Category: Appraisal Organizations

Independent contractors pros cons 2

Independent Contractors vs. Employees Pros and Cons

Business owners must determine whether to hire appraisers as employees of the company or as independent contractors. Because many appraisers are self-employed or run small businesses with few staff, recruiting and staffing employees can present a unique set of challenges. Business owners must determine whether to hire appraisers as employees of the company or as independent contractors. According to a recent article in Valuation magazine, businesses are increasingly taking the independent contractor option whenever possible due to the significant savings and flexibility for the employer. However, there are pros and cons to both angles. Benefits for appraisal firm owners and...

Appraisal fee study 6

Appraisal Fee Study – Louisiana

Louisiana Appraisal Fee Study The Business Research Center at Southeastern Louisiana University conducted an online survey of mortgage lenders with offices in Louisiana and licensed Louisiana real estate appraisers to collect information on typical residential real estate appraisal fees paid in Louisiana in 2012. Appraisal fee data were restricted to appraisal fees paid directly to licensed appraisers (i.e., not routed through appraisal management companies (AMCs)), per guidance of relevant federal regulations for determining “customary and reasonable” fees. Useable responses were received from 113 mortgage lenders located in 25 parishes (plus out-of-state) and 383 appraisers with primary offices in 38 parishes (plus...

Bank of America Appraisals Reviewed in India 6

Bank of America Appraisals Reviewed in India

Bank of America Reportedly Sending Property Reviews to India Bank of America reportedly opened a unit in India to review valuation reports in an effort to boost its share of the U.S. mortgage market at a lower cost, Bloomberg reported June 28. Workers in the new Bangalore office use checklists to decide if appraisals are complete, according to people who talked to Bloomberg on the condition of anonymity. Bank of America also eliminated positions at its Plano, Texas-based LandSafe appraisal division, which made $78.8 billion in loans in 2012. “One of the biggest problems in the mortgage business is all...

JPMorgan Chase Not Liable for AMC Appraiser Fees 1

JPMorgan Chase Not Liable for AMC Appraiser Fees

JPMorgan Chase absolved… In a June 27 ruling, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida permanently absolved JPMorgan Chase of all liabilities for fees due to appraisers as a result of the closure and bankruptcy of Evaluation Solutions, an appraisal management company that provided services to JPMorgan Chase. The court’s decision resulted from an action brought by the bankruptcy trustee, Summit Financial Resources, and by JPMorgan Chase that requested the court approve a settlement to be paid from the assets of the bankruptcy estate to Summit for a loan made to Evaluation Solutions. The loan had been...

Volunteer to help VaCAP 1

Letter From Pat Turner

Volunteer to Help As we move forward into a new year and the time for renewing our memberships, I wanted to share some points with you. Yesterday I had a long time respected friend and colleague take me aside to offer me some good advice and counsel. She had been at a gathering of appraisers and she was concerned with the few of us who have joined and/or renewed our VaCap memberships. She asked people why and the overwhelming answer was “Well, VaCap has not done anything for me lately”. This was a wake-up call. Reflecting on that, I can...

3 Ways Hiring a Trainee Can Help Your Business 3

Business Decision to Hire a Trainee

3 Ways Hiring a Trainee Can Help Your Business It would likely come as no surprise to most appraisers at this point that with the changing demographics and aging of the valuation profession, attracting the next generation remains crucial to the future. With the many opportunities for employment and continued growth, the benefits for those considering pursuing an appraisal career are clear. The advantages to an experienced real estate appraiser of hiring a trainee may be less apparent, but they are no less significant. While there is undoubtedly significant work and time commitment upfront, hiring a trainee can reap long-term...

Washington State Raises AMC Bond Requirement to $100,000 1

Washington State Raises AMC Bond Requirement to $100,000

As a direct result of the recent financial failure of appraisal management companies like Evaluation Solutions and ES Appraisal, the State of Washington recently enacted a new law raising the state’s AMC bond requirement from $25,000 to $100,000.  As of July 28, 2013, all AMCs registered in Washington will be required to carry a bond in the new amount. One of the purposes of the bond is to provide security for payments owed to appraisers by AMCs. If an AMC fails to pay an appraiser in accordance with Washington’s requirements, the appraiser then may have a claim against the AMC’s bond....

ES Appraisal Settlement with Chase 0

ES Appraisal Settlement with Chase

It has come to my attention that the attached settlement is being proposed to the BR Trustee in the ES Appraisal case and thought that it was important that the information be passed along to whomever might need it since many of our members have been affected. Please forward to whomever you believe might be owed fees in this case. I would recommend that anyone do their own research on this as I am only passing along information that was given to me third hand. It is the belief of others that this agreement will forgo millions of dollars in...

2014-15 USPAP Modifications 3

Appraisal Institute Discusses 2014-15 USPAP Updates

2014-15 USPAP updates In the organization’s latest YouTube video, the Appraisal Institute invited Paula Konikoff, JD, MAI, chair of the Appraisal Institute’s Professional Standards and Guidance Committee, to discuss 2014-15 USPAP updates, including the process the Appraisal Standards Board used to adopt the latest edition of USPAP, the new Report Options that will be part of the 2014-15 edition of USPAP, and other changes made that might impact appraisers. The Appraisal Standards Board adopted the 2014-15 edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, commonly known as USPAP, in February of 2013. Beginning in early 2012, the ASB released...


Response to "A Wakeup Call for the Valuation Industry: Is anybody listening?"

RE: Richard Gilmore, ARA article – "A Wakeup Call for the Valuation Industry: Is Anybody Listening?" I would like to offer some comments regarding Mr. Gilmore’s article in the April 9, 2013 issue of Ag News. I also read most of the NAHB report – "A Comprehensive Blueprint For Residential Appraisal Reform" dated February 2013. I disagree with most of Mr. Gilmore’s comments regarding the NAHB report. The NAHB report lacks a realistic understanding of what is taking place in the real estate appraisal profession today. Most of what is commented on in the NAHB report has been required and/or in place for more...

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