Ryan Lundquist Medical Fundraiser

Ryan Lundquist Medical FundraiserFolks, well known respected appraiser, blogger, writer, speaker, mentor – Ryan Lundquist of Sacramento, CA – is presently in the hospital with ulcerative colitis.

A GoFundMe account has been set up by two other appraisers to help with medical expenses, with payments going directly to his wife Jennifer.

At the time of my message, the donation status is just under 50% of the goal. Let’s push it higher!!

If you can help out, the link is

Additional details:

Our friend Ryan Lundquist has suffered from colitis for several years and has had a flare-up in the past month. He has stopped working and is in the hospital with severe effects awaiting the results of tests. Like many self-employed, Ryan has a high deductible insurance plan. This campaign will help Ryan with his medical expenses and lost revenues from missed work and will give him time to recover.

Ryan is the author of the Sacramento Appraisal Blog and has been an active contributor to the Sacramento real estate and national residential appraisal communities, giving tirelessly to others in our industry.

Here’s an update from Ryan:

Everyone, I am so blown away at the way you have surrounded me and my family. It is honestly very humbling to be the recipient of a campaign like this. In the past I have done this for several appraiser colleagues actually. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be the guy on the receiving end. I hate to be this guy, but I’m profoundly grateful for the way you are supporting.

I am starting day four of hospitalization now. It has been a roller coaster were some days are good and others aren’t. Last night was especially rough. They are treating me with different antibiotics and they might try to start treating my colitis again today with prednisone. I think I have some sort of infection that they are trying to knock out with antibiotics first. But they are also throwing around some other ideas too.

Anyway, I am in the thick of it. From a distance I am really touched by your generosity. It means the world to me. Thank you for the love.

Here’s an update from Jenny:

Thank you everyone so much for all your love and support. As his wife, I want you to know that he’s just as wonderful of a person offline as he is online/professionally. He is an excellent father and husband, and my sons and I miss him greatly. We are so grateful for everyone’s support. In the midst of so many hard things that we are all going through these days, it’s heartening and humbling to see so many people step forward to love him. We are truly grateful to you all.

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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on e-AppraisersDirectory.com

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1 Response

  1. Avatar Dan says:

    Hang in there Ryan it will get better!


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Ryan Lundquist Medical Fundraiser

by Dave Towne time to read: 2 min