TOTAL 2011 vs. WinTOTAL Aurora
How is TOTAL 2011 different from WinTOTAL Aurora? In this webinar you will find the differences between these two versions. Each serve different purposes. TOTAL 2011 was designed with ease of use in mind while WinTOTAL was designed with a lot more features. When deciding which software to go with, make your choice based on the features you need. For example only WinTOTAL Aurora has comparables and photos databases, auto-adjuster, billings/accounts receivable and custom financial reports among other features. Rentals and listings in side-by-side view, undo, redo, find and replace feature, as well as text overflow options are among some of the features offered in TOTAL 2011. If you are an Athena user, you will need to upgrade to one of these versions in oder to be UAD compliant. The below webinar goes through the differences between these two versions.

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