraisal Foundations response below. (Washington, DC) August 20, 2019 – The Appraisal Foundation President David Bunton issued the following statement after the final rule exempting residential real estate transaction of $400,000 or less from appraisal requirements was approved by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. “When the proposed rule was announced in November 2018, The Appraisal Foundation...

Sunshine Act - Federal Agencies Changing FIRREA & Raising De Minimis 5

Federal Agencies Changing FIRREA

VaCAP has just been made aware of a Sunshine Act Meeting that will take place on Tuesday August 20, 2019. We have been told that the FDIC meeting on Tuesday will vote with no discussion to raise the residential de minimis. This is scheduled to happen despite the volumes of opposition and in the wake of a similar act by the FFIEC to grant appraisal waivers in North Dakota. The Federal Financial Regulators are changing FIRREA through rules and bypassing Congress in doing so. FIRREA was put in place for a reason and is being reduced to rubble by agencies...

We Need Pat Turner, The Gladiator Appraiser - Call to Action 5

The Gladiator Appraiser, Pat Turner

Regulatory reform is needed in the appraisal profession and Pat Turner is the right appraiser to help move it forward! This is a CALL TO ACTION. Please listen to Phil Crawford’s Voice of Appraisal Show released yesterday morning. He has put out a call to action to every appraiser to write a letter of recommendation for VaCAP President Pat Turner to be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board: Time to stand up again! Pat Turner, “The Gladiator Appraiser”, from the Great Commonwealth of Virginia has applied for a position on the Appraisal Standards Board at The Appraisal Foundation! Now more...

Competitors on State Appraisal Boards - NSAO Supports HR 3619 6

Competitors on State Appraisal Boards

Phil Crawford has a new Voice of Appraisal show. This is one of the best shows Phil has ever done. He touches on issues with Bifurcation, Board competitors and even mentions VaCAP and our “Other Side of Things” article that received a lot of attention on Appraisers Blogs last week. Phil encourages support for VaCAP President Pat Turner to be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board. The show is 36 minutes, so please take the time to listen. You might even get a good laugh out of some of the humor displayed. Listen to the show below. Board Competitors? VaCap,...

Stupid Appraiser Scenarios - An Appraiser is Asked to Value 29

Stupid Appraiser Scenarios

A business appraiser is asked to value a company, but the appraiser may not inspect the audited financial statements of the company. Instead, the company provides the appraiser with a summary of the company’s financial condition that was prepared by their in-house bookkeeper. An appraiser of timber is asked to value a 100-acre tract of woodland, but the appraiser is instructed not enter the woodland to conduct any quantity surveys or maturity tests of the stand. Instead, the appraiser is given an undated aerial photograph of the property. An appraiser who is a member of the Gemological Institute of America...

Bifurcated Appraisal Fans Can Claim SOW Till They're Blue in the Face 50

Hybrids vs USPAP Scope of Work Rule

Supporters of the bifurcated appraisal can claim scope of work till they are blue in the face… Appraisal Buzz published an article written by Joshua Walit on July 31, 2019 titled Nothing New Under the Sun: The Varied Face of Appraisal. The article brings up some good points, however; it does not take into account the reality of the market and the control of the lenders and appraisal management companies in the process. The mere fact that the appraiser does not have control over the person completing the inspection and in most cases, no way to even know who is providing the...

Holding AMCs Responsible for Hybrid Inspections - AppraisersBlogs 11

AMCs Responsible for the Hybrid Inspection

It seems holding the appraisal management companies responsible for the hybrid inspection is the best option. The thinking was they choose, engage and pay the inspector. The Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board met for its quarterly meeting on July 30, 2019. We are happy to report CoesterVMS no longer has a license to operate in Virginia. The Board voted to accept the consent order accepting the voluntary surrender of his license. The Board also passed a motion to draft legislation to be introduced into the General Assembly giving the Board regulatory control over the hybrid inspection and those individuals that...

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