Arizona Board of Appraisal Eliminated

Arizona Board of Appraiser Eliminated

Arizona will join a handful of states that don’t have an appraiser board or commission.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey on March 12 signed into law SB 1480, legislation that eliminates the Arizona Board of Appraisal effective July 1. The ABOA’s administrative functions will be reassigned to the Department of Financial Institutions. This provision was included in the state’s FY 2016 budget that passed the legislature March 7.

Arizona will join a handful of states that don’t have an appraiser board or commission. According to the Executive Summary accompanying the Governor’s budget proposal, the action was necessary because the shrinking population of licensed appraisers was depleting ABOA revenues and that was “threatening the ability of the Board to fulfill its statutory obligations.”

During the debate on the legislation, concern was expressed about assigning oversight of appraisers to the same agency in charge of overseeing and regulating state chartered financial institutions and mortgage loan originators. According to the Appraisal Subcommittee’s Policy Statements, “States should maintain an organizational structure for appraiser certification, licensing and supervision that avoids conflicts of interest.” However, the Policy Statements also say that a “State has flexibility to structure its Program so long as it meets its Title XI related responsibilities.” The ASC did not take a position on the Arizona legislation.

In a March 12 email to its members, the Phoenix Chapter of the Appraisal Institute stated that the “PCAI Board is reaching out to the Superintendent of Financial Institutions to be a source of information, offer assistance on behalf of our members and to aid in addressing concerns of our members.” Additionally, the PCAI stated that it will “work to ensure that the organizational structure complies with Appraisal Subcommittee and that Arizona maintains its current ‘excellent’ rating as determined by the ASC.”

~ Source Appraisal Institute (AI)

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2 Responses

  1. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Sounds like an old RKO piciture: “The Incredible Shrinking Pseudo Profession”.

  2. Baggins Baggins says:

    Regulatory take over is here. Everything is going as planned.


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Arizona Board of Appraisal Eliminated

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min