Appraisal Advisor, a Real Estate Appraisal Technology Company, Launches Nationwide

Real estate appraisers find, rate, and manage clients using Appraisal Advisor’s new platform.

Atlanta, GA – Tuesday, April 16 – Appraisal Advisor, LLC announced today the launch of an exciting new service focusing on helping real estate appraisers better evaluate and manage the clients, appraisal management companies (AMCs), and lenders that they do business with. Appraisal Advisor provides appraisers with instant access to client ratings and reviews, written by other appraisers, and gives appraisers an avenue to have complaints and non-payment issues be heard.

Already boasting an unprecedented database of hundreds of thousands of individually-verified clients and thousands of reviews on over 250 different AMCs, lenders, and other clients from a handful of appraisers, Appraisal Advisor works because it organizes what thousands of appraisers are saying into statistical evidence about a client.

“The beauty of Appraisal Advisor is that the appraiser can know, whether over time or currently, exactly how an AMC or lender is performing,” said Matt Biggers, co-founder and CEO of Appraisal Advisor. “Are they paying in a timely manner? Are they paying enough? We provide the exact-number answers to those questions instantly. And, we couple those statistics with the real-world, written experiences of other appraisers. It’s not a guessing game anymore.”

Clients, like AMCs and lenders, can also use Appraisal Advisor to understand what an appraiser looks for in an order when accepting jobs. Much like Yelp® and TripAdvisor® help restaurants and hotels view and react to reviews, a client will be able to instantly see what appraisers think about their business practices.

“Before, a company would have to try to manage their reputation through too many disjointed avenues such as forums, user groups, and social media. Now, they can quickly and easily see what appraisers are saying about them in one place,” said Biggers. “And, the information that they are seeing is statistically relevant and meaningful, instead of hearsay.”

AppraisalAdvisor News ReleaseAppraisal Advisor also gives appraisers the tools to recuperate funds and to see whether or not a company is starting to have issues with their day-to-day operations or invoice payment. In the event that a client is not paying an appraiser or is breaking the law, the appraiser can use the Uniform Complaint Form tool to send a formal e-mail to the client detailing the appraiser’s complaint. If not promptly resolved, the complaint gets sent to up to 17 applicable state and federal regulators.

Co-founder and CMO Kim Drago stated, “The Uniform Complaint Form has seen great success so far. With just two users during our Beta period, Appraisal Advisor has recovered more than $5,000 of unpaid invoices for appraisers. One appraiser filed her complaint through our servers and was contacted by the client within 10 minutes. Within 48 hours, the client had paid in full.”

Appraisal Advisor is being offered for free for a minimum of six months, and requires no billing information to get started. Visit the site today at

~ By Kim Drago, Co-founder of Appraisal Advisor

About Appraisal Advisor

Appraisal Advisor, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, is a web-based company specializing in tools for real estate appraisers to manage and grow their appraisal businesses. Starting from the ground up in 2011, Appraisal Advisor is celebrating its nationwide launch this year.

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1 Response

  1. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Is Little Biggers doing Bigger Bigger’s dirty work? In other words, has Alamode found yet another way to shake a few dollars out of your pocket?

    Sorry Little Biggers, appraisers have everything these days but time and money. Offer the service free and we’ll talk.


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Appraisal Advisor, a Real Estate Appraisal Technology Company, Launches Nationwide

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 2 min