Category: Virginia Coalition of Appraiser Professionals

Biden's Claim of Racial Bias in Appraisals Faces Criticism from Appraisers 33

Biden Claims on Racial Bias in Appraisals

Over the past week or so, Presidential Candidate Joe Biden publicly called for more regulation and oversight over appraisers to combat racial bias. He specifically cited the Brookings Institute Study ”The Devaluation of Assets in Black Neighborhoods, The Case of Residential Property”. If you are unfamiliar with this study, in a nutshell, the findings accuse appraisers of undervaluing properties in black neighborhoods. The study is an easy read and can be found here. We will warn you, much of the data used in the study carries very little weight as Census Bureau (self-reported data) and information from Zillow were used....

Arizona Goes After CoesterVMS - GAO to Investigate Appraisal Loopholes 1

GAO to Investigate Appraisal Loopholes

…Arizona is seeking damages and penalties against CoesterVMS… GAO has agreed to complete the study… Maxine Waters and Congressman William Lacy Clay requested a formal study/investigation into Title XI (FIRREA) and the recent dilution of its intent by the Federal Agencies. VaCAP has learned GAO has agreed to complete the study. The Network of State Coalitions has sent the following to their state members: This is the result of so many voices – the Foundation, ASA, coalitions, NAR, etc. Our Network efforts have given us an inside connection that hopefully we can continue to build on. Our meeting in DC...

FIRREA Under Attack - Protecting Homeowners from Appraisal Loopholes 25

FIRREA Under Attack!

…the federal agencies charged with implementing Title XI of FIRREA have taken steps to limit the number of transactions for which an appraisal is required… Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Congressman William Lacy Clay request a formal study/investigation into Title XI (FIRREA) and the recent dilution of its intent by the Federal Agencies. The letter to  Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General, Government Accountability Office, addresses threshold increases, regulatory exemptions, appraisal waivers, the North Dakota appraiser certification waiver and evaluations in lieu of an appraisal. It is clear the Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee and Subcommittee Chairman on Housing, Community Development and Insurance...

State Appraisal Board Disciplinary Cases Against Hybrid Appraisers 13

Disciplinary Cases Against Hybrid Appraisers

Rumor has it there are several Virginia Real Estate State Appraisal Board disciplinary cases against appraisers revolving around hybrid appraisals… Some are for and some are opposed. It is a business decision on which types of assignments you choose to accept. If you choose to complete a hybrid or bifurcated appraisal, you need to pay attention and ask yourself a few questions. Is the fee I am receiving for completing this assignment reasonable for the scope of work I must perform? Notice the term customary was not used as these products are new and there is no customary fee YET....

AMC Celebrating One Million Appraisal Orders Sucker Punches Appraisers 40

AMC Sucker Punches Appraisers

Class Valuation sucker punches appraisers! Class Valuation has been celebrating completing 1,000,000 orders and sent a Tweet thanking their clients and staff. There is no mention of the boots on the ground licensed professional appraisers who actually completed those appraisals. Is this the true feelings of Class Valuation? Do they not realize not one order would have been completed without appraisers? Not one simple thank you… Meanwhile VaCAP has learned InHouse Solutions, the AMC division of Get Connexions, Inc. is ceasing all operations as of February 28th. Appraisers on their panel across the country have been getting this email: Jan...

The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes - Appraisers Blogs 11

The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes

The most beneficial part of participating in live CE classes is what you learn from other professional appraisers attending… The Best Decision You Will Make in 2020! What was the one thing your parents answered your “Why” questions with that made you angry every time? You have probably said it to your own kids as well. “Because I said so” would get you every time. You knew you were never going to win that argument, whatever it was about. VaCAP is not going to tell you “Because I Said So”. But we are going to explain to you why you...

Are Appraisers Really Professional? - Stand Your Ground as an Appraiser! 10

Are Appraisers Really Professional?

2019 is winding down with just one more day remaining. As we reflect on the past, the changes we have seen and the growth we have endured, our hearts are warmed with the accomplishments we have obtained. Appraisers are no longer sitting back and letting others dictate our future. Have we won every battle, no; but our voices are being heard and our regulators are taking notice. Legislators, consumer groups and even Realtors are speaking up in favor of the licensed professional appraiser. This begs the question, are appraisers really professional? According to Webster’s Third International Dictionary a profession is...

iMortgage, the Dollar Bidding Company, Sues LREAB for Antitrust Violation 7

LREAB Hit With an Antitrust Lawsuit

…everyone knows that iMortgage / Single Source is the “dollar bidding” company. They send out appraisal requests at $1.00 and ask everyone to provide their fee… The Louisiana Real Estate Appraiser Board has been hit with another legal battle. This time, iMortgage, operating under the name Single Source has filed suit against the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisal Board claiming a violation of antitrust laws. This suit mirrors that of the FTC, which is currently paused by the Fifth Circuit Court. In the suit, iMortgage claims rules created by the Louisiana Real Estate Board, which consists of market participants, set appraisal...

Veterans Administration on Hybrid Appraisals - Protecting Veterans 8

Veterans Administration on Hybrid Appraisals

See the announcement by the Veterans Administration basically telling lenders and appraisal management companies we are going to protect our Veterans with sound appraisal practice. …the person providing property information to the appraiser must have entered into an agreement with the appraiser to do so. …the person who provides to the VA fee panel appraiser information must sign the appraisal report in the “Appraiser” section of the left side of the appraisal report. Assisted Appraisal Processing Program (AAPP) This section authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Secretary to issue guidance explaining the conditions under which VA permits VA fee...

Appraisal Management Companies Soliciting for Fast & Cheap Appraisers 22

Appraisers Not Signing Up with These AMCs

Over the past few weeks VaCAP has been hearing from our members on some of the concerns they have with how appraisal management companies are conducting themselves. It started when appraisers on the USDA panel received notifications that USDA was no longer ordering appraisals directly and that task has been outsourced. Verdi Consulting and Jones Lang LaSalle have received the contracts from USDA for appraisal origination. Neither of these companies are licensed as an appraisal management company in Virginia and they are using two appraisal management companies as subcontractors; Valligent and Clarocity. Most appraisers we heard from were highly concerned...

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