Supervisory Appraiser & Trainee Appraiser
AQB Issues Proposed Supervisory Appraiser and Trainee Appraiser Course Objectives and Content Outline
The goal of the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria (Criteria) is to promote and maintain a high level of public trust in appraisal practice by establishing minimum education, experience, and examination requirements for real property appraisers.
On December 9, 2011, The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) adopted changes to the Criteria that will become effective January 1,2015. These changes represent minimum national requirements that each state must implement no later than January 1, 2015.
One of the changes adopted by the AQB requires that both Supervisory Appraisers and Trainee Appraisers complete a course that, at a minimum, complies with the specifications for course content established by the AQB. The course must be completed by the Trainee Appraiser prior to obtaining a Trainee Appraiser credential, and completed by a Supervisory Appraiser prior to supervising a Trainee Appraiser.
The attached Supervisory Appraiser and Trainee Appraiser Course Objectives and Content Outline details the minimum specifications of course objectives and content established by the AQB to be used by education developers and providers. The course shall address the requirements, responsibilities and expectations of Supervisory Appraisers and Trainee Appraisers in their respective roles.
The AQB is currently seeking comments regarding the attached course objectives and content.
NOTE: As stated previously, the 2015 Criteria have already been adopted. Therefore, please limit all comments exclusively to the proposed course content and objectives. The Criteria requirements for Trainee Appraisers and Supervisory Appraisers have already been adopted by the AQB; all comment related to the Criteria received in response to this document will be dismissed.
All interested parties are encouraged to comment in writing to the AQB before the deadline of September 10, 2012. Respondents should be assured that each member of the AQB will thoroughly read and consider all comments. Comments are also invited at the AQB public meeting on September 14, 2012, in Dallas, Texas.
Written comments on the Supervisory Appraiser and Trainee Appraiser Course Objectives and Content Outline can be submitted by mail, email or facsimile.
Appraiser Qualification Board
The Appraisal Foundation
1155 15th Street, NW, Suite 1111
Washington, DC 20005
Email: Â Â Â
Facsmile: (202) 347-7727
IMPORTANT NOTE: All written comments will be posted for public viewing, exactly as submitted, on the website of The Appraisal Foundation. Names may be redacted upon request. The Appraisal Foundation reserves the right not to post written comments that contain offensive or inappropriate statements. |
If you have any questions regarding the attached Supervisory Appraiser and Trainee Appraiser Course Objectives and Content Outline, please contact Magdalene Vasquez, Qualifications Administrator at the Appraisal Foundation, via em-mail at or by calling (202) 624-3074.

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Course FAQ here:
Q. If I am pursuing a License Residential, Certified Residential, or Certified General credential, do I need to take the Supervisory Appraiser/Trainee Appraiser course?
A. No. This requirement is only for Trainee Appraisers and those who supervise them.
So who actually is required to take this course? Isn’t this basically an exclusion? Isn’t all experience and education done in the pursuit of a license or credential?