Over 275 Websites for Property Assessment and Valuation

Over 275 Websites for Property Assessment and Valuation

Selected Internet Resources for Property Assessment Administration and Tax Professionals

Property tax consultant Richard Sanderson has had more than 30 years experience in property tax administration and has valued some of the most complex properties for tax purposes over the years.  He has just compiled and released a 24 page resource guide for property assessors, appraisers, tax professionals, and others interested in property valuation and tax policy.

Entitled “Selected Internet Resources for Property Assessment Administration and Tax Professionals” the guide includes more than 275 websites that are very useful to:

  • Academics in the field of local government administration and tax policy
  • Appraisers
  • Assessors
  • Bankers, lenders, and mortgage loan specialists
  • Commercial real estate developers and investors
  • Property tax administrators
  • Tax agents and corporate tax representatives
  • Tax specialists

The full-text resource guide is free when you sign up to receive Property Assessment e-Alerts, a monthly e-mail to subscribers that notifies real estate appraisers, assessors, and others interested in property valuation of items of interest.  A sample of the resource guide can be viewed by clicking here. Or click here to sign up and receive your free list of over 275 websites within the next 24 hours.  Of course you can unsubscribe at any time and the resource guide is yours to keep.

If you like the list let your friends and colleagues know about it.

Guest blogger: Richard L. Sanderson is a senior property tax consultant with Local Government Services International.  He is the former city assessor for the cities of Alexandria, Manassas Park (both in Virginia) & Midland (Michigan). He can be reached at r.sanderson@assessmentadmin.com or at www.assessmentadmin.com.

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Over 275 Websites for Property Assessment and Valuation

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min