Author: Guest Author

One Small Step for an Appraiser; One Giant Step for the Profession of Real Estate Appraising 4

One Small Step for an Appraiser; One Giant Step for the Profession of Real Estate Appraising

On August 10, the Arizona Board of Appraisal dismissed the USPAP violation complaint filed by Chase Bank against John Dingeman on initial file review. Why is this newsworthy? Because it represents a major victory for appraisers everywhere. Dingeman, has been fighting strong arm tactics employed by Chase Bank in an attempt to force him to violate Client confidentiality by discussing details about an appraisal on a no-defunct loan that Chase acquired. Dingman took his fight right to the street starting a petition on and other outlets to share his story with fellow appraisers. We are happy to also report...

Self Evident Reports 0

Self Evident Reports

Over the span of the last several decades, many residential appraisers were brought into this profession to meet the demand for residential mortgage lending reports. The problem with this has become clear as many were trained with one mindset, residential lending appraisals. They became “self-proclaimed experts” at filing out forms and meeting client expectations. All in the name of doing a good job and making a living. I hold all residential appraisers responsible for this sad state of affairs. Had more of the professional appraisers taken on one or two trainees and mentored them into producing credible reports then perhaps...


Before, During, and After the Sale: Tips for Those Purchasing a Home in Today’s Economy

The average homebuyer in today’s market is justifiably on edge, bombarded with news stories about others who made poor financial and lending decisions and are now paying the price for their mistakes. While it’s true that there seems to be a higher incidence of underwater homeowners who didn’t plan their purchase correctly, that’s always been the case in the real estate market to some extent. Proper planning before the sale, and taking a few recommended steps after the sale has closed, will save future homeowners from the plight of their early-2000s predecessors. Whether it’s taking advantage of low interest rates,...

It May be Trite, but Truth Tends to Get Repeated 1

It May be Trite, but Truth Tends to Get Repeated…

The acting of appraising, is one that is complex but simple, commonplace and quite rare. We as appraisers should take a moment to remember that our profession was borne out of a time mistrust and calamity. Actually it has been said, that the appraisal profession is the second oldest profession in the world… that is to say, somebody had to put a price on it… but I digress. So often we can get sucked into the practice of trying to balance the guidelines, the time restrictions, the unreasonable client demands and (a little thing I like to call) life, that...

Sense is Like Courtesy it is no Longer Common! 0

Sense is Like Courtesy It is No Longer Common!

common sense needs to take the place of algorithms and automated valuation models… I dealt with an old question recently that I felt was pertinent and worthy of repeating. The question arose in Brooklyn, NY when an underwriter demanded that the appraiser include the basement area as part of the gross building area when comparing the subject to the comparable sales. After all they reasoned, Fannie Mae guidelines, i.e. Property and Appraisal Guidelines, XI 405.07 state, “Gross building area, which is the total finished area (including any interior common areas, such as stairways and hallways) of the improvements based on...

If You Want to Stop Crime, Make it Against the Law! 1

If You Want to Stop Crime, Make it Against the Law!

Can we stop crime by making it against the law? If you want to stop crime, make it against the law! It is this type of thinking that has made it increasing difficult for honest appraisers, while providing a buffer for the true criminal that seeks to manipulate the system. Is it really as simple as the best appraiser is the one who is always on time, always fills out the form according to UAD, and never strays from a Fannie Mae guideline? The report reads clean, passes review and never makes the slightest ripple when place in the loan...

For Clarity Sake 0

For Clarity Sake

Once again I find myself harping on the original intent of USPAP. The purpose of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) is to promote and maintain a high level of public trust in appraisal practice by establishing requirements for appraisers. It is essential that appraisers develop and communicate their analyses, opinions and conclusions to intended users of their services in a manner that is meaningful and not misleading. (quoted from the Preamble of USPAP). Why is it then that GSE’s can then dictate forms, like the MC Addendum (or affectionately known as the Market “Confusion” Addendum)? Of course...


Making Sense of Marketing Time and Exposure Time

Marketing Time Strangely enough, USPAP 2012-2013 does not include a definition of Marketing Time. Marketing Time is only addressed in the Advisory Opinions (AO 7) and the Advise from the ASB is that reasonable marketing time is an opinion of the amount of time that might take to sell a property interest at the concluded market value during the period immediately after the effective date of an appraisal. Exposure Time USPAP requires an opinion of exposure time, not marketing time, when the purpose of the appraisal is to estimate market value. USPAP 2012-2013 defines Exposure Time as the estimated length...

Signed or Unsigned that is the Question 0

Signed or Unsigned that is the Question

There is an interesting discussion taking place on some of the forums over the last 9 days with regard to USPAP 2012-2013. Whether or not the additional certifications require a signature. Before weighing in on an esoteric discussion, I would like to remind everyone that the first and foremost intent of USPAP is clarity. To provide an opinion in a manner that is clear, easy to understand, and professionally derived. Therefore, as long as you pay attention to the particulars of USPAP and provide your reports in a manner that is clear, easy to understand, and professionally derived you should...

On Appraisals, Should You Follow the Money? 6

On Appraisals, Should You Follow The Money? Asks Kenneth Harney

Follow the Money Some appraisers are being paid less than half the fee, while the balance flows to an appraisal management company. Washington – The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on a real estate issue that gets to the core of the agency’s purpose: Bringing clarity and better disclosures about the often opaque and costly fees that homebuyers, sellers and refinancers are hit with at closings. One of the disclosures now under review might surprise you: appraisal charges. Why do they need clarifying? Doesn’t just about everybody who applies for a mortgage, whether it’s to buy a house...

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