Should CU be Transparent?

FNMA’s CU is causing a BIG industry ruckus. Opinions are fragmented, being posted across multiple message boards and blogs. Please complete the attached survey created by ICAP member Keith Wolf, SRA, AI-RRS so we can tabulate the responses and distribute to all. We are reaching out across the country, so please feel free to forward the survey. The survey will remain open until January 31, 2015.

The Appraisal Industry as a consolidated group thanks everyone for their participation in completing the survey.

This survey has expired

By TJ McCarthy, SRA, IFA of TJ McCarthy & Associates

opinion piece disclaimer
ICAP Board
ICAP Board

ICAP Board

ICAP works to promote the appraisal profession and its image to the general public and to users of appraisal services. ICAP initiates discussion and analysis of issues affecting professional appraisers and monitors political action with the intent to influence legislation, regulation and public opinion toward the appraisal profession.

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1 Response

  1. Baggins Baggins says:

    Nice easy survey on FNMA CU. Thanks.


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Should CU be Transparent?

by ICAP Board time to read: <1 min