Free Trial Membership to ICAP

ICAP, the Illinois Coalition of Appraisal Professionals, works hard for you to monitor and make positive changes to Illinois State appraisal law. In an effort to enhance its membership and visibility ICAP has developed a special promotion offering a FREE no-risk trial membership. The FREE trial will allow non-members to receive all the same benefits as paid members through the first quarter of 2013, including:

1. A strong voice in Springfield with membership of over 1,800 appraisers
2. Legislative Alerts and Updates
3. Access to ICAP’s Career Center
4. ICAP Discounts on events and educational Offerings
5. Participation in ICAP’s Find an Appraiser Directory
6. Access to ICAP’s On Line appraiser tools including over 200 zoning maps and 100 Assessor sites
7. Networking and leadership development opportunities

To start your FREE no-risk trial membership, visit: and select, “Not a member?” enter your license number and click submit, enter promo code MEMBER12 and add or update your information.

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ICAP Board
ICAP Board

ICAP Board

ICAP works to promote the appraisal profession and its image to the general public and to users of appraisal services. ICAP initiates discussion and analysis of issues affecting professional appraisers and monitors political action with the intent to influence legislation, regulation and public opinion toward the appraisal profession.

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Free Trial Membership to ICAP

by ICAP Board time to read: 1 min