“Should CU be Transparent” Survey Results

FNMA’s CU is causing a big industry ruckus. ICAP member Keith Wolf, SRA, AI-RRS, created a survey in January because opinions being posted across multiple message boards and blogs are fragmented. The results of this survey are out and show that a vast majority of appraisers believe Fannie Mae CU should be transparent. Nearly 70 percent of appraisers said that they will increase fees to cover the extra work CU may cause and 80 percent believe that CU risk scores will cause lenders and AMC clients to request appraisers to fit comps to the CU model. Also 73 percent believe that CU transparency violate Appraiser Independence by influencing choice of sales to get a better CU score.

Below you will find the results of the survey.

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“Should CU be Transparent” Survey Results

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min