Author: Guest Author

Human Brain, AMC app & Appraisers - Bend Over & Ask for More 49

Bend Over and Ask for More…

GUILTY of not using human brain power of thinking and communicating… More Please… How many of you can honestly state with all sincerity the appraiser is better off today with the use of Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs)? How many of you can say with all sincerity the consumer is being protected with the use of an AMC? How many of you can, with all sincerity state your business model is how you want it? How many of you are happy with the current environment of the industry? If you answered yes, congratulations, you have found your peace. You should stop reading...

Employees at Quicken Loans... They Delivered Your Pizza! 19

I Must Apologize; I Got it Wrong…

Your employees did not come from Taco Bell, they delivered your pizza! In a recent New York Times article by Julie Creswell on 01/21/2017, former executives of Quicken Loans confirm “many employees come in with little or no background in financial services. One employee joined after delivering pizzas to the Quicken Loans Offices”. No need to say anymore, that statement speaks volumes. The article titled “Quicken Loans, the New Mortgage Machine” is a tell all article, right down to the founder and Chairman Dan Gilbert’s physical altercation on a former colleague at a religious function, to his public tirade against LeBron James,...

Legislation to Regulate AMC's & Protect Consumers Opposed by REVAA 38

AMCs Are Not Part of The Appraisal Profession

Foreign entities do not get a voice in what legislation is introduced… Let’s think about this with an open mind… More states are introducing bills concerning AMC legislation, more specifically how AMCs will conduct business. Even states with existing AMC legislation are introducing stricter, more precise legislation. Why is this happening in all 55 jurisdictions? States do not want to interfere in how a company or industry conducts business, but when practices are so abusive that it harms small businesses and consumers, they have little choice. States have the obligation to protect their citizens and businesses that contribute to the...

Communication Gone Wrong: AMC Communications Have Failed Consistently 41

Understanding the Appraisal Profession

AMCs communication have failed consistently…. As a Certified Residential Appraiser that started my career as a loan officer in the early 1990’s, I am baffled how many who claim to be mortgage or valuation professionals that are just clueless. Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about any one person, group or business type, but a true lack of understanding of the underlying principle of Real Estate… that is each property is unique. Even in cookie cutter subdivisions where every third home is the same model, there are differences both in the land and the improvements. If you don’t...

Appraiser Safety - Stalked by Homeowner 29

Appraiser Safety, Stalked by Homeowner

Personal safety of appraisers I have several issues that focus on PERSONAL SAFETY of appraisers especially female appraisers that I need to address. I had a recent event where a homeowner was not happy with the appraised value of his home. Four weeks after I had turned in the appraisal, the lender, Freedom Mortgage, proceeded to send five sales that were 16 to 29 months old, for my review. I responded via StreetLinks AMC communication log stating these were not within FNMA guidelines. A few weeks later StreetLinks sent me the following: Good afternoon, the lender has ordered a second...

Licensed Residential Appraiser Response to Appraiser Shortage 11

Licensed Residential Appraiser Response to Appraiser Shortage

Licensed Residential Appraiser out of work! I find it hard to believe that there is a shortage of appraisers when I, a Licensed Residential Appraiser, have only completed three (3) appraisal assignments for 2016. I am constantly denied approval by Banks and AMCs. I’ve been denied because I am Licensed. I’ve been denied because I am not Certified. I am not being denied work because I am incompetent or because I have not been USPAP compliant. Certainly not because I have been disciplined. FHA removed Licensed Residential Appraisers. Then Banks and AMCs were eager to follow. I do not see...

An Appraisal Profession Tsunami is Coming 16

An Appraisal Profession Tsunami is Coming

TSUNAMI! Before the Internet and YouTube, most of us read about or saw a few pictures of Tsunami’s in books. Reading about a tsunami though, will never be the same as actually being in a tsunami, or seeing a video of a tsunami. A YouTube video of the Japanese tsunami of 2011 truly captures what a tsunami is, and how destructive it can be. If you have never seen that video, take a look at it below. People die in tsunamis. Tsunami death pictures can be found all over the internet. But who were those people and why did they...

College Degree Requirement is Flawed - AppraisersBlogs 51

College Degree Requirement is Flawed

Why the 4-year college degree requirement is flawed and how to make the requirement work? Many, many years ago, my local college offered appraisal classes. You could take a couple classes, go take the state test and start knocking on doors. New people didn’t need a mentor. And new people learned by trial and error. It probably wasn’t the best way to do things. But it did allow for new people to freely get into the profession without a bunch of hurdles to overcome. Times have changed. Today, new people have to have a 4-year college degree in anything first,...

Competition & Joe Above-Average 16

Competition & Joe Above-Average

The appraisal profession is in competition with other professions Ask any appraiser nowadays, and they can give you numerous details and opinions about why things are a mess and why appraisers are leaving this profession in droves. In a previous story, it was reported that Illinois alone lost somewhere near 900 appraisers last renewal. Every appraiser already knows about the fee problem, insane liability, higher costs, ridiculous revision requests, and the list goes on. All those reasons are the finer details. I would like to add a different perspective and paint a bigger picture as to why I think appraisers...

Go away appraisers 15

Go Away, Appraisers…

“Do they just want us to go away?” Appraisers Feeling Like Travis… Does anyone remember the Pepsi commercial awhile back that featured Jeff Gordon getting revenge on a guy named Travis from Jalopnik? Watch the commercial below to refresh your memory if you don’t. “Stop sir! This never works! Stop”! Travis yells from the back seat! As Travis’ car was being chased, Travis knew that what was going on wasn’t logical and didn’t make any sense, and it made even less sense to him that his driver didn’t stop the car right away. What Travis didn’t know was, his driver...

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