Carlson Family Fire Relief Fundraiser

Carlson Family Fire Relief FundraiserFolks, California Certified General appraiser John Carlson (Napa area) just experienced a total devastating loss of his home, three others, outbuildings, etc., on the family ranch, Thursday 8/20/20, due to the major wildfire in the Napa valley wine country. Fortunately, John’s office is off-site and was not torched.

A family friend has set up a GoFundMe account for John and family.

If you see it in your heart, please donate! On that page, there is a photo of one of the horses that survived, surrounded by the burned area.

As of about 8 pm on Friday 8/21/20, about 40% of the goal had been raised.

I first learned about this when he posted this message to the REAA forum Thursday afternoon:

We lost everything in the fire including 4 houses, barns, and equipment. This is devastation to me as I do not think that the Cal Fire had enough equipment and just let things go.

John Carlson, ASA
3527 Mt Diablo Blvd #106
Lafayette, CA 94549
925-944-5914 office
925-330-0700 cell

About an hour later, John posted this to the forum:

For some reason they were not very active as part of our ranch is in a meadow surrounded by 300 ft open space. I know that fires can get huge quickly but I am not the only one in Napa that thinks they were low staffed for all of these fires. I have been through about 5 fires over the past 4 years and they had bombers dropping red dye and helicopters soon after the fires got going. Planes cannot fly during high winds and lots of smoke. I have been very happy with Cal Fire as I know a few of them. I think that many are in LA. We had a few hours warning as I left for Lafayette around 8 am and my wife left around 2pm when they closed the roads.
My parents bought the ranch in 1956 and we have never had any fires on our property except this year. 4 houses burnt to the ground along with lots of outbuildings and equipment. I am not sure I can live in Napa again. Thanks for all of the words of encouragement. We are lucky to have a place to stay as my daughter and son in law with 3 kids lived on the ranch in another house. Over 100 homes have been destroyed so far.

If you can help, the link to John Carlson GoFundMe is

Thanks for helping John and family.

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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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Carlson Family Fire Relief Fundraiser

by Dave Towne time to read: 2 min