FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs

FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs Revised 02/28/12

FHA has updated the Valuation Protocol FAQs posted on the FHA Appraiser Roster web page. The most recent FAQ can be found on page 27 of the document and provides clarification for what constitutes an acceptable conventional heating system. You can periodically review the FHA Appraiser Roster web page for alerts on recently published Mortgagee Letters of interest and other pertinent announcements.

The publication contains the following topics:

  1. New Construction
  2. Wood Destroying Insects/Termites
  3. Utilities – Well and Septic
  4. Inspections & Certifications
  5. Cost Approach
  6. Accessory Dwelling Units
  7. Manufactured Housing
  8. Two Unit Properties
  9. HECM Appraisals
  10. Lender Concerns
  11. Reconsideration of Value
  12. 203k loan/Eligible Repairs
  13. Appraisal Portability
  14. FHA Appraisals
  15. Title Concerns
  16. Conventional Heating System
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FHA Updated Valuation Protocol FAQs

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: <1 min