How to Create a UAD Format Report & UAD Sample URAR

UAD format report tutorial webinar video

Where is the new UAD format report?

Lately, we have been receiving a lot of emails from appraisers confused about WinTOTAL and TOTAL 2011’s Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). Many think that they need to download a specific file, even though their software is up to date. “Where is the new UAD?”, we’ve been asked! So we prepared a short video tutorial explaining how to create URAR report in UAD format in WinTOTAL. You just need to make sure your software is up to date. Watch the video below:


T.J. McCarthy has made his “Sample URAR in UAD Format” available and with his permission we are posting it here. UAD fields have been highlighted in yellow and instructions have been placed in the comment sections throughout the report explaining the rational behind some of the UAD required fields.

“Special thanks to my friends Rich Heyn and Dawn Molitor-Gennrich for allowing me to borrow their expanded scope of work statement

Good luck everyone, Tj
TJ McCarthy & Associates

For appraisals with an effective date (date of inspection) on or after September 1, 2011, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA and VA appraisal reports must be completed in compliance with the UAD.


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6 Responses

  1. Avatar Angry Appraiser says:

    Thank you for this video. Been scratching my head and wondering what I was missing. I was going to call alamode tomorrow. Feel a little stupid now. I don’t know if I am going to do any UAD appraisals though. I may take a few months off… I hear ACI is having issues and the software will not be ready by Sept. 1.

    Thank you TJ for sharing your UAD sample! I’m sure a lot of appraisers will be using it.

  2. Avatar BillM says:

    Good job AppraisersBlogs! Right after this post came out alamode posted a notification in Appraisal Desktop on how to find the UAD forms 🙂 I think someone from alamode is following this blog. I love TJ’s cheat sheet.

  3. Avatar Melanie says:

    Love the Expanded Scope of Work Statement. Can anyone “borrow” this statement to add to the UAD?

  4. Avatar Janet says:

    Took some time off from Sept 1st until now so this is my 1st UAD report.

    THANK YOU FOR THE SAMPLE REPORT. It makes it so much easier to see it in an actual form.


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How to Create a UAD Format Report & UAD Sample URAR

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min